
Samarshi Chakraborty

Assistant Professor, Gr-I

A425, Department of Chemical Engineering, BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus, Zuarinagar, Goa 403726

My Publications

List of Journal Publication

[1] Samarshi Chakraborty, Manish Kumar, Kelothu Suresh, G. Pugazhenthi, Influence of organically modified Ni-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH) loading on the rheological properties of poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)/LDH blend solution, Powder Technology, Elsevier, 256 (2014) 196-203 (SCIE). DOI:

[2] Samarshi Chakraborty, Ishita Sarkar, Krishnayan Haldar, Surjya K. Pal, Sudipto Chakraborty, Synthesis of Cu–Al layered double hydroxide nanofluid and characterization of its thermal properties, Applied Clay Science, Elsevier, 107 (2015) 98-108 (SCIE). DOI:

[3] Samarshi Chakraborty, Manish Kumar, Kelothu Suresh, G. Pugazhenthi, Investigation of structural, rheological and thermal properties of PMMA/ONi-Al LDH nanocomposites synthesized via solvent blending method: Effect of LDH loading, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, Springer, 34 (2016) 739-754 (SCIE). DOI:

[4] Samarshi Chakraborty, Ishita Sarkar, Dinesh K. Behera, Surjya K. Pal, Sudipto Chakraborty, Experimental investigation on the effect of dispersant addition on thermal and rheological characteristics of TiO2 nanofluid, Powder Technology, Elsevier, 307(2017) 10-24 (SCIE). DOI:

[5] Samarshi Chakraborty, Ishita Sarkar, Avinash Ashok, Iman Sengupta, Surjya K. Pal, Sudipto Chakraborty, Synthesis of Cu-Al LDH nanofluid and its application in spray cooling heat transfer of a hot steel plate, Powder Technology, Elsevier, 335 (2018) 285-300 (SCIE). DOI:

[6] Samarshi Chakraborty, Ishita Sarkar, Avinash Ashok, Iman Sengupta, Surjya K. Pal, Sudipto Chakraborty, Thermo-physical properties of Cu-Zn-Al LDH nanofluid and its application in spray cooling, Applied Thermal Engineering, Elsevier, 141 (2018) 339-351 (SCIE). DOI:

[7] Samarshi Chakraborty, Iman Sengupta, Ishita Sarkar, Surjya K. Pal, Sudipto Chakraborty, Effect of surfactant on thermo-physical properties and spray cooling heat transfer performance of Cu-Zn-Al LDH nanofluid, Applied Clay Science, Elsevier, 68 (2019) 43-55 (SCIE). DOI:

[8] Samarshi Chakraborty, Ishita Sarkar, Asmit Roshan, Surjya K. Pal, Sudipto Chakraborty, Spray cooling of a hot steel plate using aqueous solution of surfactant and polymer, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Elsevier, 10 (2019) 217-231 (SCIE). DOI:

[9] Samarshi Chakraborty, Pradipta Kumar Panigrahi, Stability of Nanofluid: A Review, Applied Thermal Engineering, Elsevier, 174 (2020) 115259 (SCIE). DOI:

[10] Satya V. Ravikumar, Krishnayan Haldar, Jay M.Jha, Samarshi Chakraborty, Ishita Sarkar, Surjya K. Pal, Sudipto Chakraborty, Heat transfer enhancement using air-atomized spray cooling with water–Al2O3 nanofluid, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Elsevier, 96 (2015) 85-93 (SCIE). DOI:

[11] A.M. Tiara, Samarshi Chakraborty, Ishita Sarkar, Surjya K. Pal, Sudipto Chakraborty, Heat transfer in jet impingement on a hot steel surface using surfactant-based Cu–Al layered double hydroxide nanofluid, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier, 101 (2016) 825-833 (SCIE). DOI:

[12] A.M. Tiara, Samarshi Chakraborty, Ishita Sarkar, Surjya K. Pal, Sudipto Chakraborty, Effect of alumina nanofluid jet on the enhancement of heat transfer from a steel plate, Heat and Mass Transfer, Springer, 53(6) (2017) 2187-2197 (SCIE). DOI:

[13] Ishita Sarkar, Samarshi Chakraborty, Dinesh K. Behera, Surjya K. Pal, Sudipto Chakraborty, Ultrafast cooling of a hot steel plate using Cu-Al layered double hydroxide nanofluid jet, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Elsevier, 116 (2017) 52-62 (SCIE). DOI:

[14] A.M. Tiara, Samarshi Chakraborty, Ishita Sarkar, Surjya K. Pal, Sudipto Chakraborty, Synthesis and characterization of Zn-Al layered double hydroxide nanofluid and its application as a coolant in metal quenching, Applied Clay Science, Elsevier, 143 (2017) 241-249 (SCIE). DOI:

[15] Jay M. Jha, Ishita Sarkar, Samarshi Chakraborty, Surjya K. Pal, Sudipto Chakraborty, Heat transfer from a hot moving steel plate by using Cu-Al layered double hydroxide nanofluid based air atomized spray, Experimental Heat Transfer, Taylor & Francis, 30 (6) (2017) 500-516 (SCIE). DOI:

[16] A.M. Tiara, Samarshi Chakraborty, Ishita Sarkar, Avinash Ashok, Surjya K. Pal, Sudipto Chakraborty, Heat transfer enhancement using surfactant-based alumina nanofluid jet from a hot steel plate, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Elsevier, 89 (2017) 295-303 (SCIE). DOI:

[17] Manish Kumar, Samarshi Chakraborty, Pradeep Upadhyaya, G. Pugazhenthi, Morphological, mechanical and thermal features of PMMA nanocomposites containing two-dimensional (2D) Co-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH), Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Wiley, 135 (2017) 45774 (SCIE). DOI:

[18] Ishita Sarkar, Samarshi Chakraborty, Avinash Ashok, Iman Sengupta, Surjya K. Pal, Sudipto Chakraborty, Comparative study on different additives with a jet array on cooling of a hot steel surface, Applied Thermal Engineering, Elsevier, 137 (2018) 154-163 (SCIE). DOI:

[19] Iman Sengupta, Samarshi Chakraborty, Monikangkana Talukdar, Surjya K. Pal, Sudipto Chakraborty, Thermal Reduction of Graphene Oxide: How Temperature Influences Purity, Journal of Materials Research, Springer, 33 (2018) 4113-4122 (SCIE). DOI:

[20] Ishita Sarkar, Samarshi Chakraborty, Dinesh K. Behera, Asmit Roshan, Surjya K. Pal, Sudipto Chakraborty, Application of TiO2 nanofluid based coolant for jet impingement quenching of a hot steel plate, Experimental Heat Transfer, Taylor & Francis, 32 (4) (2019), 322-336 (SCIE). DOI:

[21] Krishnayan Haldar, Samarshi Chakraborty, Sudipto Chakraborty, Influence of Marangoni stress on the variation in number of coalescence cascade stages, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Wiley, 97(4) (2019) 983-994 (SCIE). DOI:

[22] Vartika Parihar, Samarshi Chakraborty, Soumen Das, Sudipto Chakraborty, Sunando Dasgupta, Role of Anisotropic Pinning and Liquid Properties during Partial Rebound of Droplets on Unidirectionally Structured Hydrophobic Surfaces, Chemical Engineering Science, Elsevier, (2020) 116197 (SCIE). DOI:

[23] Zafar Said, L Syam Sundar, Hegazy Rezk, Ahmed M Nassef, Samarshi Chakraborty, Changhe Li, Thermophysical properties using ND/water nanofluids: An experimental study, ANFIS-based model, and optimization, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Elsevier, 330, (2021)115659 (SCIE). DOI:

[24] Ayaj Ansari, Samarshi Chakraborty, Randeep Ravesh, Malay K. Das, Pradipta Kumar Panigrahi, Synthesis of Cu-Al LDH nanofluid and effectiveness as a promoter for CO2 hydrate formation, Chemical Engineering Journal, Elsevier, 435 (2022) 134786 (SCIE). DOI:

[25] Dhivakar Govindarajan, K. Sivagami, Indumathi M Nambi, Badri Narayan Ravikumar, Mathiyalagan Kumar, Samarshi Chakraborty, Rajasekhar Reddy, Thermo-Chemical conversion of polyolefin-based facemask using bench-scale pyrolysis system, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis 45 (2022) 542-556 (SCIE) DOI:

[26] Arijeet Karmakar, Trisha Daftari, Sivagami K, Mohammed Rehaan Chandan, Aabid Hussain Shaik, Bandaru Kiran, Samarshi Chakraborty*, A comprehensive insight into Waste to Energy conversion strategies in India and its associated air pollution hazard, Environmental Technology & Innovation, Elsevier 29 (2023) 103017 (SCIE) DOI:

[27] Abhishek S Chaudhary, Bandaru Kiran*, K Sivagami, Dhivakar Govindarajan, Samarshi Chakraborty*, Thermal degradation model of used surgical masks based on machine learning methodology, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Elsevier (2023) 104732 (SCIE) DOI:

[28] Aishwarya Subramanian, Aditya Mosur Nagarajan, Sruthi Vinod, Samarshi Chakraborty, Krishanasamy Sivagami*, Thomas Theodore, Shalini Sathyanarayanan, Perumal Tamizhdurai, V. L. Mangesh, Long-Term Impacts of Climate Change on Coastal and Transitional Eco-Systems in India: An Overview of its Current status, Future projections, Solutions, and Policies, RSC Advances, Royal Society of Chemistry, 13 (2023) 12204–12228 (SCIE). DOI:

[29] Ayaj Ahmad Ansari, Randeep Ravesh, Samarshi Chakraborty, Malay K Das, Pradipta Kumar Panigrahi, Effect of Cu-Al LDH nanofluid on the kinetics of CO2 hydrate formation: An experimental and modeling investigations, Chemical Engineering & Technology, Wiley, (2023) (SCIE). DOI:

[30] Aishwarya Subramanian, Mridula Saravanan, Bokam Rajasekhar, Samarshi Chakraborty, Krishanasamy Sivagami, Perumal Tamizhdurai, VL Mangesh, Manickam Selvaraj, Nadavala Siva Kumar, Ahmed S Al-Fatesh, Comparative risk assessment studies estimating the hazard posed by long-term consumption of PPCPs in river water, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Elsevier, 182 (2023) 114169 (SCIE). DOI:

[31] Mohammed Rehaan Chandan Aabid Hussain Shaik, Chahil Patel, Ariful Rahaman, Samarshi Chakraborty, Sanjay Kumar, Snehalata Agashe, Mostafizur Rahaman, Periyasami Govindasami, Foam Stability and Thermo-mechanical Properties of Micro/Nano Filler Loaded Castor Oil based Flexible Polyurethane Foam, Materials Research Express, IOP PUBLISHING, 11 (2024) 015302 (SCIE). DOI:

[32] Manish Gupta Chelliah Arumugam, Saboor Shaik, Abin Roy, Karolos J. Kontoleon, Erdem Cuc, Aabid Hussain Shaik, Samarshi Chakraborty, Mamdooh Alwetaishi, Pinar Mert Cuce, Analysis of the benefits of adopting roof sandwich panels integrated with PCM versus PUR to mitigate energy costs and carbon dioxide emissions, Journal of Energy Storage, Elsevier, 77 (2024) 109947 (SCIE). DOI:

[33] Aabid Hussain Shaik, Samarshi Chakraborty, Shaik Saboor, Kodi Rajesh Kumar, Aaroh Majumdar, Mohammed Rizwan, Muslum Arici, Mohammed Rehaan Chandan, Cu-Graphene water-based hybrid nanofluids: synthesis, stability, thermophysical characterization and figure of merit analysis, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Springer, (2024) (SCIE). DOI:

[34] Ayaj Ahmad Ansari, Randeep Ravesh, Samarshi Chakraborty, Malay K Das, Pradipta Kumar Panigrahi, Enhancement of THF hydrate formation kinetics in the presence of LDH based nanofluid promoter, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Elsevier 399 (2024) 124313 (SCIE). DOI:

[35] Samarshi Chakraborty, Digvijay Shukla, Pradipta Kumar Panigrahi, A Review on Coolant Selection for Thermal Management of Electronics and Implementation of Multiple-criteria Decision-Making Approach, Applied Thermal Engineering, Elsevier 245 (2024) 122807 (SCIE). DOI:

[36] Rahul Vyas, Priyanka Swaminathan, Samarshi Chakraborty, Kiran Bandaru, Study on enhancing waste PVC management through predictive Machine Learning analysis of TGA and its economic benefits, Energy Conversion and Management: X, Elsevier 22 (2024) 100556 (SCIE). DOI:

[37] Prajapat, Ramchandra; Yadav, Himanshu; Shaik, Aabid Hussain; Kiran Bandaru; Kanchi, Rohit; Shaik, Saboor; Said, Zafar; Chandan, Mohammed Rehaan; Chakraborty, Samarshi*; A Review of the Prospects, Efficacy, and Sustainability of Nanotechnology-Based Approaches for Oil Spill Remediation, Waste Management & Research: The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy, Sage Journals, June 2024 (SCIE). DOI:

BITS Pilani Affiliation

[1] Avinash Subramanian, David Roshan, Vishal Chatterjee, Aabid Hussain Shaik, Mohammed Rehaan Chandan, Bandaru Kiran, Zafar Said, SM Sohel Murshed, Samarshi Chakraborty*, Determination of operational flow regime and heat transfer performance optimization of mono and hybrid nanofluids using FOM and sensitivity analysis, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Elsevier, 409 (2024) 125546 (SCIE). DOI:, Impact Factor: 5.3

[2] Prabakar P, L N Sajith, Sivagami K*, Kavindra A I, Muruganandam L, Samarshi Chakraborty*, Production of MWCNTs from plastic wastes: Method selection through Multi-Criteria Decision-Making techniques, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Elsevier, Volume 169, April 2025, 106000, (SCIE). DOI:, Impact Factor: 5.5


Book Chapter Published:

[1] G. Sruthi, S. Aishwarya, S. Karthika, Samarshi Chakraborty, G. Divyapriya, K. Sivagami, “Chapter Title: Fate and transport of micro and nano plastics in greywater, fresh and marine water systems/ Book Title: “Legacy, Pathogenic and Emerging Contaminants in the Environment”, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, 2021,49-70 (ISBN: 978-1-003-15746-5 (eBook))

[2] G. Sruthi, P. Jyothirmai, E. Anagha, S. Aishwarya, Abhilash T. Nair, Samarshi Chakraborty, K. Sivagami, “Chapter Title: Microalgae Coupled Biofuel Production and Carbon Capture from Thermal Power Plant: A Biorefinery Approach/ Book Title: “Zero Waste Biorefinery”, Springer, Singapore, 2022, 325-343 (Online ISBN: 978-981-16-8682-5/Print ISBN: 978-981-16-8681-8)

[3] Aishwarya S, Sruthi G, Aditya M N, Sivagami K, Samarshi Chakraborty*, “Chapter Title: Biomass Energy Conversion using Thermochemical and Biochemical Technologies/Book Title: Sustainable and Clean Energy Production Technologies”, Springer Nature Press, 2022 (ISBN: 978-981-16-9135-5).

[4] M.N. Aditya, S. Aishwarya, Mrigank Sharma, Sivagami K*, Karthika S, Samarshi Chakraborty*, “Chapter Title: Water pollution hazards of single-use face mask in Indian riverine and marine system/Book Title: Impact of Covid 19 on Emerging contaminants”, Springer Nature Press, 2022 (ISBN: 978-981-19-1847-6).

[5] Samarshi Chakraborty, Prashant K. Purbey, Sudipto Chakraborty, “Chapter Title: Nanofluids Long-term Stability Challenges and Guidelines/ Book Title: “Fundamentals and Transport Properties of Nanofluids”, Royal Society of Chemistry, January 2023 (ISBN: 978-183-91-6419-4)

[6] Bokam Rajasekhar, Aishwarya Subramanian, Mridula Saravanan, Samarshi Chakraborty, Krishanasamy Sivagami, Chapter Title: Evaluating the impact of exposure to emerging contaminants on human health, Book Title: Emerging Aquatic Contaminants: One Health Framework for Risk Assessment and Remediation in the Post COVID-19 Anthropocene, Elsevier, March 2023 (ISBN: 9780323960021)