Prevention of Sexual Harassment

BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus recognizes that all human beings are born free and are equal in dignity and rights and that all human beings are entitled to the full enjoyment of all human rights. BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus recognizes that discrimination, violence, harassment and sexual misconduct is a serious challenge that undermines the physical and mental health, all round well-being, as well as the security of individuals, of communities, and of the nation at large. All members of BITS Pilani, Dubai should have the ability to live, work, study and participate in activities within a safe and healthy campus environment free from any sexual violence and free from any form of discrimination, violence and harassment.
In furtherance of its commitment towards prevention, prohibition and protection from any incident of discrimination, violence and harassment involving its members, BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus has constituted a Committee for Combating Sexual Harassment (CCSH). The CCSH has been vested with the power to investigate all cases of sexual harassment and sexual abuse on campus. The CCSH shall have 6 members out of which the head of the committee shall be a woman. At least 50% of the members nominated for CCSH must be women and the Counsellor must be a member as an external person to ensure integrity and impartiality of the CCSH.
If students believe that they have been subject to harassment or sexual misconduct by another member of the institute, they can make a complaint verbally, through email, or in a letter to any member of the CCSH, to the Dean-Student Welfare, or directly to the higher authorities of the Institute. Complaints can be made directly by the person facing harassment or even by a third party. The Committee guarantees anonymity of complainants and all persons involved. All complaints will be dealt with equal seriousness irrespective of the positions held by the persons involved.