Subjects Handled :
1st Semester 2022-23 (Current Semester)
Artificial Intelligence (UG)
Object Oriented Programming (UG)
Cloud Computing PG - M.E (System Software)
Artificial Intelligence
Database Systems
Data Structures
Object Oriented Programming
Microprocessor Programming and Interfacing
Computer Programming
Data Structures and Algorithms
Digital Design and Computer Organization
Computer Graphics
Compiler Construction
Post Graduate
Cloud Computing (ME)
Object Oriented Analysis and Design (ME)
Network Security. (ME)
Internet Security and Cyber Laws (MBA)
Management Information Systems (MBA)
Enterprise Resource Planning (MBA)
LABS Handled :
Java Programming Lab
Data Structures Lab
Database Systems Lab
Computer programming I and II Lab
Object Oriented Analysis and Design Lab
Microprocessor Programming and Interfacing Lab
Computer Networks Lab
Computer Architecture Lab
Compilers Lab
WILP Course ( Course Content delivered online)
Database Systems and Applications
Certification Received
Received Artificial Intelligence Analyst 2020- Explorer and Mastery Award from IBM in August 2020