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Project Technical Support (Lab Technician/Lab Attendant) position in ICMR funded project

Applications are invited for the position of Project Technical Support (Lab Technician/Lab Attendant) in the Department of Biological Sciences at BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus, Goa in an ICMR sponsored research project titled “Pathophysiological investigations of sickle cell disease and interventions to improve associated hemorheological abnormalities” (No. EM/SG/Dev.Res/122/3151-2023; ISRM: IIRP- 2023-3151).

Principal Investigator: Prof. Suman Kundu

Co-Investigators: Dr. Rabindra K Jena (SCB Medical College and Hospital, Cuttack, Odisha) and Dr. Raviprasad Aduri (BITS Goa)

Broad area of Research: The study aims to evaluate the clinical efficacy of HbS-Sailin (Sai Phytoceuticals, New Delhi) as an indigenous anti-sickling formulation in Indian population. Additionally, metabolomics investigations using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry will be utilized to reveal disease pathophysiology. Novel hemoglobin-oxygen affinity modifiers will be screened in vitro using a multidisciplinary approach.


Duration of the project: Initially 1 year (2 years, subject to performance-based extension)


(i) Project Technical Support – I (Lab Attendant)

For BITS Goa; For end-to-end maintenance and functioning of the lab and also to assist the JRF/SRF in day-to-day activity and in the execution of the in vitro experiments. Procurement-related administrative work and running errands are also a necessity for the project. The candidate might have to travel between Odisha, Goa, and Delhi. No accommodation will be provided. Ideally, the candidate should be less than 30 years of age at the time of joining.

Salary: @18,000/- + 9% HRA = @19,620/- pm (1st year; 5% increment in 2nd year)

Qualification: Bachelor’s / 12th Pass with experience of working in a biology laboratory.

How to Apply: Interested candidates may send application and curriculum vitae with details of research experience to the principal investigator (email: with the subject line “ICMR-CRO/Data Analyst/Lab Technician/Lab Attendant position” by 10-April-2025. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted via e-mail for online interview.

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