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March 14, 2023

Garv Malik: Engineer turned Comedian

Garv Malik (Pilani, ’15) has taken the path the path less traveled- from studying civil engineering to now being a chief meme officer. When he speaks, people laugh out loud; when acts he relieves the stress and the tension of the human mind.
March 14, 2023

From Meera Bhavan to the United Nations

Divya Nawale (Pilani, ‘03) works with United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change (UNFCCC), providing policy engagement support to the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action. Previously, she worked with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Indonesia and the Philippines, where she carried out several programs on clean energy, energy transition, and energy efficiency programs across Southeast Asia.
March 14, 2023

Flying High, Still Deeply Grounded!

Sqn Ldr Supriya Bhosale (Retd.) (Pilani, ’18) served as an Aeronautical Engineering Officer in the Indian Air Force and now working as DSGS Program Directorate and CSR Leader in the Dassault Systemes. Below she talks about her journey in the IAF and DS, her fascination with the aviation field, and her most cherished achievement to date.
March 14, 2023

Have any doubts regarding wine? Vidya Narasimhan is your go-to BITSian

Vidya Narasimhan (Pilani, 92) is a wine consultant in London, United Kingdom.  Before switching her profession, she worked in management consulting and banking in India, the US, and the UK. Here she shares what motivated her to switch her profession, how she managed to get work, and what is required for one to have a career in the wine industry.
March 14, 2023

Meet Ankita Vijayvergiya- LinkedIn Top Voice and Climate Entrepreneur

Ankita Vijayvergiya (Pilani, ’06) is the co-founder of BillionCarbon and NatureHealers. She was named among ‘LinkedIn Top Voices 2022’ which encourages people to switch to sustainable living. Read about her journey of sustainable living, being a LinkedIn influencer, and climate startups.
March 14, 2023

Shobitam: The real differentiator in entrepreneurial sector for women!

Raghu Sethuraman (Pilani, ’92) is General Manager of Azure at Microsoft. He recently visited the Pilani campus for his reunion and donated a sum of Rs. 1 Cr to his alma mater towards building Shobitam Center for Women Entrepreneurship (SCWE). In the article, he discusses about Shobitam and its vision for SCWE.
March 2, 2023

Smart Sensors for Water and Soil Quality Assessment

Abhishesh Pal, Sohan Dudala, Satish Kumar Dubey and Sanket Goel are a team at MEMS, Microfluidics & Nanoelectronics (MMNE) lab who are is working towards realizing futuristic smart sensors and intelligent energy harvesters encompassing various multidisciplinary domains.
March 2, 2023

Achieving Long-Term Goals = Ultimate Life Plan

Shoaib Mohammed (Dubai, ‘16) is pursuing his Masters of Science from his dream University, Stanford University. Before starting his higher degree, Shoaib worked at Amazon as a Senior Software Development Engineer.
March 1, 2023

Never too old to ride a Bullet!

Parakram Mishra (Pilani, ’74) is a consultant at Synapsys Mentors Pvt. Ltd. In the article, he shares his passion for riding an 'Enfield Bullet’ and going on road trips.