A Co-Chlorination Process for Paraffins and Poly-Olefins
Dr. Srinivas Krishnaswamy , Vinod Kadu More, Madan Kumar Singh, Vivek Ganvir, Ponnani Krishnaswamy
The need for an improved green process for chlorinating paraffins and poly-olefins efficiently while enhancing value addition.
The present disclosure relates to a process of co-chlorination of a paraffin and a poly-olefin.
The inventive step lies in the development of a process for simultaneous co-chlorination of paraffin and poly-olefin, resulting in a composition of chlorinated poly-olefin and chlorinated paraffin.
Potential Indian Clients: Indian chemical manufacturers in the chlor-alkali and polymer sectors seeking to optimize production processes and value-added product offerings
Current TRL: NA
Funded by: NA
IPC: C08B, C08F, C10G, C22B, H04B
Domain: Chemical Engineering/Industrial Chemistry
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