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Patent Number:- IN201911019492

A Load Simulator for Testing Winch Machine

  • Sector: Mechanical Engineering,
  • IPC: A62B, B66D, F03D, F16H,


There's a need for an efficient method to test winch machines under variable load conditions, considering factors like speed and manipulation of parameters.


The invention offers a load simulator designed specifically for testing winch machines, providing dynamic testing under variable load conditions.


Introducing a load simulator with hydraulic motors and a simulator PLC, capable of generating variable loads based on real-time resistance data for precise performance testing of winch machines.

Market Analysis

Market: Industrial machinery and equipment testing

CAGR: varying but are generally showing steady growth.

Potential Indian Clients: Industrial machinery manufacturers, especially those involved in cable laying equipment production.

Why Invest?

Load simulator

Hydraulic motor

Proportional pressure relief valve

Speed characteristics

At a Glance

Current TRL: NA

Funded by: NA

IPC: A62B, B66D, F03D, F16H

Domain: Testing Equipment

For more information, reach out to Mr. Rajneesh Kumar, Head of the Technology Transfer Office, at and 01596-255515.