Journals and Book Chapters:
15. "Autonomous Aircraft Maneuvering under Unknown CG Variations through a Robust Adaptive Backstepping Control", by Khanna A., Mukherjee B.K. and Sinha M., Journal of Vibration and Control, Sage, 2024 (Accepted, In Press)
14. "Lateral Maneuvering with a UAV Mitigating Lateral CG Variations: Modelling and an Efficient Adaptive Backstepping Control", by Khanna A. and Mukherjee B.K., Unmanned Systems, World Scientific, 2024 (Accepted, In Press)
13. "High-α Maneuver under Lateral Centre of Gravity Uncertainty: A Robust Adaptive Backstepping Control Scheme", by Khanna A., Mukherjee B.K. and Sinha M., Proceedings of the IMechE, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engg., Sage, Vol. 238(13), 2024, pp. 1357-1373.
12. "A Novel Apparent Power Loss based Distributed Generator Siting and Sizing Method
Considering Dependent Loads", by Chowdhury R. and Mukherjee B.K.,
Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier, Vol. 228, 2024, pp. 1-12.
11. "Performance Assessment of a Distribution System by Simultaneous Optimal Positioning of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Distributed Generators", by Chowdhury R., Mukherjee B.K., Mishra P. and Mathur H.D., Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier, Vol. 214, 2023, pp. 1-13.
10. "Adaptive Block Backstepping Control for a UAV Performing Lateral Maneuvers under Lateral CG Uncertainty", by Khanna A., Singh N. and Mukherjee B.K., Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Emerald, Vol. 94, Issue 7, 2022, pp. 1100-1108.
9. "Fault-Tolerant Sliding Mode Satellite Attitude Stabilization using Magneto-Coulombic Torquers", by Prabhat H., Mukherjee B.K., Giri D.K. and Sinha M., Aerospace Science and Technology, Elsevier, Vol. 121, 2022, pp. 1-12.
8. "Forecast Based Modeling and Robust Frequency Control of Standalone Microgrids Considering High Penetration of Renewable Sources", by Kumar D., Mukherjee B.K., Mathur H.D., Siguerdidjane H. and Bhanot S., International Trans. on Electrical Energy Systems, Wiley, Vol. 31, Issue 2, 2021, pp. 1-24.
7. "Automatic Control of an Asymmetric Fighter Aircraft Performing Supermaneuvers", by Mukherjee B.K., Goel K. and Sinha M., Advances in Military Technology, Vol. 15, Issue 1, 2020, pp. 164-178.
6. "Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of a Laterally Mass Varying Fighter Aircraft" by Mukherjee B.K. and Sinha M., Proceedings of the IMechE, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engg., Sage, Vol. 232, Issue 16, 2018, pp. 3118-3134.
5. "Extreme Aircraft Maneuver under Sudden Lateral CG Movement: Modeling and Control" by Mukherjee B.K. and Sinha M., Aerospace Science and Technology, Elsevier, Vol. 68, 2017, pp. 11-25.
4. "Dynamic Inversion Control for Performing Herbst Maneuver with Lateral Center of Gravity Offset" by Mukherjee B.K. and Sinha M., Defence Science Journal, DRDO, Vol. 67, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 198-206.
3. "Lorentz Force Based Fuzzy-PID Attitude Control for Earth-pointing Satellites" by Mukherjee B.K., Giri D.K. and Sinha M., Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, AIAA, Vol. 54, Issue 5, 2017, pp. 1153-1160.
2. "Three-Axis Global Magnetic Attitude Control of Earth-pointing Satellites in Circular Orbit" by Giri D.K., Mukherjee B.K., Bidul T.N. and Sinha M., Asian Journal of Control, Wiley, Vol. 19, Issue 6, 2017, pp. 2028-2041.
1. "Exploiting Fractional Order PID Controller Methods in Improving the Performance of Integer Order PID Controllers: A GA Based Approach" by Mukherjee B.K. and Metia S., IAENG Trans. on Engineering Technologies, Vol. 3, AIP Conference Proceedings Series 1174, 2009.