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🌟 Heartiest Congratulations to Prof. Srinivas Rallapalli! 🌟


πŸ† Recipient of the Prestigious Director’s Award πŸ†
πŸŽ– Category: Best Paper in High Impact Factor Journal [STEM]
πŸ“ Department of Civil Engineering, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Your exceptional contribution to research and academic excellence has been recognized with this distinguished honor. This achievement is a testament to your dedication, innovation, and impact in the field of Civil Engineering.

Your work continues to inspire, lead, and set new benchmarks in academia. Wishing you even greater success in your future endeavors! πŸš€

πŸ‘ Kudos to Prof. Srinivas Rallapalli! πŸ‘

#BITS_Pilani #DirectorsAward #ResearchExcellence #AcademicAchievement #CivilEngineering #Innovation #ProudMoment