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Patent Number:- IN480801

Corrugated Tube Heat Exchanger

  • Sector: Chemical Engineering,
  • IPC: C02F, B01D, F02M, F22B, F22D,


There's a need for an apparatus to produce distilled water overcoming drawbacks like limited freshwater resources and unsuitability of saltwater for various applications.


The invention presents a falling-film heat exchanger with corrugated tubes to enhance heat transfer and desalination process efficiency.


Developing a corrugated falling-film heat exchanger with features like multiple inlet and outlet ports, steam inlet, vapour collecting line, and water level indicator for efficient water distillation.

Market Analysis

Market: Desalination plants and industrial water treatment facilities

CAGR: around 7-9% based on recent trends.

Potential Indian Clients: Coastal municipalities, industrial facilities near coastal areas, water treatment plants, and desalination projects catering to the water needs of coastal communities.

Why Invest?

Heat exchanger

Corrugated tubing

Reverse osmosis (RO)

Energy efficiency

At a Glance

Current TRL: NA

Funded by: NA

IPC: B01D, C02F, F02M, F22B, F22D

Domain: Heat exchanger technology for water distillation

For more information, reach out to Mr. Rajneesh Kumar, Head of the Technology Transfer Office, at and 01596-255515.