Welcome to the Department of Biological Sciences, BITS-Pilani, K.K. Birla Goa campus. The department presents learning by means of an interdisciplinary and multifaceted approach. Classroom based lectures, problem-based learning projects, basic hands-on experience for developing laboratory skills, seminars with scope for interactive knowledge sharing are offered here. Courses cover diverse topics of biology with roots in microorganisms, plants and animals with varied outlook through experimental and computational approaches. The teaching and research efforts here range from understanding basic to advanced biology.
Research at the Department of Biological Sciences is multidisciplinary. The topics of exploration burgeon from plants, animals and microorganisms with perspectives from nano, micro and macro level. Efforts towards understanding biological objects and their working, has experimental and computational directions. Basic theories as well as application oriented concepts are being studied here.
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Anasuya Ganguly, Judith Maria Braganca,
Co. Supervisor -
46th annual meeting of plant tissue culture and symposium on current trends and challenges in plant biotechnology
Biological Chemistry: Opportunities, Challenges and the Way Forward
4th International AttLis Workshop: Attentive Listener in the Visual World
Indo French CEFIPRA Meeting Network on Decentralised Grey / Waste water treatment
Novel Sanitation Approaches and Emerging Trends in Wastewater Treatment Technology
International Workshop on Data sharing for open innovation in community-based rehabilitation
3rd Annual Workshop of the Society for the Cognitive Science of Culture (SCSC)
Current Trends and Challenges in Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
3rd Annual Workshop of the Society for the Cognitive Science of Culture (SCSC)
Current Trends and Challenges in Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
International Symposium on Bilingualism and Cognition (ISBC 2O22)
Project Technical Support (CRO/Data Analyst)
JRF position
JRF and Research Assistant
Project Associate
Project Technical Support (CRO/Data Analyst) position
Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
Junior Research Fellow and Research Associate
Project Technical Support (CRO/Data Analyst)
SRF Position
SRF and RA position
Mrs. Kamna Upadhyay
Technical Assistant
Mr. Mahadeo NG Shetkar
Technical Assistant
Mr. Mahaling Lamani
Lab Attendant
Ms. Pallavi Sanil Fatarpenkar
Office Assistant
Mr. Tushar Krishna Honavarkar
Lab Technician
Mr. Paraj Atchut Kamat
Technical Assistant
Miss. Tejal Ravindra Chipkar
Lab Technician
Head Department of Biological Sciences, K K Birla Goa, K K Birla Goa Campus NH 17B, Bypass Road Zuarinagar, Goa, India. 403 726
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