Centre for Research on Educational Innovation & Institutional Development
This centre was established with financial support from the University Grants Commission, New Delhi.
Objectives and scope of the Centre:
To become a nerve centre of the Institute in terms of ideas, creativity and innovation.
To promote research on educational management and administrative processes.
To systematically document and integrate knowledge and skills generated at the workbench for all levels of education.
To enable and motivate forces behind operation, expansion, strengthening, updating and modernization of teaching, research and consultancy in formal and informal education.
To apply the experience obtained through implementation of educational innovation towards strengthening of manpower training.
To pool interested manpower in the Institute as well as manpower from outside.
To create facilities and environments for interested faculty from within as well as from outside universities and educational organizations to do research on educational innovations.
To organize certain specific programs like practice school, vocational courses for other educational institutions who wish to implement such innovations.
To organize special programs for the use of educators, planners, administrators and managers so as to enable the latest theory and practice in different disciplines and functional areas to reach all sections of manpower in government, education, business and industries.
To organize seminars, symposia and workshops.
To collect the data-base from UGC, AIU and various universities relevant for educational reforms and innovations.
To create software to analyze all these data.
The areas in which the Centre concentrates are:
Planning and implementation of examination reforms
Design and restructuring of educational programs
Course development - Preparation of text books, teaching materials, teaching aids
Computer software development for educational administration and infrastructural facilities
Computer software development for student records, time-table, admission process
Teaching workshops for upgrading teaching skills
Purchase and upkeep of Educational Hardware
The new methods of vocational training
Development of Distance Learning Programs, particularly in Science & Technology areas
University-Industry linkages
Development of new methodology for educational and cultural advancement of the socially disadvantaged
Adult education
Science education
Methodology of faculty development
Systems approach to educational operation and correlation between cost of education and efficiency of education
Preparation of feasibility project and status reports on specific topics
Offering services in the acquisition of equipment, library books, journals and experts for new institutions in the country and abroad
Evolving new norms for innovations in new universities in the developing countries
Organization of Placement Unit - Campus Interviews, Career Planning
Counseling of students
The Centre uses for its methodology organization of seminars, symposia, workshops, brainstorming sessions in specific areas. The Centre collates a large data-base already available at BITS and collects data from UGC, AIU, AICTE and various universities and develops systems and software for analyzing these data. The Centre has visiting faculty and research scholars. The Institute faculty picks up topics of research which are of interest to the activities of the Centre. In short it is a place where unique activities in terms of planning, implementation and reforms are taken up. The Centre accepts preparation of study reports and consultancy jobs in the above areas, as well as, plans to conduct certain training programs. The Centre also publishes a quarterly Journal, "CURIE" - Journal of Co-operation among University, Research and Industrial Enterprises.