The J.K. Navlakha (1972) Chair Professorship has been established at BITS Pilani’s Department of Computer Science and Information Systems (CSIS) through the generosity of Prof. Jainendra Navlakha. This endowed chair is a testament to Prof. Navlakha’s commitment to advancing education and research in cutting-edge fields within computer science.
The chair is designed to promote excellence in research and education within emerging areas of computer science, such as Bioinformatics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Cybersecurity. The selected Chair Professor will lead innovative research projects, foster collaboration with academic and industry partners, and mentor the next generation of students and researchers at BITS Pilani.
Funding and Administration
This chair professorship is part of the BITS Pilani Endowment Fund, which seeks to empower the institution’s educational mission and broaden its research impact. The endowment will fund not only the professorship but also support activities and resources that advance the goals of the CSIS department in perpetuity.
Selection Process
A Selection Committee established for this specific purpose will be responsible for the appointment of a faculty member to the Chair. The committee will consist of the following members: (a) the Vice Chancellor (or a designated representative) serving as the Chairman, (b) one subject expert nominated by the Vice Chancellor from either within or outside BITS, Pilani, (c) a representative appointed by the donor, and (d) the Dean of Faculty Affairs or a senior faculty member acting on their behalf.
About the Donor
Prof. Jainendra Navlakha, a distinguished alumnus of BITS Pilani from the Class of 1972, has dedicated his career to advancing education and research as a Professor Emeritus at Florida International University, USA. His generous endowment reflects his enduring connection to BITS Pilani and his commitment to fostering educational excellence and innovation.
Anyone with a track record of an outstanding teacher and/or researcher in the rank of Professor or Senior Professor from within BITS Pilani or from outside BITS, Pilani or a person with significant R&D experience from industry being considered for appointment as regular Professor or Senior Professor, would be eligible to be considered for “appointment” against the Chair. Anyone who is being considered for Chair position would first be appointed against one of the positions available in BITS, Pilani including “regular” faculty, faculty positions.
Duration of Chair:
The “appointment” against the Chair is normally made for a period of up to five years, but such that it does not extend beyond his/her term of employment as Senior Professor/Professor. However, continuation into the fourth and fifth years will be subject to a review at the end of the third year. Further, an individual may be eligible to be considered for reappointment, together with other eligible candidates, for a period of upto 5 years (without a break) any number of times.