The Economics and Finance Department at BITS Pilani – K K Birla Campus offers M.Sc (Hons) Economics as a first degree, Minor in Finance and Ph.D. programme. The diversity of specialisations of the departmental faculty has promoted multi-faceted research at the Department and has brought a certain depth to the courses as well. Along with research, the Department recognizes the growing demand for trained manpower in education, industry, government and other sectors as well as nurturing future researchers and specialists in related fields. The teaching methodology seeks to provide students with a strong theoretical and conceptual foundation and to create a continuous interest and involvement with the real life applications of Economics, Finance and Management. Many of the students go on to do further studies, research and internships in fields related to economics and finance. Economics is of relevance to every individual.
Preferred Research Areas:
The department is envisioned to achieve excellence in teaching and research in the fields of economics, finance and management.
1. “To provide high quality education and training to undergraduate students in the field of economics, management, finance and entrepreneurship.” 2. “To produce graduates who are well prepared for a wide range of jobs in industry, academia and research organizations.” 3. “To produce internationally recognized publishable research which adheres to the highest standards of professional rigor and ethics.” 4. “To disseminate knowledge and information by organizing Seminars/workshops/short term courses to develop professionalism.” 5. “To interact with the industry, educational and research organizations, and alumni in the fields of curriculum development, training and research to meet the demand of quality technical human resource at national & international level.”
The Department of Economics and Finance gives a platform to pursue research on topics related to Economics, Finance and Management. The department also encourages research on interdisciplinary topics.
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Aswini Kumar Mishra,
Co. Supervisor -
Prof. Mathew J Manimala
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Aswini Kumar Mishra,
Co. Supervisor -
Prof. Sukumar Vellakkal
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Debasis Patnaik,
Co. Supervisor -
Aswini Kumar Mishra,
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Debasis Patnaik,
Co. Supervisor -
Aswini Kumar Mishra,
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Aswini Kumar Mishra,
Co. Supervisor -
Arfat Ahmad Sofi,
Ph.D. Viva-voce Examination of Mr. Renjith Raj
16 May, 2024Ph.D. viva-voce examination of Mr. Naik Sankalp Purushottam
16 May, 2024BITS Goa Scholars won Prestigious research award
22 December, 2023Seminar on “BUDGET 2023” By: Mr. Rammohan Menon, Guest Faculty at BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus.
“BLOOMBERG” Installation and Training session held on 3rd February 2023.
Workshop on Use of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
International Conference on Economics and Finance (ICEF-2018)
2nd Annual International Conference on Economics and Finance (ICEF-2020)
Workshop on “Time Series and Panel Data Analysis” Resource Person: Dr. T Mohanasundaram
Training on ProwessIQ
Resource Person: Premish Gangadhar Dekate, CMIE
Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/ Project Associate-I (PA-1)
Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
Junior Research Fellow(JRF)
Junior Research Fellow(JRF) position under Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) funded project
Applications are invited for the position of Research Assistant in the Department of Economics and Finance at BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus, Goa for an ICSSR sponsored research project titled “ Impact of E - National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) on the Farmers From Goa and Maharashtra”.
Applications are invited for the position of Research Assistant in the Department of Economics and Finance at BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus, Goa for an ICSSR sponsored research project titled “ Impact of E - National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) on the Farmers From Goa and Maharashtra” (F.No.02/70/2021-22 /MJ /RP).
Applications are invited for the position of Project Assistant in the Department of Economics & Finance at BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus, Goa for a DST NSTMIS (PCPM) sponsored research project titled “Impact of Indigenous S&T innovations developed by Start-ups incubated in Academic Institutes in India” DST/PCPM/NSTMIS/02/2022-23 (G).
Applications are invited for the position of Research Associate in the Department of Economics & Finance at BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus, Goa for a NABARD sponsored research project titled “Assessing the Farmers’ Participation and Challenges in Linking Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) Markets by e-National Agricultural Market (e-NAM): Evidence from the State of Goa”(336/P-371/2023-24).
Mrs. Urmila Behera
Jr.Office Assistant, Department of Economics & FinanceBITS, Pilani K. K. Birla Goa Campus Near NH-17B, Bypass Road, Chamber #D-308/5(NAB) Zuarinagar – 403 726, Goa India Email: Tel No.+91-832-2580880/883 |
BITS, Pilani - K. K. Birla Goa Campus Near NH-17B, Bypass Road, Zuarinagar – 403 726, Goa, India
Jr.Office Assistant, Department of Economics and Finance
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