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Patent Number:- IN492882

A system for measuring viscosity and method thereof

  • Sector: Mechanical Engineering,
  • IPC: C02F, A61N, G01N, H03F,


Existing viscometers are bulky, expensive, and lab-based, limiting their usage; there's a need for a more versatile and efficient solution.


The present invention offers a system and method for measuring fluid viscosity, particularly a microfluidic-based approach.


The system utilizes microchannels and electrodes to measure viscosity, offering a portable, cost-effective, and efficient solution for viscosity measurement.

Market Analysis

Market: Laboratory Equipment and Industrial Process Monitoring

CAGR: Approximately 4-5%

Potential Indian Clients: Pharmaceutical companies, food and beverage manufacturers, oil and lubricant companies, research laboratories

Why Invest?



Secondary electrodes

Power supply

At a Glance

Current TRL: NA

Funded by: NA

IPC: A61N, C02F, G01N, H03F

Domain: Fluid Dynamics and Microfluidic Technology

For more information, reach out to Mr. Rajneesh Kumar, Head of the Technology Transfer Office, at and 01596-255515.