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Patent Number:- IN383805

A Targeted Drug Delivery System Comprising a Polymeric Film in Capsule

  • Sector: Pharmaceutical Technology,
  • IPC: A61K,


Current cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, often lead to adverse side effects due to non-selective drug distribution throughout the body.


The invention presents a targeted drug delivery system to selectively release drugs at tumor sites, minimizing adverse effects on healthy tissues.


The invention introduces a novel targeted drug delivery system comprising a polymeric film with specific layers and functional components to achieve controlled and directed drug release, potentially enhancing treatment efficacy and reducing side effects.

Market Analysis

Market: Targeted drug delivery systems, particularly for cancer treatment

CAGR: estimated to be around 6-7% based on the latest trends in pharmaceuticals and healthcare.

Potential Indian Clients: Pharmaceutical companies, research institutions focusing, hospitals and healthcare providers.

Why Invest?

Controlled Drug delivery system

Polyelectrolyte polymers

Layer-by-layer film

pH-sensitive coating

At a Glance

Current TRL: NA

Funded by: NA


Domain: Healthcare, Pharmaceutical Technology

For more information, reach out to Mr. Rajneesh Kumar, Head of the Technology Transfer Office, at and 01596-255515.