Gender Advancement for Transforming Institutions (GATI)
About GATI
Gender Advancement for Transforming Institutions (GATI) is an innovative Pilot Project launched by the WISE-KIRAN division of Department of Science and Technology (DST). It ushers a novel intervention programme for promoting gender equity in science and technology. Project GATI was one of the three initiatives of DST announced on 28 February 2020, the National Science Day, by the Hon’ble President of India at a celebratory programme dedicated to Women in Science held at VigyanBhavan, New Delhi.
GATI aims to nudge institutions of higher education and research towards supporting diversity, inclusion and the full spectrum of talent for their own success and progression. In particular, it aspires to create an enabling environment for equal participation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine and Mathematics (STEMM) disciplines at all levels, addressing deep-rooted problems. It envisages a fresh perspective on not just measures for increasing retention and recruitment but the progression of women throughout their professional journey.
The GATI model draws inspiration from the Athena SWAN Gender Equality Charter and accreditation framework operated by Advance HE, UK, since 2005. A growing number of universities, science departments and research institutes in UK have voluntarily joined the charter and been recognized for their accomplishments. Recognizing the framework’s evidence-based approach to analysis, action and demonstrable impact, several countries have been inspired to join the Athena SWAN collaborative international network and launch similar initiatives. With the launch of GATI, India joins the list.
The overarching programme is being undertaken by DST in partnership with British Council in furtherance of the deep relations existing between India and UK in the field of education. An important feature of Project GATI is that it will not just assess, accredit and recognize institutions through Certification and Awards. It also engages, mentors, partners and support institutions as they work towards reaching the global best practice gender equality. To this end, British Council will facilitate collaboration with Advance HE as well as the peer network of Athena SWAN accredited institutions in UK. The partnering UK institutions are as follows:
- University College of London
- Queen Mary University of London
- University of Manchester
- Aston University, Birmingham
- University of West of Scotland
- King’s College London

About WISE-KIRAN Division of DST, GoI
WISE-KIRAN (Women in Science & Engineering - Knowledge Involvement in Research Advancement through Nurturing) division has always been pioneer in coming up with various women-exclusive schemes with the mandate to bring gender parity in S&T through gender mainstreaming. Through GATI initiative, WISE-KIRAN division aims to promote equal participation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine and Mathematics (STEMM) disciplines at all levels.
Women-Exclusive Schemes of DST, GoI

Participation of BITS Pilani in GATI Pilot
Science and Technology Institutes of Higher Education and Research were invited through an open call to express interest in participating in the GATI Pilot. After rigorous analysis of data and following the proper process of selection, thirty institutions have been selected to participate in the GATI Pilot.
The list of these 30 Institutions is available here: Click here
These GATI Pilot Institutions have accepted the GATI Charter principles in letter and agreed to integrate these within their policies, strategic plans and organizational culture. These institutes would undertake a structured Self-Assessment and Accreditation process based on the GATI Gender Equity Indicator Framework (GEIF).
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani is one of these 30 institutions selected by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, to participate in the GATI pilot. BITS Pilani has become a signatory to the GATI Charter and thereby committed to adopt its guiding principles in the institute’s policies, practices, action plans and culture for transformative change.
BITS Pilani is glad to be mentored by University of West of Scotland as the UK partner.
DST GATI e-brochure
Institutions selected in GATI Pilot
Institutions selected in GATI Pilot