
Prof. Vidya Rajesh

Department of Biological Sciences

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - Functional Genomics and Biomarker Profiling; Country Specific Epidemiological Studies;, Malaria vaccine candidates, Remediation of Environmental Pollutants Using Microbe - Biopolymer Composite Materials
Chamber No. A-116, Department of Biological Sciences, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani
Hyderabad Campus
Jawahar Nagar, Kapra Mandal
Dist.-Medchal-500 078
Telangana, India


  1.  Arunraj B, Vidya Rajesh, Tomasz Bajda, Wei-Lung Tseng, A. Santhana Krishna Kumar, N. Rajesh, Enhancing the adsorptive recovery of Europium from real-world solid samples through the synergistic impact of lysozyme fibril and melamine phytate, J. Molecular Liquids, 393, 123529 (2024).
  2.  Arunraj. B, Vidya Rajesh, Rajesh. N, Potential application of graphene oxide and Aspergillus niger spores with high adsorption capacity for recovery of europium from red phosphor, compact fluorescent lamp and simulated radioactive waste, J. Rare. Earths, 41 (1), 157-166 (2023).
  3. B. Arunraj, Undru Sri Guna Kaushik, Vidya Rajesh. and N. Rajesh, Combinative influence of graphitic carbon nitride and Halomonas BVR1 bacteria augment the adsorptive recovery of precious ‘Euro’pium. Chemical Engineering Journal, 404, 126466 (2021).
  4. E. Nandini, B. Arunraj, N. Rajesh, Vidya Rajesh, “Improvised method for urinary p-cresol detection and measurement using high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry”, Heliyon, 5 (12), e02978 (2019).
  5. B. Arunraj, Sathvika Talasila, Vidya Rajesh and N. Rajesh, “Removal of Europium from aqueous solution using Saccharomyces cerevisiae immobilized in glutaraldehyde cross-linked chitosan”, Separation Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2018.1556303, (2019).
  6. B. Arunraj, Talasila Sathvika, Vidya Rajesh and N. Rajesh, “Cellulose and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Embark To Recover Europium from Phosphor Powder”, ACS Omega, DOI:10.1021/acsomega.8b02845, (2019).
  7.  T. Sathvika, Smruthi Balaji, Mritunjai Chandra, Amitesh Soni, Vidya Rajesh, N.Rajesh,” A co-operativeendeavour by nitrifying bacteria Nitrosomonas and Zirconium based metal organic framework to remove hexavalent chromium”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 360, 879–889, (2019).
  8.  Manasi Mudaliyar, Aditya Tibrewal, N. Rajesh, Vidya Rajesh, "Identification and Characterization of the microbial communities found in electronic industrial effluent and their potential for bioremediation", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 164, 379-387, (2018).
  9. Manasi, Vidya Rajesh, N. Rajesh, "Biosorption study of cadmium, lead and zinc ions onto halophilic bacteria and reduced graphene oxide", Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 6, 5053-5060, (2018).
  10. T. Sathvika, Amitesh Soni, Kriti Sharma, Mallipeddi Praneeth, Manasi Mudalliar, Vidya Rajesh*, N. Rajesh*, "Potential application of Sacchormyces cereviseae and Rhizobium immobilized in multiwalled carbon nanotubes to adsorb hexavalent chromium," Scientific Reports - Nature, 8, 9862, (2018).
  11. T. Sathvika, Manasi Mudaliar, Vidya Rajesh, N. Rajesh, "Leveraging the potential of Endomycorhizzal spores and montmorillonite for hexavalent chromium adsorption from aqueous phase", Chemistry Select, 3, 2747 -2755 (2018).
  12. Manasi, Sreedev Mohapatra, N. Rajesh and Vidya Rajesh, "Impact of heavy metal lead stress on polyamine levels in Halomonas BVR1 isolated from an industry effluent", Scientific Reports - Nature, 7, 13447, (2017).
  13. Mahesh Kumar Kalikiri, Madhu Poornima Mamidala, Ananth.N. Rao, Vidya Rajesh , "Analysis and Functional characterization of sequence variations in ligand binding domain of thyroid hormone receptors in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) patients", Autism Research, 4, (2017).
  14. C.N.Rahul, K. Shiva Krishna, Atul P. Pawar, Vidya Rajesh, “In silico approach to ascertain the calcium dependent role of Plasmodium falciparum SERA 5”, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 35 (1), 17-25 (2017).
  15. S. Kalidasan, A. Santhana Krishna Kumar, Vidya Rajesh, N. Rajesh, "The journey traversed in the remediation of hexavalent chromium and the road ahead", Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 317, (2016), 157-166.
  16. Madhu Poornima Mamidala, N. Rajesh, Vidya Rajesh, " Mass Spectrometric evaluation of neurotransmitter levels in IMR 32 cell line in response to Ayurvedic medicines", Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry, 30, 1413 -1422, (2016).
  17. Manasi, N. Rajesh, Vidya Rajesh, " Evaluation of genetic basis of heavy metal resistance in an isolate from electronic industry effluent", Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, 14, (1) 177-180, (2016).
  18. T. Sathvika, Manasi, Vidya Rajesh, N. Rajesh, " Prospective application of Aspergillus sps. immobilized in sodium montmorillonite to remove toxic hexavalent chromium from waste water", RSC Advances, 5, 107031 - 107044, (2015).
  19. Rahul C. N, Shiva Krishna K, Meera M, Sandhya Phadke,Vidya Rajesh, “Characterization of sequence diversity in Plasmodium falciparum SERA-5 from Indian isolates, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease, 5 (Suppl.1), 80 - 84, (2015).
  20. T. Sathvika, Manasi, Vidya Rajesh, N. Rajesh, “Microwave assisted immobilization of yeast in cellulose biopolymer as a green adsorbent for the sequestration of chromium.” Chemical Engineering Journal, 279, 38 – 46, (2015).
  21. Manasi, Vidya Rajesh, N. Rajesh, “An indigenous Halomonas BVR1 strain immobilized in crosslinked chitosan for adsorption of lead and cadmium” International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 79, 300 – 308, (2015).
  22. C.N. Rahul, K. Shiva Krishna, M. Meera, Sandhya Phadke, Vidya Rajesh, "Plasmodium vivax: N-terminal diversity in the blood stage SERA genes from Indian Isolates” Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases, 55, 30 – 35, (2015).
  23. Madhu Poornima Mamidala, Mahesh Kumar Kalikiri, Praveen Kumar P. T. V., N Rajesh, Om Sai Ramesh Vallamkonda, Vidya Rajesh, "Consanguinity in India and its association with Autism Spectrum Disorder", Autism Research, 8, 224 – 228, (2015).
  24. Manasi, Vidya Rajesh, N. Rajesh, "Adsorption Isotherms, Kinetics and Thermodynamic studies towards understanding the interaction between a microbe immobilized polysaccharide matrix and lead.” Chemical Engineering Journal, 248, 342 – 351, (2014).
  25. Manasi, Vidya Rajesh, A. Santhana Krishna Kumar, N. Rajesh, " Biosorption of cadmium using a novel bacterium isolated from an electronic industry effluent", Chemical Engineering Journal, 235, 176 – 185, (2014).
  26. C.N. Rahul, Shiva Krishna Katakam, Meerabai, Vijjay Kumar, Sandhya Phadke, Vidya Rajesh, "Plasmodium vivax: C-terminal diversity in the blood stage SERA genes from Indian Isolates", Experimental Parasitology, 134, 82 – 91, (2013).
  27. C.N. Rahul, Shiva Krishna Katakam, Atul P. Pawar, Meerabai, Vijjay Kumar, Sandhya Phadke, Vidya Rajesh, “Genetic and structural characterization of PvSERA-4: Potential implications as therapeutic target for P.vivax malaria”. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 32 (4), 580 – 590, (2014).
  28. Madhu Poornima Mamidala, Anupama Polinedi, Praveen Kumar. P. T. V, Rajesh N., Om Sai Ramesh Vallamkonda, Vrajesh Udani, Nidhi Singhal, Vidya Rajesh, “Prenatal, perinatal, and neonatal risk factors of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A comprehensive epidemiological assessment from India”, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34 (9), 3004-3013, (2013).
  29. Madhu Poornima Mamidala, Anupama Polinedi, Praveen Kumar P.T. V, Rajesh N., Om Sai Ramesh Vallamkonda, Vrajesh Udani, Nidhi Singhal, Vidya Rajesh, " Maternal hormonal interventions as a risk factor for Autism Spectrum Disorder: an epidemiological assessment from India." Journal of Biosciences, 38 (5), 887 – 892, (2013).
  30. A. Santhana Krishna Kumar a, Revathi Ramachandran, S. Kalidhasan, Vidya Rajesh, N. Rajesh, “Potential application of dodecylamine modified sodium montmorillonite as an effective adsorbent for hexavalent chromium”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 211-212, 396 – 405, (2012).
  31. A. Santhana Krishna Kumara, Timsi Gupta, Shruti Singh Kakan, S. Kalidhasan, Manasi, Vidya Rajesh, N. Rajesh, “Effective adsorption of hexavalent chromium through a three center (3c) co-operative interaction with an ionic liquid and biopolymer”. J. Hazardous Material, 239-240, 213 – 224, (2012).
  32. S. Kalidhasan, Priyanka Amba Gupta,Vinusha Reddy Cholleti, A. Santhana Krishna Kumar, Vidya Rajesh and N. Rajesh, “Microwave assisted solvent free green preparation and physicochemical characterization of surfactant-anchored cellulose and its relevance towards the effective adsorption of chromium” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 372, 88 – 98, (2012).
  33. S. Kalidhasan, A. Santhana Krishna Kumar, Vidya Rajesh and N. Rajesh, “Ultrasound Assisted Preparation and Characterization of Crystalline Cellulose-Ionic Liquid Blend Polymeric Material: A Prelude to the Study of its Application towards the Effective Adsorption of Chromium”. Journal of Colloidal and Interface Science, 367, 398 – 408, (2012).
  34. S. Kalidhasan, A. Santhana Krishna Kumar, Vidya Rajesh and N. Rajesh, “An efficient ultrasound assisted approach for the impregnation of room temperature ionic liquid onto Dowex 1 x8 resin matrix and its application towards the enhanced adsorption of chromium (VI)” Journal of Hazardous Materials 213, 249 – 257, (2012).
  35. A. Santhana Krishna Kumar, S. Kalidhasan, Vidya Rajesh, N. Rajesh, “Application of Cellulose-Clay Composite Biosorbent towards the Effective Adsorption and Removal of Chromium from Industrial Wastewater” Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 51,58 – 69, (2012).
  36.  N.Rajesh, A. S. Krishna Kumar, S. Kalidasan, Vidya Rajesh. “Trialkyl amine impregnated macroporous polymeric sorbent for the effective removal of chromium from industrial waste water.” Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 56, 2295 – 2304, (2011).
  37.  A.S. Krishna Kumar, S. Kalidasan, Vidya Rajesh, N. Rajesh. “Microwave assisted preparation and characterization of biopolymer-clay composite material and its application for chromium detoxification from industrial effluents.” Advanced Material Letters, 2 (6), 383 – 391, (2011).
  38.  S.Kalidasan, A.S.Krishna Kumar, Vidya Rajesh, N. Rajesh. “A preliminary spectroscopic investigation on the molecular interaction of metal – diphenylthiocarbazone complex with cellulose biopolymer and its application.” Spectrochimica Acta; Part A, 79, 1681 – 1687, (2011).
  39.  A. S. Krishna Kumar, S. Kalidhasan, Vidya Rajesh, N. Rajesh, “An enhanced adsorption methodology for the detoxification of chromium using n-octylamine impregnated Amberlite XAD-4 polymeric sorbent.” Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part A, 46 (13),1598 – 1610, (2011).
  40. Pradeep Sekhar C, Kalidhasan S, Vidya Rajesh, Rajesh N. “Bio-polymer adsorbent for the removal of malachite green from aqueous solution” Chemosphere, 77 (6), (2009), 842 - 847.
  41. Vidya Rajesh, Vijay Kumar Singamsetti, Vidya S, Gowrishankar M, Elamaran M , Jyotsna Tripathi, N.B. Radhika, Dhanpat Kochar, Akash Ranjan, S.K.Roy, Ashis Das. “Plasmodium falciparum: Genetic Polymorphism in Apical Membrane Antigen – 1 gene from Indian Isolates”, Experimental Parasitology, 119, 144 – 151, (2008).
  42. Vidya Rajesh, Elamaran M, Vidya S, Gowrishankar M, Dhanpat Kochar, Ashis Das, “Genetic diversity of the P. vivax Apical Membrane Antigen –1 (AMA-1) in isolates from India.”, Experimental Parasitology, 116, 252 – 256, (2007).
  43. S. Vijay Kumar, Sarita Ranjan, Vishal Saxena, Vidya Rajesh, S. K.Roy, Dhanpat Kochar, Akash Ranjan, Ashis Das. “Plasmodium falciparum : Genetic diversity of C terminal region of MSP-1 in isolates from Indian sub-continent”, Experimental Parasitology, 110, 384 – 388, (2005).