
Prof. Manish Kumar

Associate Professor,
Department of Mathematics

Cryptography and Information Security, Digital Image Processing, Distribution Theory, Pseudo-Differential Operators, Wavelet Analysis and its Applications
Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani
Hyderabad Campus
Jawahar Nagar, Kapra Mandal
Dist.-Medchal-500 078
Telangana, India


Book(s)/Chapter publication(s):

Book Title: Mathematics and Computing
Authors: Rachid Ait Maalem Lahcen, Ram Mohapatra, and Manish Kumar
Copyright Holder Name: Springer Nature, Singapore Pte Ltd.
Copyright Year: 2018
Book Title: Differential and Integral Inequalities
Authors:  Manish Kumar and R.N. Mohapatra 
Copyright Holder Name: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Editors: Andrica, Dorin, Rassias, and Michael Th (Eds.)
Copyright Year: 2019
Book Title: Multimedia Security Using Chaotic Maps: Principles and Methodologies
Authors:  Manish Kumar, Amogh Saxena, and Sai Satvik Vuppala  
Copyright Holder Name: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Editors: Hosny, Khalid M. (Ed.)
Copyright Year: 2020
Chapter Title: A secure RGB image encryption algorithm in optimized virtual planet domain
Authors: Manish Kumar
Editors: Laha, Vivek, Marechal, Pierre, and Mishra, S. K. (Eds.)
Copyright Holder Name: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Copyright Year: 2021
Book Title: Mathematical Analysis and Computing 
Authors:  Manish Kumar and Tusharakanta Pradhan
Copyright Holder Name: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Editors: Mohapatra, R.N., Yugesh, S., Kalpana, G., Kalaivani, C. (Eds.)
Copyright Year: 2021
Book Series: Springer Optimization and Its Applications
Book Title: Harmonic Analysis and Applications
Authors:  Manish Kumar, Benjamin A. Landon, R. N. Mohapatra, and Tusharakanta Pradhan
Copyright Holder Name: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Editors: Michael Th. Rassias (Ed.)
Copyright Year: 2021
Book Series: Advances in Computers
Book title: Perspective of DNA Computing in Computer Science 
Authors: Sathish Gunasekaran and Manish Kumar
Editors: Suyel Namasudra
Copyright Holder Name: Academic Press
Publisher: Elsevier
Copyright Year: 2023
Book Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence
Book Title: IoT and ML for Information Management: A Smart Healthcare Perspective
Chapter Title: Introduction to Machine Learning
Authors: Manish Kumar and Bhawna
Editors: Suyel Namasudra
Copyright Holder Name: Springer Nature, Singapore Pte Ltd.
Publisher: Springer
Volume 1169
Pages 51-94
Status: Published, 2024
Book Series: Communications in Computer and Information Science 
Book Title: Advancements in Smart Computing and Information Security
Chapter Title: Dual Security RGB Image Encryption Algorithm for Lightweight Cryptography
Authors: Vrushali Khaladkar and Manish Kumar
Editors: Sridaran RajagopalKalpesh PopatDivyakant MevaSunil Bajeja
Copyright Holder Name: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Publisher: Springer
Volume: 2039
Pages: 331–344
Status: Published, 2024
Book Series:  Communications in Computer and Information Science 
Book Title: Advances in Computing and Data Sciences
Authors: Vrushali Khaladkar and Manish Kumar
Editors: Mayank SinghVipin TyagiP. K. GuptaJan FlusserTuncer ÖrenAmar Ramdane CherifRavi Tomar
Copyright Holder Name: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Publisher: Springer
Volume: 2194
Pages: 308–320
Status: Published, 2024
Book Series:  Communications in Computer and Information Science 
Book Title: Advances in Computing and Data Sciences
Chapter Title: A lossless image, video and audio encryption method-based hybrid chaotic map and DNA encryption.
Authors: Vrushali Khaladkar and Manish Kumar
Editors: Dr. R. Sridaran, Dr. Kalpesh Popat, Dr. Divyakant Meva, Dr. Sunil Bajeja, Dr. Pankaj Mudholkar
Copyright Holder Name: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Publisher: Springer
Status: Accepted, November 2024.
Book Series: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics
Book Title: Mathematical Theory and Simulation of Scientific Problems
Chapter Title: Triple secure encryption scheme 3-channel image based on Hankel transform, geometric transforms and hyper chaotic maps.
Authors: Vrushali Khaladkar and Manish Kumar
Editors: Rajesh Kumar Sharma, Shailesh Kumar Srivastava, Ali Cemal Benim
Copyright Holder Name: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd
Publisher: Springer
Status: Accepted, November 2024.
Book Series: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics
Book Title: Convex Optimization—Theory, Algorithms and Applications
Chapter Title: Triple secure encryption scheme 3-channel image based on Hankel transform, geometric transforms and hyper chaotic maps.
Authors: Vrushali Khaladkar and Manish Kumar
Editors: Balendu Bhooshan Upadhyay, Shashi Kant Mishra, Pierre Maréchal
Copyright Holder Name: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd
Publisher: Springer
Status: Under publication on Jan 6, 2025.
Research article publications:
(1) A. Prasad and M. Kumar, Continuity of pseudo-differential operator hm,a involving Hankel translation and Hankel convolution on some Gevrey spaces, Integral Transforms & Special Functions, Vol. 21, Issue no. 6, pp. 465–477, 2010 (Taylor & Francis).
(2) R.S. Pathak, A. Prasad, and M. Kumar, n-Dimensional Sobolev type spaces involving Hankel transform, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 218, Issue no. 3, pp. 899–905, 2011 (Elsevier).
(3) A. Prasad and M. Kumar, Product of two generalized pseudo-differential operators involving fractional Fourier transform, Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications, Vol. 2, Issue no. 3, 355–365, 2011 (Springer).
(4) A. Prasad, M. Kumar, and Devdeep Roy Choudhury, Color image encoding using fractional Fourier transformation associated with wavelet transformation, Optics Communications, Vol. 285, pp. 1005–1009, 2012 (Elsevier).
(5) R.S. Pathak, A. Prasad, and M. Kumar, An n-Dimensional pseudo-differential operator involving the Hankel transformation, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci., Vol. 122, Issue no. 1, pp. 99–120, 2012 (Springer).
(6) R.S. Pathak, A. Prasad, and M. Kumar, Fractional Fourier transform of tempered distributions and generalized pseudo-differential operator, Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications, Vol. 3, Issue no. 2, pp. 239–254, 2012 (Springer).
(7) Manish Kumar, Image encryption using TSRMSC associated with DWT, AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. 1558, pp. 865–868, 2013 (American Institute of Physics).
(8) Akhilesh Prasad, Manoj Kumar Singh, and Manish Kumar, The continuous fractional wave packet transform, AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. 1558, pp. 856–859, 2013 (American Institute of Physics).
(9) Manish Kumar, Preface of the "First Symposium on pure and applied mathematics (2013)" AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. 1558, pp. 855, 2013 (American Institute of Physics).
(10) Manish Kumar, D.C. Mishra, and R.K. Sharma, A first approach on an RGB image encryption, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 52, pp. 27–34, 2014 (Elsevier).
(11) D.C. Mishra, R.K. Sharma, Manish Kumar, and Kuldeep Kumar, Security of color image data designed by public-key cryptosystem associated with 2D- DWT, Fractals, Vol. 22, pp. 1450011–1450026, 2014 (World Scientific).
(12) Akhilesh Prasad and Manish Kumar, Boundedness of pseudo-differential operator associated with fractional Fourier transform, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, Vol. 84, Issue no. 4, pp. 549–554, 2014 (Springer).
(13) R.S. Pathak and Manish Kumar, Wavelet packets in Sobolev space, Applicable Analysis, Vol. 94, Issue no. 5, pp. 1068–1084, 2015 (Taylor & Francis).
(14) Manish Kumar, Pradeep Powduri, and Avinash Reddy, An RGB image encryption using diffusion process associated with chaotic map, Journal of Information Security and Applications, Vol. 21, pp. 20–30, 2015 (Elsevier).
(15) Manish Kumar and Kashyap L. S. J. Josyula, An interlaced secure algorithm for RGB image encryption in wavelet packet domain, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, Vol. 14, pp. 1650008-1–1650008-14, 2016 (World Scientific).
(16) Manish Kumar, Akhlad Iqbal, and Pranjal Kumar, A new RGB image encryption algorithm based on DNA encoding and elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman cryptography, Signal Processing, Vol. 125, pp. 187–202, 2016 (Elsevier).
(17) Manish Kumar, R. N. Mohapatra, Sajal Agarwal, G. Sathish, and S. N. Raw, A new RGB image encryption using generalized Vigen´ere-type table over symmetric group associated with virtual planet domain, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 78, pp. 10227–10263, 2019 (Springer).
(18) Manish Kumar, Sathish G, Michael Alphonse, Rachid Ait Maalem Lahcen, A new RGB image encryption using generalized heat equation associated with generalized Vigen`ere-type table over symmetric group, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 78, pp. 28025–28061, 2019 (Springer).
(19) Rachid Ait Maalem Lahcen, Bruce Caulkins, Ram Mohapatra, and Manish Kumar, Review and insight on the behavioral aspects of cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, Vol. 3, Issue no. 10, 2020 (Springer).
(20) Manish Kumar,A new class of pseudo-differential operators involving linear canonical transform,International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Vol. 6, issue 6, Article No. 165, 2020 (Springer).
(21) Manish Kumar and Prateek Gupta, A new medical image encryption algorithm based on the 1D logistic map associated with pseudo-random numbers, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 80, pp. 18941–18967, 2021 (Springer).
(22) Manish Kumar and Tusharakanta Pradhan, A framework of linear canonical transform on pseudo-differential operators and its application, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, pages 11425–11443, Vol. 44, Issue No. 14, 2021 (John Wiley & Sons Ltd.).
(23) Manish Kumar and Tusharakanta Pradhan, A new couple of Sobolev-type spaces and some applications, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 7, Article No. 102, 2021 (Springer).
(25) Tusharakanta Pradhan, Manish Kumar, and Ram N Mohapatra, Pseudo-differential operators of infinite order on the space WMΩ(C) associated with a linear canonical transform, Panamerican Mathematical Journal, Vol. 31, Issue no. 4, pp. 41–60, 2021.
(26) Manish Kumar and Tusharakanta Pradhan, Quadratic-phase Fourier transform of tempered distributions and pseudo-differential operators, Integral Transforms & Special Functions, Vol. 33, Issue no. 6, pp. 449–465, 2022 (Taylor & Francis).
(27) Manish Kumar and Tusharakanta Pradhan, A pair of fractional Hankel-Clifford transform on Sobolev-type spaces: Theory, Examples, and Applications, Advances in Operator Theory, 7, Article No. 61, 2022 (Springer).
(28) Manish Kumar and Tusharakanta Pradhan, An n-dimensional pseudo-differential operator involving linear canonical transform and some applications in quantum mechanics, Filomat Vol. 37, Issue no. 13, pp. 4155–4170, 2023.

(29) Manish Kumar and Divye Kalra, Efficient and lightweight data encryption scheme for embedded systems using 3D-LFS chaotic map and NFSR, e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy, Vol. 5, September 2023, 100273, (Elsevier).

(30) Manish Kumar, A new RGB image encryption algorithm based on hyper-chaotic-discrete-wavelet-packet-transform, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 83, pages 58349–58374, 2024. (Springer). 

(31) Manish Kumar and Vrushali P Khaladkar, Secure communication using an adaptable multilevel RGB image encryption algorithm for wireless sensor networks. e-Prime-Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy, Vol. 7, March 2024 :100446.

(32) Bhawna and Manish Kumar, Special affine Fourier transform of tempered distributions and pseudo-differential operators, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, Vol. 35, Issue no. 10, Pages 561-576, May 2024 (Taylor & Francis).

(33) Manish Kumar and Bhawna, Windowed octonion quadratic phase Fourier transform: Sharp inequalities, uncertainty principles and examples in signal processing, Vol. 12, Pages 146771-146794, IEEE Access, October 2024 (IEEE).

(34) Manish Kumar and Bhawna, Octonion quadratic-phase Fourier transform: inequalities, uncertainty principles, and examples, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Vol. 2024, Article No. 134, October 2024, (Springer).

(35) Manish Kumar, Chivukula, Aneesh Sreevallabh Chivukula and Gunjan Barua,  Deep learning-based encryption scheme for medical images using DCGAN and virtual planet domain. Scientific Reports, 15, 1211 (2025), (Nature Portfolio). 

(36) Manish Kumar and Bhawna, Special Affine Fourier Transform on Tempered Distribution and Its Application. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, WILEY, January 26, 2025.