Instructions for Issuance Of Duplicate Degree Certificate

Instructions for Issuance Of Duplicate Degree Certificate

Degree certificate is issued only once to a student. No copy of the degree certificate is kept and no photocopy is issued. The Institute may prepare another copy of the degree certificate and issue to the student as duplicate copy under the following conditions:

  • A student losing the degree certificate
  • Accidental mutilation 
  • Lost in transit

For the purpose of duplicate degree certificate, an application in the given format is to be submitted along with an affidavit in the prescribed format to the following address:-

The Registrar

Birla  Institute of Technology and Science


After verifying the records and after seeing the valid and legal proof of the claim of the student or the returning of the mutilated degree certificate, the duplicate copy may be issued.

For any query, please contact on phone: +91-1596-255354, +91-1596-242192.

Click here to download complete Instructions