
Dr. Nishant Pandya

Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering 

Computer aided product design, Computer aided molecular design, Modeling of Atmospheric dispersion of toxic gases, Consequence analysis, Process Intensification, Materials Science and Engineering, Smart Materials, Heat Exchanger Networks Design


List of Courses taught at Undergraduate level (First Degree - FD)

  • Chemical Process Calculations
  • Fluid Flow Operations (Fluid Mechanics)
  • Heat Transfer Operations
  • Mass Transfer Operations (Separation Processes)
  • Mechanical Operations
  • Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
  • Process Design Principles
  • Pollution Control & Safety Management
  • Chemical Process Industries (Technology)
  • Chemical Engineering Laboratory
  • Computer Programming
  • Environmental Studies 
  • Interpersonal Skills

List of courses taught at Master's/PhD level (Higher degree)

  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Environmental Management Systems
  • Coating and Thin film technology