Mechanical Engineering is considered to be one of the most diverse and versatile of the engineering disciplines. Mechanical Engineering contributes to modern standard of living and almost all products of modern life have contributions from mechanical engineers. The faculty members in the department are actively involved in academic and sponsored research to solve various fundamental as well as applied problems. We are offering programs at different levels namely B.E. (Mechanical Engineering), M.E. (Design Engineering) and Ph.D. The objective of these programs is to create well trained, imaginative and research focused workforce for the country. An emphasis is laid on inculcating the high order research and thinking skills in the students. The department make efforts to continuously enhance teaching-learning environment through using best practices and innovations in pedagogy.
Ph.D. Topic - Investigations of Graphene Based Nano Composites for Rotational Molding
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Sachin Waigaonkar,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - An investigation on hybrid material for additive manufacturing from Copper/Al, Maraging steel/Stainless steel and Inconel by selective laser melting (SLM) technique for aerospace and automotive applications.
Ph.D. Supervisor -
G. Karthikeyan,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Parametric optimization of the microwave welded Hastelloy X joints
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Varinder Singh,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Experimental Investigations on Effect of Biofuel-Gasoline Blends in Spark-Ignition Engines
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Nilesh D. Pawar,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Experimental and Computational Investigations on Hydroacoustic Characteristics of Centrifugal Pumps
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Pritanshu Ranjan,
Co. Supervisor -
Ranjit Shankarrao Patil,
Ph.D. Topic - Study on the Effect of Manufacturing Defects on the Fatigue Life of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Kiran Dinkar Mali,
Co. Supervisor -
Dr. Sandeep Singh, Sanjay Ghodawat Group of Institute, Kolhapur
Ph.D. Topic - Experimental investigations on the performance and effects of textured carbide inserts in dry turning of Ti-6Al-4V alloy
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Sachin Waigaonkar,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Experimental Investigations on Electrochemical Discharge Drilling and Deburring for Non-Conductive Materials.
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Sachin Waigaonkar,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Kiran Dinkar Mali,
Co. Supervisor -
Dhananjay Madhukar Kulkarni,
Ph.D. Topic - A robust MADM-based framework for welding process selection
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Varinder Singh,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Investigations on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Various Microchannels using Water and Hybrid Nanofluids
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Ranjit Shankarrao Patil,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Development of enhanced heat pipes with superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic surfaces and wettability gradients
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Vadiraj Anant Hemadri,
Co. Supervisor -
Siddhartha Tripathi,
Ph.D. Topic - Investigating sperm cell motion and separation in microfluidic devices
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Siddhartha Tripathi,
Co. Supervisor -
Vadiraj Anant Hemadri,
Ph.D. Topic - An Investigation of Direct Energy Deposited Inconel and Bimetallic Structure for Aerospace Applications
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Biswajit Das,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Artificial Intelligence control of a minijet-manipulated rectangular turbulent jet.
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Shibu Clement,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Investigations on Mixed Mode Forced Convention Solar Dryer Integrated with Thermal Energy Storage for Drying of Agricultural Food Products
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Ranjit Shankarrao Patil,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Analysis and synthesis of undulatory gaits using cable-driven continuum robot
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Ashwin K.P.,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Evaluation of Mechanical Performance of 3-D Printed PEEK Polymer Used in Space Applications
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Prof. D M Kulkarni
Co. Supervisor -
Vikas Vinayak Chaudhari, Iniyan Thiruselvam N.,
Ph.D. Topic - Investigation on Buckling Response Analysis of an Axially Compressed Cylindrical Shell using Energy Barrier Approach based on Lateral Probing Technique
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Sandeep Jose,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Design and Development of Collapsible Thin-Walled Tubes for Automobile Applications
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Kiran Dinkar Mali,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Finite element based multiscale modelling of the nonlinear mechanics of two-dimensional noncarbon nanomaterials
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Kiran Dinkar Mali,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Algae removal with help of Vibrations
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Devendra Gokul Patil,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Isolation of white blood cells using a microfluidic device.
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Siddhartha Tripathi,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Characterization and control of the stability of a cylindrical shell under axial compression using piezoelectric actuators
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Sandeep Jose,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Investigation of Creep and Fracture Behaviour of Rotationally Mouldable Polypropylene
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Sachin Waigaonkar,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Numerical and Experimental Investigations on D-shaped cylinder and Square Back Ahmed Body.
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Shibu Clement,
Co. Supervisor -
Prime Movers & Fluid Machines Lab
Fluid Mechanics & Applied Thermodynamics Lab
Heat Transfer Lab
Internal Combustion Engines Lab
Advanced Manufacturing Process Lab
Materials Testing Lab
Workshop (Central Facility)
Mechanical Engineering Lab
Workshop on Additive Manufacturing
Workshop on Additive Manufacturing
24 June, 2024Inauguration of Goa Chapter of Indian Institute of Metals (IIM)
Training Program conducted to practical demonstrate for NIT Goa students and staff
Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
Research staff
Junior Research Fellow position under Industry funded PhD Fellowship by WIPRO–WIN
Research Fellow Position
Project Associate-1
Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/Project Associate-I
Research Staff
Applications are invited for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus, Goa. This is a DRDO-Naval Research Board (NRB) sponsored research project titled “Propulsive performance and hydroacoustics of tandem flapping foils for bio-inspired marine applications” (NRB-510/HYD/23-24).
BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus, NH-17B, Zuarinagar, Goa-403726
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