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1969 Batch FUND

1969 Batch FUND


Dearest fellow Pilani pioneers of 1969,

Half a century ago, we marched through BITS Pilani gates, brimming with youthful naiveté and dreams stretching beyond the Pilani horizon. Armed with our BITSian spirit and barely a clue what life held, we ventured out to carve our paths in the world.

We've all etched our stories, be it personally or professionally, and BITS remains woven into the tapestry of who we've become. Now, as we gear up for our grand reunion In March 2024  – a golden celebration of 50 years since donning the graduation gown – We propose an opportunity to honour our alma mater in a most meaningful way.

Let's join hands and give back to the institute that nurtured our potential. Our collective contribution can empower BITS to rise amongst the nation's premier institutions, be it through cutting-edge research or state-of-the-art infrastructure.

Did you know, for instance, that every IIT campus boasts a research budget ten times greater than ours?

Imagine! We aim to raise a sum of 50 lakh INR, a fund whose annual yield will significantly impact our beloved BITS. It will fuel groundbreaking research, attract the brightest minds, and equip them to compete on the global stage.

Every contribution, big or small, will hold immense value. We seek your wholehearted participation, dear batchmates. Contributing online is a breeze, but alternative methods are also at your disposal. Remember, urging your companies to match your donations unlocks the power of tax deductions – details are provided below.

Let this reunion be a testament to the enduring legacy of the 1969 batch, not just in nostalgic revelry, but in shaping BITS' future brilliance. Come, let's write the next chapter together, a chapter etched in philanthropy and pride.

Warmest regards,

Your 1969 Batchmate


Donations from India, Canada, and other countries

Add “Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani” as Beneficiary While transferring, mention the “69 Batch” as “Payment Remarks” or “Description”. In case bank ask for the beneficiary email ID, mention the email ID as

Please send an email with the transaction details to for further processing.

For USD donations

Add “69 Batch” as “Payment Remarks”.

*Please send an email to,,,, with the transaction date and amount remitted.

Once we receive your payment acknowledgment, we would confirm your transaction status in a maximum of 3 business days. In case of any clarification related to donation please contact on the email id and phone number given below: -

Saurabh Suman
Email :

Phone: +91 8969871072


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