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Patent Number:- IN201811044724

An Ocular Drug Delivery Device

  • Sector: Pharmaceutical Technology,
  • IPC: A61K,


Eye drop formulations face challenges of rapid clearance from the corneal surface, hindering effective drug delivery to treat ocular diseases.


The invention introduces an ocular drug delivery device to overcome rapid clearance and facilitate effective drug penetration into the corneal epithelium.


Developing an ocular drug delivery device with a microprojection array on a concave surface, offering improved drug penetration into the corneal epithelium.

Market Analysis

Market: Ocular Drug Delivery Devices

CAGR: Around 5-6% based on the latest trends in the pharmaceutical industry.

Potential Indian Clients: Pharmaceutical companies focusing on ophthalmic treatments, hospitals, eye clinics, and research institutions in India.

Why Invest?

Ocular drug delivery device

Microprojection array

Concave inner surface

Biodegradable polymers

At a Glance

Current TRL: NA

Funded by: NA


Domain: Healthcare/Pharmaceuticals

For more information, reach out to Mr. Rajneesh Kumar, Head of the Technology Transfer Office, at and 01596-255515.