Events (GATI)
Events (GATI)
Celebration of International Women's Day (IWD) 2022

For celebrating the International Women’s Day (IWD) 2022 on 8th March 2022, GATI Team at BITS Pilani organized an online Panel Discussion under the directive of Ministry of Women and Child Development (MoWCD), and GATI (Gender Advancement for Transforming Institutions) initiative of WISE KIRAN Division, DST, GoI.
Prof. Sudhirkumar Barai, Director, BITS Pilani – Pilani Campus graced the event with his presence.
Workshops by the University of West of Scotland, UK (From 1st November 2021 to 7th February 2022)
The overarching GATI programme is being undertaken in partnership with the British Council which has facilitated collaboration with Advance HE, UK. Through these agencies, 6 Athena Swan accredited universities in the UK have been selected to partner the GATI Pilot Institutions. A partnership framework has been carefully crafted to facilitate sharing of experience by UK partner institutions with the GATI Pilot Institutions over the duration of the Pilot.
BITS Pilani is glad to be mentored by the University of West of Scotland as the UK partner.
There are 8 workshops together that include seminars and group discussions. The seminars build on the experiences at UWS (University of West of Scotland) and how they, at UWS, are getting on in their gender advancement journey and their experience in applying to Athena Swan. Their team is formed of academics from a STEMM background and professional services, who have a variety of different experiences in Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity.
The itinerary of all the workshops planned is here:
DST GATI e-brochure
Institutions selected in GATI Pilot
Institutions selected in GATI Pilot