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1964 Fund

Dear 1964 batch mates,

It’s been 50 years since we left the gates of Vidya Vihar, bright eyed and ready to step into the big, bad world full of hope and with absolutely no idea as to where the journey of life is going to take us. All of us have achieved something  (personally/professionally) and our time at BITS Pilani was instrumental into molding us into the people we are now. As we prepare to come together for a memorable reunion this November to celebrate 50 years of graduation from BITS, I am hoping that we can take the opportunity give back to the institution and the BITSian family that we are proud to be associated with. The funds we raise could enable BITS to compete with the other top schools of the country in academia or improve its infrastructure. For instance, did you know that every IIT campus has more than 10x the research budget compared to BITS?

We’ve set a goal of raising 1 crore INR .This fund will generate sufficient interest yearly to make a meaningful contribution to improving our alma mater’s facilities, and allow the brightest and the best from BITS to compete globally.

The important thing is you contribute and we would like maximum participation from our batch. The easiest way is to contribute online but other mechanisms are also provided below. And don't forget to get your company to match your donation and remember they are tax-deductible (see details below).

Best Regards,
1964 batch


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