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Patent Number:- IN448692

Cross Layer Protocol Based WANET and Method Thereof for Controlling Communication of Process Flow Parameters

  • Sector: Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
  • IPC: H04W,


Traditional pipeline monitoring systems face challenges such as vulnerability to sabotage, difficulty in fault detection, and lack of communication infrastructure.


The invention presents a system and method utilizing a wireless ad-hoc network (WANET) to transmit pipeline data securely and efficiently.


Introducing a method for dynamically adding new nodes to the WANET and a system architecture with short-range and long-range communication modules for data transmission.

Market Analysis

Market: Oil and Gas Industry, Water Management

CAGR: Estimated to be in line with industry growth, potentially around 5-7%

Potential Indian Clients: Oil and gas companies, water management authorities, pipeline operators

Why Invest?

Wireless ad-hoc network (WANET)

Gas/Liquid hydrocarbons (LHC) transport pipeline

Cross layer protocol stack

Hierarchical structure

At a Glance

Current TRL: NA

Funded by: NA


Domain: Pipeline Monitoring Technology

For more information, reach out to Mr. Rajneesh Kumar, Head of the Technology Transfer Office, at and 01596-255515.