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Research Lab

Central Facilities

Some of the central facilities available at BITS, Pilani to students and faculty members of the Department for research include:

  • Information Processing Centre caters to the computing needs of all students and staff and training requirements of several computer-oriented courses. It also houses a PARAM 10000 super computer. The students and faculty in the institute are provided with e-mail and internet browsing facility.
  • Instrumentation Centre is responsible for the installation, testing, service and maintenance of all instruments across the institute as well as providing facilities for design, development, fabrication and testing of various projects.
  • Centre for Software Development caters to the need for software development for in-house needs as well as external organizations.
  • Central Library looks after the need for books in various disciplines including Science, Technology and Humanities. Reference Library subscribes many current periodicals and makes available their back volumes. Reference books are displayed for reading within the premises.
  • Centre for Biotechnology encourages the development of excellence in Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering and other emerging areas.

other labs

Central Animal Facility

Laboratory Facilities