Professional Development Allowance

Professional Development Allowance


Professional Development Allowance

Sl. No. Head Details
1. Block year FY April 2023 - March 2026 and subsequent 3-year blocks. This policy is to be implemented for all entitlements due to the faculty with effect from block-year April 2023-26. [Any amounts carried forward to FY 2023 as per old policy will need to be expensed / claimed as per terms of the previous policy]. This new policy will apply for all entitlements with effect from April 2023
2. Eligibility Faculty members at the level of Assistant Professor and above from the Date of joining up to the period of employment.
3. PDA grant Rs.3,00,000/- (Rupees Three lakhs) for the entire three-year block period (unutilized PDA of one block would be carried forward to the next block).
4. Purpose
  1. To participate in a range of professional activities like (a) membership of professional bodies (b) attending conferences in India as well as abroad (International air travel, visa fees, Registration fee, Boarding and lodging for the entire period of the conference plus (two days day prior to the conference and the other day after the conference). Local travel, Medical insurance (c) Attending workshop, tutorial up to two days associated with conference.
  2. This PDA may be utilized to purchase of items like books, stationary, computer accessories etc. It may also cover expensed towards professional memberships, journal page charges, buying consumables, software tools etc.
  3. The PDA may also be utilized to buy minor lab equipment (within INR 50,000/-), printer, laptop, tablets or any hardware normally used by the faculty members for academic purposes. A maximum of 2.0 lakhs can be spent of these items (One time purchase ONLY, for the period of 5 years). Such purchases must follow the purchase protocol laid down by the Institute. Purchase of a cell phone is not permitted
  4. Engagement of Research Assistance/Associates/undergrad students to carry out research and data collection for the incumbent faculty member (Normally up to 2 semesters).
  5. Local hospitality charges for hosting visitors at BITS Pilani.
  6. Fees for attending short term courses or training programs for faculty members and their research scholars (including online courses and programs).
  7. To support travel of a registered BITS Pilani student to a conference in India abroad for jointly authored papers with BITS Pilani affiliation. Travel for participation in workshops, visiting other institutes of importance for collaborative work etc. One may also use the fund to support travel of a colleague only when he/she is involved in academic collaboration, subject to supporting documents). Advance (if any) would be drawn and bills settled by the faculty member.
  8. Cost of animals for experimental work
  9. Other consumable materials required for experimental studies
  10. Registration/examination fee for participation in professional development programs.
5. Approving Authority & Conditions
  1. The Head of the Department and Dean, Administration of the respective Campus(Funds obtained from other agencies for a particular travel sanctioned will be used to book expenditure first and only the remaining expenditure will be booked in PDA)
  2. If a faculty member has consumed her / his PDA and needs more funds to spend on lab consumables, an additional 2 lakhs in a block of 3 years may be provided. This will be based on a separate application, justification, and availability of funds
6. Operational guidelines for processing PDA of 3 lacs for 3 yr block

New Recruits:

PDA entitlement for the first year will be prorated, depending on the year within the block that he/she joins. Any faculty member will be entitled for PDA of 3 lacs on joining during the 1st year of the 3-year block, Rs. 2 lacs if he/she joins in the 2nd year of the 3-year block and 1 lac if he/she joins in the last year of the block.

Carry forward into the next block.

Any unused entitlement in one block can be carried forward to the next block of 3 years, subject to a maximum entitlement amount of Rs. 6 lacs inclusive of the carried forward amount.

Recovery of PDA paid at the time of exit.

A recovery of 2/3rd amount of the current block, if faculty exits in the 1st year of the new block. 1/3rd amount of the current block if the exit is in the 2nd year of the block and no recovery to be effected if the exit is in the last year of the block.