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R&D Center

Centre for Professional Development

BITS, Pilani is starting a Professional Development Centre at Bangalore to conduct educational and research program in the area of Microelectronics. The centre will have the state -of-the-art VLSI Design facilities and will involve faculty from BITS and other leading institutions all over the world in conducting educational programs. The centre will also have an association with the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York. The programs conducted jointly with Rochester Institute of Technology will go under the name: BITS-RIT APEX CENTRE.



A powerful centralized compute server farm for EDA tools in Layer 1 Sun Fire v250, NAS 3300 & SDLT320

  • Sun Ray software
  • EDA tools & user files
  • Automatic tape back-up

Other R&D Centres

Center for Research Excellence in Semiconductor Technologies (CREST)

AI Centre

Central Instrumentation Facility

Teaching Learning Centre