B.E. Electronics and Instrumentation Programme

  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3
  • Year 4
BIO F110 Biology Laboratory
BIO F111 General Biology
CHEM F110 Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM F111 General Chemistry
MATH F111 Mathematics I
PHY F110 Physics Laboratory
PHY F111 Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves
BITS F110 Engineering Graphics
MATH F112 Mathematics II
ME F112 Workshop Practice
CS F111 Computer Programming
EEE F111 Electrical Sciences
BITS F112 Technical Report Writing
MATH F113 Probability and Statistics
BITS F111 Thermodynamics
MATH F211 Mathematics III
- Open/Humanities Electives
INSTR F211 Electrical Machines
INSTR F212 Electromagnetic Theory
INSTR F215 Digital Design
INSTR F214 Electronic Devices
ECON F211 Principles of Economics
MGTS F211 Principles of Management
- Open/Humanities Electives
INSTR F241 Microprocessors & Interfacing
INSTR F242 Control Systems
INSTR F243 Signals & Systems
INSTR F244 Microelectronic Circuits
BITS F225 Environmental Studies
- Open/Humanities Electives
INSTR F311 Electronic Instruments & Instrumentation Technology
INSTR F312 Transducers & Measurement Systems
INSTR F313 Analog & Digital VLSI Design
- Discipline Electives
- Open/Humanities Electives
INSTR F341 Analog Electronics
INSTR F342 Power Electronics
INSTR F343 Industrial Instrumentation & Control
- Discipline Electives
- Open electives
- Discipline Electives
BITS F412 Practice School II
BITS F421T Thesis or Thesis (9) and Electives(6 to 9)

Summer term after II year is - BITS F221 Practice School I (for PS Option Only)
INSTR F211 Electrical Machines 314
INSTR F212 Electromagnetic Theory 303
INSTR F214 Electronic Devices 303
INSTR F215 Digital Design 314
INSTR F241 Microprocessors and interfacing 314
INSTR F242 Control Systems 303
INSTR F243 Signals & Systems 303
INSTR F244 Microelectronic Circuits 303
INSTR F311 Electronic Instrumentation & Instrumentation Technology 314
INSTR F312 Transducers and Measurement Systems 303
INSTR F313 Analog & Digital VLSI Design 303
INSTR F341 Analog Electronics 314
INSTR F342 Power Electronics 314
INSTR F343 Industrial Instrumentation & Control 303
BITS F312 Neural Network & Fuzzy Logic 303
BITS F415 Introduction To MEMS 314
CS F213 Object Oriented Programming 314
CS F342 Computer Architecture 314
CS F372 Operating Systems 303
CS F451 Combinatorial Mathematics 303
CS G553 Reconfigurable Computing 5
ECE F312 EM Fields and Microwave Engineering Laboratory 011
ECE F314 Electromagnetic Fields & Microwave Engineering 303
EEE F245 Control System Laboratory 011
EEE F246 Electrical and Electronic Circuits Laboratory 022
EEE F311 Communication Systems 314
EEE F345 Power Apparatus & Networks 303
EEE F346 Data Communication Networks 202
EEE F348 FPGA Based System Design Laboratory 022
EEE F411 Internet of Things 314
EEE F417 Computer Based Control System 303
EEE F419 Flexible and Stretchable Electronics 314
EEE F420 Biomedical Signal Processing 314
EEE F422 Modern Control Systems 303
EEE F426 Fiber optics & Optoelectronics 303
EEE F427 Electric Power Utilization and Illumination 303
EEE F429 Smart Materials and Applications 314
EEE F430 Green Communications and Networks 303
EEE F431 Mobile Telecommunication Networks 303
EEE F433 Electromagnetic Fields & Waves 303
EEE F434 Digital Signal Processing 314
EEE F435 Digital Image Processing 303
EEE F436 Electromagnetic Compatibility 314
EEE F437 Semiconductor Fabrication Technology 314
EEE F472 Satellite Communication 303
EEE F474 Antenna Theory and Design 314
EEE F475 Special Electrical Machines 314
EEE F476 Switchgear and Protection 314
EEE F477 Modelling of Field-Effect Nano Devices 303
EEE F478 Power Systems Laboratory 022
EEE G512 Embedded System Design 314
EEE G513 Machine Learning for Electronics Engineers *4
EEE G626 Hardware Software CoDesign 4
INSTR F216 Electronic Devices Simulation Laboratory 022
INSTR F413 Advanced Process Control 303
INSTR F414 Telecommunication Switching Systems & Networks 303
INSTR F415 Digital Control 303
INSTR F419 Virtual Instrumentation 314
INSTR F420 Design of Instrumentation Systems 303
INSTR F422 Instrumentation for Petrochemical Industry 303
INSTR F424 Smart Grid for Sustainable Energy 303
INSTR F428 Energy Storage Systems 303
INSTR F429 Smart Materials and Applications 314
INSTR F430 Green Communications and Networks 303
INSTR F432 Medical Instrumentation 303
INSTR F473 Wind Electrical Systems 303