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Applications are invited from suitable candidates for Project Associate [1 No] to work on the sponsored project under the supervision of Dr. Amol V. (Principal Investigator), Department of Mechanical Engineering, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad campus.

Project description: The project involves studying the fracture mechanics in solids by performing simulations and experiments.
Selected candidate may be permitted to register for Ph.D. programme at BITS, Pilani, in the subsequent semester subject to the fulfillment of the requirements.
Duration of the project: 1 year
Project position and number: JRF (1 Position)
Fellowship amount:(For GATE Qualified ₹ 37,000 per month
Fellowship amount: (For Candidates who have NOT Qualified the GATE Exam ₹ 25,000 per month

Application Procedure
Interested candidates with the above mentioned qualification can send the detailed curriculum vitae (CV) along with research experience and published research papers if any, by 2 5 th March 202 7 , to the Principal Investigator, Dr. Amol Vuppuluri via email: amol@hyderabad.bits with the subject of the email as “ Application for a funded project ”. Please note that only qualified and suitable candidates will be called for interview to be held online.

Click here for more information. 

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