Associate Professor
Prof. R. N. Panda
# Citations: 1726/ h-index: 19/i-10-Index: 28 (Google Scholar)
[After Joining BITS Pilani, Goa (2006)]
[53] Anagha B. Patil and Rabi N. Panda, Structural characterization and tuning of magnetic properties of CoVδFe2−δO4 (0.0 ≤ δ ≤ 0.9) nanomaterials synthesized via a modified sol–gel autocombustion method, New journal of Chemistry, 49 (2025)109-123.
[52] Anagha B. Patil and Rabi N. Panda, Effect of Vanadium on Structural and Magnetic Properties of Nano-sized CoVxFe2-xO4 (x = 0.0 and 0.5) Synthesized by Modified Sol-gel Autocombustion Method, AIP Conf. Proc. (3198), 020013 (2025).
[51] Pragnya Paramita Mishra, Anagha B. Patil and Rabi N. Panda, Magnetic Properties of CoWN2 Synthesized by Ammonolysis of Nanocrystalline CoWO4 Materials, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 37 (2024) 1189–1197
[50] Anagha B. Patil and Rabi N. Panda, Magnetic Properties of CoNbyFe2‑yO4 (0.00 ≤ y ≤ 0.08) Nanomaterials Synthesized via Modified Sol–gel Autocombustion Route, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 37 (2024) 597-608
[49] Anagha B. Patil and Rabi N. Panda, Synthesis, characterization and studies on magnetic properties of nanocrystalline CoNbyFe2-yO4 spinel ferrites, AIP Conf. Proc. 2995, 020031(2024).
[48] Anagha B. Patil and Rabi N. Panda, Magnetic Synthesis, characterizations and magnetic properties of nanoscale CoVxFe2-xO4 (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 0.9) materials synthesized via sol-gel autocombustion route, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 307 (2023)128215.
[47] Shankar B. Dalavi, Pragnya P. Mishra, Tomy Cherian, M. Manivel Raja and Rabi N. Panda, Magnetic and Mossbauer studies on Nano-structured CoCrxFe2-xO4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) Spinel Ferrites Prepared by Sol- gel Auto-combustion Method, J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 20(2), (2020) 983-990.
[46] S. B. Dalavi, M. M. Raja and R. N. Panda, Novel Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of PVP capped Cobalt Nanostructures, J. Nanomater Mol Nanotechnol, 2018, 7:6 (2018) 10.4172/2324-8777.1000257.
[45] Shankar B. Dalavi and Rabi N. Panda, Observation of High Coercive Fields in Chemically Synthesized Coated Fe-Pt Nanostructures, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 428, 2017, 306-312.
[44] Pragnya P. Mishra and Rabi N. Panda, Novel synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of nano-structured γ-Mo2N and γ-Co0.25Mo1.75N nitrides, Mater. Res. Bull. 86 (2017) 241-247.
[43] Shankar B. Dalavi and Rabi N. Panda, Investigations of magnetic properties of oleic acid and oleyl amine capped nano-structured CoxNi1-x (0.2≤x≤ 0.8) alloys, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 17, 2017, 2589-2595.
[42] Shankar B. Dalavi and Rabi N. Panda, New Synthetic Methodology and Magnetic Properties of fcc Co-Ni Nanostructured Alloys Embedded in KIT-6 Matrix, Journal of Materials Research, 31 (16) 2016. 2430-2437.
[41] Pragnya P. Mishra, M. Manivel Raja and Rabi N. Panda, Novel Synthesis and Nanostructure Controlled Magnetic Characteristics of ε-Fe3N and γ′-Ni x Fe4−x N (0.2≤ x≤ 0.8) Nitrides, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 29 (5), 1347-1356 (2016).
[40] Pragnya P. Mishra, M. Manivel Raja and Rabi N. Panda, Enhancement of magnetic moment in Co substituted Nanocrystalline ε-CoxFe3−x N (0.2≤ x≤ 0.4) synthesized by modified citrate precursor route, Mater. Res. Bull. 75, 127-133 (2016).
[39] Shankar B. Dalavi and Rabi N. Panda, Structural and Magnetic Properties of Single Domain PEG-Coated FexNi80-xCo20 (x = 20, 40) Ternary Alloys Synthesized by Chemical Method, Trans. Indian Inst. Met., 68(2), 253-257 (2015).
[38] Pragnya P. Mishra and Rabi N. Panda, Development of novel chemical synthetic routes for nanocrystalline VN, Mo2N, and W2N nitride materials, AIP Conf. Proc. 1665, 050030 (2015).
[37] Shankar B. Dalavi and Rabi N. Panda, Magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Co and Ni synthesized via superhydride reduction route, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 374, 411-416 (2015).
[36] Shankar B. Dalavi and Rabi N. Panda, Magnetic properties of nano-structured Co and Ni synthesized by modified NaBH4 reduction route, Part. Sci. Technol. 33(1), 97-101 (2015).
[35] Shankar B. Dalavi, M. Manivel Raja and Rabi N. Panda, FTIR, magnetic and Mossbauer investigations of nano-crystalline FexCo1-x (0.4 ≤ x ≤ 0.8) alloys synthesized via a superhydride reduction route, New J. Chem. 39, 9641-9649(2015).
[34] Shankar B. Dalavi, M. Manivel Raja and Rabi N. Panda, Magnetic properties of Ni nanoparticles embedded in silica matrix (KIT-6) synthesized via novel chemical route, AIP Conf. Proc. 1665, 050071 (2015).
[33] Pragnya P. Mishra, J. Theerthagiri and Rabi N. Panda, “Mesoporous Vanadium Nitride Synthesized by chemical Routes” Adsorption Science & Technology, 2014,32,465-474.
[32] Shankar B. Dalavi, M. Manivel Raja and Rabi N. Panda, Chemical synthesis, characterizations and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Fe50Co50 alloy, AIP Conf. Proc. 1591, 241-243 (2014).
[31] S. Bhattacharyya, Y. Mastai, Rabi Narayan Panda, S. Yeon and Michael Z Hu, Advanced Nanoporous Materials: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications, J. Nanomaterials, 2014, 1-2 DOI:10.1155/2014/275796 (Editorial)
[30] J. Theerthagiri, Shankar B. Dalavi, M. Manivel Raja and R. N. Panda , Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline ε-Fe3N and Co4N phases synthesized by Newer precursor route, Mater. Res. Bull, 48 (2013), 4444-4448.
[29] Shankar B. Dalavi, J. Theerthagiri, M. ManivelRaja and R. N. Panda, Synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline FexNi80−xCo20 ternary alloys, J. Magn. Mag. Mater., 344 (2013), PP 30-34.
[28] R. S. Ningthoujam, Rabi Narayan Panda and N. S. Gajbhiye, Variation of intrinsic magnetic parameters of single domain Co-N interstitial nitrides synthesized via hexa-ammine cobalt nitrate route, Mater. Chem and Phys, 134(2012) pp 377-381.
[27] Rabi N. Panda, Shankar B. Dalavi and Theerthagiri J. Synthesis of High Surface Area W2N and Co-W-N Nitrides by Using Chemical Routes, Adsorption Science and Technology, 30(4)(2012)pp345-354.
[26] R. N. Panda, Synthesis of High Surface Area Mo-V Nitrides, J. Surface Sci. Technol., 27 (1-2)(2011)pp 125-134.
[25] R. N. Panda, G. Balaji, P. K. Pandey and N. S. Gajbhiye, Magnetic and XPS investigations on nano-crystalline Fe3Mo3N, FeMoN2 and Ni3Mo3N nitrides, Hyperfine interactions, vol 184, Nos 1-3, (2008) pp. 659-664.
[24] Piotr Krawiec, Rabi Narayan Panda, Emanuel Kockrick, Dorin Geiger and Stefan Kaskel, High Surface area V-Mo-N materials synthesized from amine intercalated foams, J. Solid State Chemistry, 181 (4) (2008)pp935-942.
[23] R. N. Panda and S. Kaskel, Synthesis and Characterization of high surface area Molybdenum Nitride, J. Mater. Sci., 41(8) (2006)pp. 2465-2470.
[During Doctoral (1993-1998) and Post-Doctoral Research (1999-2005)]
[22] K. De, R. Ray, R. N. Panda, S. Giri, H. Nakamura, T. Kohara, The effect of Fe substitution on magnetic and transport properties of LaMnO3, J. Magn. Mag. Mater., 288(2005)339-346.
[21] N. S. Gajbhiye, R. N. Panda, R. S. Ningthoujam and S. Bhattacharyya, Magnetism of nanostructured iron nitride (Fe-N) systems, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 1, No 12, (2004)3252-3259.
[20] R. N. Panda and A. Pradhan, Raman and Photo-Luminescence Investigations of Czochralski Grown Cr- and Pr- doped Bi12SiO3 single crystals, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 78 (2002) pp313-317.
[19] R. J. Chung , M. F. Hsieh, R. N. Panda and T. S. Chin, Hydroxyapatite Layers deposited from aqueous solutions on hydrophilic silicon substrate, Surface and coating technology, 165(2003)pp 194-200.
[18] R. N. Panda, J. C. Shih and T. S. Chin, Magnetic Properties of nano-crystalline Gd or Pr substituted CoFe2O4 synthesized by a citrate precursor technique, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 257(1)(2003)pp79-86.
[17] R. N. Panda, M. F. Hsieh, R. J. Chung and T. S. Chin, FTIR, XRD, SEM and Solid State NMR investigations of carbonate-containing hydroxyapatite nano-particles synthesized by hydroxide-gel technique, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 64(2003)pp193-199.
[16] R. N. Panda, G. Balaji and N. S. Gajbhiye, Enhancement of hyperfine Fields for Iron atoms in γ′-Fe4-x NixN Compounds, Hyperfine Interactions, 141(2002)pp 187-191.
[15] H. H. Hsiao, R. N. Panda, J. C. Shih and T. S. Chin, Effects of Nitridation on Magnetic Properties of Fe53Pt47 Thin Film, J. Appl. Phys., 91(2002) pp3145-3149.
[14] Md. N. Islam, R. N. Panda, A. Pradhan and Satyendra Kumar, Symmetry forbidden raman scattering from porous silicon quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B. 65 (2002) pp 033314(1-4).
[13] R. N. Panda, N. S. Gajbhiye and G. Balaji, Interaction effects in Single domain Fe3O4 , J. Alloy and Compd., 326 (1-2),2001, pp 50-53.
[12] Rabi Narayan Panda, Ming-Fa Hsieh, Ren-jei Chung and Tsung-Shune Chin, X-ray Diffractometry and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Investigations of Nano-crystalline Hydroxyapatite Synthesized by a Hydroxide Gel Technique, Jap. J. Appl. Phys., 40 (2001) pp5030-5035.
[11] B. V. Laxmi, R. N. Panda, M. S. Nair, A. Rastogi, D. K. Mittal, A. Agarwal and A. Pradhan, Distinguishing normal, benign and malignant human breast tissues by visible polarized fluorescence, Lasers in Life Sciences, 9 (2001) pp 229-243.
[10] A. Pradhan, R. N. Panda, Maya S. Nair, B. V. Laxmi, Asha Agarwal and A. Rastogi, Fluorescence study of normal, benign and malignant human breast tissue, Proceeding of SPIE(The international Soc. For opt. Engg., 3917, Optical Biopsy III (2000) pp 240-243.
[9] R. N. Panda and N. S. Gajbhiye, Magnetic Properties of nano-crystalline γ-Fe-Ni-N nitride systems, J. Appl. Phys., 86(6), 1999, pp 3295-3302.
[8] R. N. Panda and N. S. Gajbhiye, Magnetic Properties of nano-crystalline γ′-Fe4-x NixN compounds, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 195, 1999, pp 396-405.
[7] R. N. Panda, A. Agarwal and A. Pradhan, Fluorescence spectroscopic investigations of Cancerous Human tissues, Asian J. Physics., 8, 1999, pp 179-184.
[6] R. N. Panda and N. S. Gajbhiye, Chemical synthesis and magnetic Properties of FeMoN2, J. Cryst. Growth, 191, 1998, pp 92-96.
[5] R. N. Panda and N. S. Gajbhiye, Magnetic Properties of Nano-crystalline γ′-Fe4N and ε-Fe3N synthesized by citrate route, IEEE Trans. Mag., 34, 1998, pp 542-548.
[4] R. N. Panda and N. S. Gajbhiye, Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Nano-crystalline ε-Fe3N, J. Magn. Soc. Jpn., 22S1, 1998, pp 209-211.
[3] R. N. Panda and N. S. Gajbhiye, (1998) Magnetic Properties of Ultrafine γ′-Fe4N, In: Kumar, V., Sengupta, S., Raj, B. (eds) Frontiers in Materials Modelling and Design. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
[2] R. N. Panda and N. S. Gajbhiye, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Fe3Mo3N, J. Alloy and Compd., 256, 1997, pp 102-107.
[1] R. N. Panda and N. S. Gajbhiye, Magnetic Properties of Single Domain ε-Fe3N Synthesized by borohydride reduction route, J. Appl. Phys., 81, 1997, pp 335-339.
1) Pragnya P. Mishra and Rabi N. Panda, Basic Concepts of Nitride Magnetic Materials and their Applications, Handbook of Materials Science, Volume 2, Chapter 7, Indian Institute of Metal Series, Raghumani S. Ningthoujam and A. K. Tyagi (Eds), (2024) Springer Nature (Singapore), pp 233-267.
2) Shankar B. Dalavi, Anagha B. Patil and Rabi N. Panda, Magnetic Nanoparticles–Based Coated Materials, Handbook of Materials Science,Volume 2, Chapter 16, Indian Institute of Metal Series, Raghumani S. Ningthoujam and A. K. Tyagi (Eds), (2024) Springer Nature (Singapore), pp 533-571 .
3) Panda R. N., Balaji G., Pandey P.K., Gajbhiye N.S. (2008)Magnetic, Mössbauer and X-ray photoelectron Spectroscopic Investigations on Nanocrystalline Fe3Mo3N, FeMoN2and Ni3Mo3N nitrides. In: Gajbhiye N.S., Date S.K. (Eds.) ICAME 2007. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 659-664. (Conference Proceedings, e-Book).
4) Rabi Narayan Panda, Synthesis, Characterization, Magnetic, Electronic and Surface Properties of Materials at Reduced Dimension, Recent trends in Nanostructured Materials and Their Applications (ICRNM-2008), Ed: K. Narasimha Reddy, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 26-33. (Conference Proceedings)
(Contributed a paper as Author/Co-author/Participation/ presented Oral/Poster)