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Patent Number:- IN402175

Solar Distillation Apparatus

  • Sector: Civil Engineering,
  • IPC: C02F, A01G, B01D, B60S,


Current solar distillation apparatus lacks cost-effectiveness and productivity for common household applications, hindering widespread adoption.


The invention aims to address these challenges by developing a reliable, cost-efficient, and ecological solar distillation apparatus for generating potable water.


The solar distillation apparatus comprises various features such as a pitched roof element, solar absorber panels coated with copper oxide nanoparticles, and a stepwise arrangement to enhance performance and productivity.

Market Analysis

Market: Water treatment and purification industry

CAGR: estimated to be around 8-10%.

Potential Indian Clients: Municipalities, residential communities, rural households, disaster relief organizations, and industries requiring purified water for various processes.

Why Invest?

Solar distillation

Potable water

Renewable technologies

Reverse osmosis (RO)

At a Glance

Current TRL: NA

Funded by: NA

IPC: A01G, B01D, B60S, C02F

Domain: Water distillation technology

For more information, reach out to Mr. Rajneesh Kumar, Head of the Technology Transfer Office, at and 01596-255515.