Associate Professor & Head of Department,
Department of Biotechnology , BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus.
Research articles (SCOPUS indexed): 27
Book chapters: 02
Google Scholar profile
Scopus profile
Citations (Google scholar): >1000
H index (Google scholar/Scopus): 16
i10 index (Google scholar): 22
27. Pillai JU., Cherian L., Taunk K., Iype E., Dutta, M. Identification of antiviral phytochemicals from cranberry as potential inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 main protease (Mpro). International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 261(Pt 1):129655.
26. Jayakumar, M.N., Muhammad, J.S.*, Dutta, M.*, Donakonda, S.*, Comprehensive In silico analysis of chaperones identifies CRYAB and P4HA2 as potential therapeutic targets and their small-molecule inhibitors for the treatment of cholangiocarcinoma. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2023, 166, 107572. *Joint supervision
25. Pillai, JU., Ray, A., Maan, M., Dutta, M. Repurposing drugs targeting metabolic diseases for cancer therapeutics. Drug Discovery Today, 2023, 103684
24. Maan, M., Abuzayeda, M., Kaklamanos, EG., Jamal, M., Dutta, M., Moharamzadeh, K. Molecular insights into the role of electronic cigarettes in oral carcinogenesis. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 2023, 51(1) 1-14.
23. Iype, E.; Pillai, J. U.; Kumar, I.; Gaastra-Nedea, S.; Subramanian, R.; Saha, R.N.; Dutta, M., In silico and in vitro assays reveal potential inhibitors against 3CLpro main protease of SARS-CoV-2. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 2021: 1-12.
22. Dutta, M.; Iype, E., Peptide inhibitors against SARS-CoV-2 2′-O-methyltransferase involved in RNA capping: A computational approach. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports 2021, 27: 101069. NA
21. Nanda, A.; Banerjee, P.; Dutta, M.; Wangdi, T.; Sharma, P.; Chaudhury, K.; Jana S.K.; Cytokines, Angiogenesis, and Extracellular Matrix Degradation are Augmented by Oxidative Stress in Endometriosis. Annals of Laboratory Medicine 2020, 40 (5): 390-397.
20. Karak, S.; Das, S.; Biswas, M.; Choudhury, A.; Dutta, M.; Chaudhury, K.; De, B., Phytochemical composition, β‐glucuronidase inhibition, and antioxidant properties of two fractions of Piper betle leaf aqueous extract. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019, 43 (12): e13048
19. Dutta, M.; Cai, J.; Gui, W.; Patterson, A., A review of analytical platforms for accurate bile acid measurement. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2019, 411 (19): 4541-4549
18. Maan, M.; Peters, J.M.; Dutta, M.*; Patterson, A.*, Lipid metabolism and lipophagy in cancer. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2018, 504 (3): 582-589 *Joint corresponding author
17. Dutta, M.*; Singh, B.; Joshi, M.; Das, D.; Subramani, E.; Maan, M.; Jana, S.K.; Sharma, U.; Das, S.; Dasgupta, S.; Ray, C.D.; Chakravarty, B.; Chaudhury, K.*, Metabolomics reveals perturbations in endometrium and serum of minimal and mild endometriosis. Scientific Reports 2018 (8): 6466 *Joint corresponding author
16. Acharya, J.; Dutta, M.; Chaudhury, K.; De, B., Metabolomics and chemometric study for identification of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor(s) from the flower extracts of Nymphaea pubescens. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2018, 42 (5): e12575
15. Pradhan, I.D.; Dutta, M.; Choudhury, K.; De, B., Metabolic diversity and in vitro pancreatic lipase inhibition activity of some varieties of Mangifera indica L. fruits. International Journal of Food Properties, 2018, 20 (S3): S3212–S3223.
14. More, T.H.; Bagadi, M.; Roy Choudhury, S.; Dutta, M.; Uppal, A.; Mane, A.; Santra, M.K.; Chaudhury, K.; Rapole, S., Comprehensive quantitative lipidomic approach to investigate serum phospholipid alterations in breast cancer. Metabolomics 2017, 13 (1): 3.
13. Zhang, L.; Krishnan, P.; Ehresman, D.; Smith, P. B.; Dutta, M.; Bagley, B. D.; Chang, S.; Butenhoff, J. L.; Patterson, A. D.; Peters, J. M., Perfluorooctane sulfonate-choline ion pair formation: a potential mechanism modulating hepatic steatosis and oxidative stress in mice. Toxicological Sciences 2016, 153 (1): 186-197.
12. Dutta, M.; Anitha, M.; Smith, P. B.; Chiaro, C. R.; Maan, M.; Chaudhury, K.; Patterson, A. D., Metabolomics reveals altered lipid metabolism in a mouse model of endometriosis. Journal of Proteome Research 2016, 15 (8), 2626–2633.
11. Ghosh, N.; Dutta, M.; Singh, B.; Banerjee, R.; Bhattacharyya, P.; Chaudhury, K., Transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics driven biomarker discovery in COPD: an update. Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics 2016, 16, (8), 1-17.
10. Singh, A. K.; Dutta, M.; Chattopadhyay, R.; Chakravarty, B.; & Chaudhury, K.; Intrafollicular interleukin-8, interleukin-12, and adrenomedullin are the promising prognostic markers of oocyte and embryo quality in women with endometriosis. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 2016, 33, 1363-1372.
9. Subramani, E.; Dutta, M.; Jothiramajayam, M.; Joshi, M.; Srivastava, S.; Mukherjee, A.; Chakravarty, B.; Chaudhury, K., Identification of serum metabolic markers for diagnosis of women with dormant tuberculosis. Metabolomics 2016, 12, (6), 1-9.
8. Das, S., Dutta, M., Chaudhury, K., De, B., Metabolomic and chemometric study of Achras sapota L. fruit extracts for identification of metabolites contributing to the inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase. European Food Research and Technology 2016, 242 (5), 733-743
7. Subramani, E.; Manivannan, J.; Dutta, M.; Chakravorty, D.; Joshi M.; Srivastava S.; Mukherjee, A.; Chakravarty B.; Chaudhury K., NMR-based metabonomics for understanding the influence of dormant tuberculosis. Human Reproduction 2016, 31, (4), 854-865.
6. Dutta, M.; Subramani, E.; Taunk K.; Gajbhiye, A.; Seal S.; Pendharkar, N.; Dhali, S.; Ray, CD.; Lodh, K.; Chakravarty, B.; Dasgupta, S.; Rapole, S.; Chaudhury, K., Investigation of serum proteome alterations in human endometriosis. Journal of Proteomics 2015, 114, 182-196.
5. Roy, S.; Banerjee, D.; Dutta, M.; Das D, Metabolically redirected biohydrogen pathway integrated with biomethanation for improved gaseous energy recovery. Fuel 2015, 158, 471-478.
4. Banerjee, P.; Dutta, M.; Srivastava, S.; Joshi, M.; Chakravarty, B.; Chaudhury, K., 1H NMR serum metabonomics for understanding metabolic dysregulation in women with idiopathic recurrent spontaneous miscarriage during implantation window. Journal of Proteome Research 2014, 13, (6), 3100-3106.
3. Banerjee, P.; Ghosh, S.; Dutta, M.; Subramani, E.; Khalpada, J.; Roychoudhury, S.; Chakravarty, B.; Chaudhury, K., Identification of key contributory factors responsible for vascular dysfunction in idiopathic recurrent spontaneous miscarriage. PLoS One 2013, 8, (11), e80940.
2. Jana, SK.; Dutta, M.; Joshi M.; Srivastava S.; Chakravarty B.; Chaudhury K., 1H NMR based targeted metabolite profiling for understanding the complex relationship connecting oxidative stress with endometriosis. BioMed research international 2013, Article ID 329058.
1. Dutta, M.; Joshi, M.; Srivastava, S.; Lodh, I.; Chakravarty, B.; Chaudhury, K., A metabonomics approach as a means for identification of potential biomarkers for early diagnosis of endometriosis. Mol Biosyst 2012, 8, (12), 3281-7.
1. Maan, M., Dutta, M. Chapter 7 - Interplay between Phospholipid signaling and autophagy. Cellular Lipid in Health and Disease. Academic Press. 2023. pp. 211-223
2. Varshney, S., Basak, T., Dutta, M., Sengupta, S. CHAPTER 4 Proteomics. Mass Spectrometry in Chemical Biology: Evolving Applications. The Royal Society of Chemistry. 2018. pp. 82-143
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