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Digital Communication Lab


Supports teaching and research in analog and digital communication systems. The research in the lab is carried out in the fields of software defined radio and design of various receivers for space applications. The lab also supports research in smart drone networks and underwater communication networks. Toolkits and board for teaching and research purposes are available here. Antenna trainer systems and a microwave test bench are available for Microwave application. Extensive simulation facilities are available through MATLAB, Simulink, Simulia CST Studio suite for RF/microwave application. Projects in the lab have been funded by various organizations including DST, ISRO, Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and DRDO.

Lab Equipment (Hardware/Software)

  • Software Defined Radio:
  • Ni USRP 2920 (1.4Mhz)
  • Ni USRP 2922(400Mhz - 4.4Ghz)
  • Communication Lab Kits
  • Digital Storage Oscilloscope
  • Arbitrary /Function Generator.IC Tester
  • Bench Dual DC Power Supply
  • CST Microwave Studio (Antenna and Microwave component design and simulation software)
  • CST SPARK3D (RF breakdown analysis software)
  • CST FEST3D (Passive Microwave component design and simulation software)

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