
Technology Developed

Technology Developed


iSTAR® is a novel thermophilic anaerobic digestion technology used to treat hazardous wastes such as landfill leachate and domestic septage. It can be used to treat single or multiple substrates (co-digestion). The inbuilt 'Remote Monitoring System' keeps track of the bioreactor's health. Organic matter present in the substrate(s) is converted into methane-rich biogas. Effluent sludge is composted and used as a soil amendment. This technology was developed as part of SPARSH project No. BT/SPARSH0144/03/15, funded by BIRAC. 

Patent Filed: Patent on intelligently stirred thermophilic anaerobic reactor (iSTAR®)

Title: An anaerobic reactor for efficient biomethanation of organic waste

Indian Patent No. 202111051662, dated 11/11/2021


Technology Commissioned: As part of the CoRE project, a 12,000 Lt thermophilic biogas digester was commissioned in 2014 at the students' hostel dining hall to treat food waste. The biogas produced is used as a supplement for cooking gas, and the spent slurry is used as a soil amendment/ biofertilizer for horticulture.