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Department of Biotechnology


2017 - 2018

Interactive session with Dr Ayisha Siddiqua

On 23rd November 2017, students were provided a platform to interact with Dr. Ayisha Siddiqua , Rtd Assistant Professor from Al Ain university of Science and Technology on Structural Polymorphism in Tau filaments: An implication for neurodegenerative diseases


Advice on higher education by Dr. Himanshu Dev

To enlighten the senior graduate students on future studies, a talk by Dr Himanshu Dev, Assistant Manager at Emirates Score plus on 'Advice on higher education to third year and fourth year students' was conducted on 19th november 2017

Guest Lecture by Prof Lakshmi Kotra of University of Toronto

A talk on 'Drug discovery and commercialization' by Prof Lakshmi Kotra was held for students on 5th November 2017


Agar Art

To give the students a little break from their busy academic routine, the Chimera organized an Agar art contest on the 2nd of November'17. Petri plates were used as a canvas, while coloured agar represented paints. Upto 30 students participated in a contest that span for three hours. The students leashed their creativity and painted things ranging from sunset to phoenix birds. Overall, it was an exciting and fun-filled event!

Interactive session with Dr. Ganesh

An interactive session for the students with Dr. Ganesh, Professor from IIT Kanpur on ' Lafora disease: From genetics to treatment' was organised on 1st October 2017


Invited talk by Zubair Ahmed

Students had a friendly session with Zubair Ahmed, a graduate researcher from University of Nottingham on Stem Cell Research on 17th of September 2017

Talk By Mr Sarthak Sawarkar

Mr. Sarthak Sawarkar, a student pursuing MS in Biomedical Sciences from Penn State, USA gave a talk on ' CRISPIR Technology' on 10th September 2017

Guest Lecture by Dr. Bhoomendra Bhongade

Dr. Bhoomendra Bhongade , Associate Professor from RAK College of Pharmaceutical Sciences delivered a lecture on ' Drug design and discovery: 3D QSAR CoMFA approach to students on 26 April 2017.

Visit To International Center Of Biosaline Agriculture(ICBA)
Students accompanied by the Faculty had a visit to ICBA on 3rd May 2017
Guest lecture by Dr Ashraf Ahmed on Nano-Biotechnology

A talk on Nanobiotechnology by Dr. Ashraf Ahmed was organized on 15 Mar 2017. Students were enthralled by the knowledge shared on nano-biotechnology applications in fields spanning agriculture, industry and commerce. The first-hand experience helped the students relate theories learnt in class with real life applications. The lecture was followed by a fruitful question-answer session wherein students enthusiastically participated and raised their questions on numerous areas.

Interactive Session with Mr. Siddharth Salunke, Corporate Director, BioEra, India

On 9th March 2017, Mr Siddharth Salunke interacted with the students from the Department of Biotechnology and extended numerous internship and research program opportunities that interested the students. Mr Siddharth presented on latest developments in biotechnology with a specific focus on BioEra, highlighting upon its biotech-related products, ethics, values and history. He further briefed the students on types of internships and research programs being offered to students. He went on to elaborate on the details of various programs offered, under the on-field faculty in-charge and facilities available. He also communicated the various topic areas students can involve with and work on. The discussion concluded with a question-answer wherein Mr Siddharth responded to student queries and concerns.