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Patent Number:- IN376496

Energy Harvesting from Far Field RF Signal

  • Sector: Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
  • IPC: A61N, H02J, H02M, H02N,


Develop a solution to harness ambient RF signals for energy, addressing the limitations of conventional power sources and the finite availability of natural resources.


The invention presents a device to extract energy from ambient RF signals and elevate it to usable levels for various applications.


The development of a device capable of efficiently harvesting energy from ambient RF signals and converting it into usable DC power.

Market Analysis

Market: Renewable Energy Solutions

CAGR: Varies based on market adoption and technological advancements, estimated around 8-10%.

Potential Indian Clients: Energy companies, electronics manufacturers, telecommunications firms, government agencies

Why Invest?

Radio frequency (RF)

Energy harvesting

Charge pump

Non-conventional energy resources

At a Glance

Current TRL: NA

Funded by: NA

IPC: A61N, H02J, H02M, H02N

Domain: Energy Harvesting Technology

For more information, reach out to Mr. Rajneesh Kumar, Head of the Technology Transfer Office, at and 01596-255515.