Abstract Submission

The last date for abstract for oral and poster submission is January 31, 2024. Abstracts should not exceed the length of one A4 page.

Abstracts must follow a structured format, including a title, authors' names (with the presenting author's name underlined), complete institutional address (including state, country, and pin code), email ID of the presenting author, up to 5 keywords, and sections for aims, objectives, methodology, results and discussions, conclusions, references, and acknowledgment. Incorporating graphs, tables, and figures is highly recommended.

Link for Abstract Submission: Click Here


Guidelines for Abstract Submission for Oral and Poster

Students, academicians, and researchers are invited to share their research aligned with the symposium theme through the oral and poster presentation. The selection for poster presentations will be made based on the submitted abstracts. We wil offer additional space for those wishing to showcase their technology(model/prototype formulation/device)—simply indicate your interest during the abstract submission. The three best posters will be awarded a memento and certificate. Additionally, the poster deemed the best overall will receive a cash prize of Rs. 5000. The best five abstracts will be chosen for oral presentations. Furthermore, the best oral presentation will be awarded a memento, certificate, and a cash prize of Rs. 10000.