Visiting Research Professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering Department, Drexel University, USA
Visiting Research Professor in Department of Chemistry, University of Tennessee Knoxville, USA
Phone: 0832 – 2580318
From 2020 to this year Prof Ghosh has been placed among the top 2% of most cited scientists in the world for both categories (“career-long database” and “single recent year dataset”). This database is created by researchers from Stanford University, USA based using Scopus publication data provided by Elsevier through ICSR Lab (
Prof Ghosh is one of the editors of the Journal of Materials Science (published by Springer Nature). He is also one of the Guest editors in Frontiers in Materials (Impact Factor 3.515) for the research topic "Dielectric Microwave Absorbing Structures" and a reviewer of more than 35 international journals.
Dr Ghosh is the recipient of TUBITAK visiting scientist fellowship award for the years 2006 and 2009, sponsored by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. Jointly with Professor Gerard F Fernando of the University of Birmingham, UK in 2010 he received the “Research Exchanges with China and India award” and in 2015 the Newton Research Collaboration award, from The Royal Academy of Engineering (UK).
In (2015- 2016) and (2018-19) he received Visiting Scholar award to teach a course on Nanotechnology at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Tartu, Estonia in a two-year international Master's degree program Éxcellence in Analytical Chemistry (EACH) under the Eramus+ program.
He is the recipient of the “Research Excellence Award 2023” in the Basic Science category conferred by BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus.
Dr Ghosh has been nominated to the committee for reviewing the R&D Proposals under CSIR-Fundamental & Innovative Research in Science of Tomorrow [CSIR-FIRST] Scheme. As one of the subject experts, he has also served on the following committees (i) Chemistry for selection of candidates for Commonwealth Scholarship and (ii) subject expert (Materials Science) of SRF/ RA selection committee of CSIR (iii) for the evaluation of several research schemes of UGC.
Dr. Ghosh has published more than 125 research articles in peer-reviewed international journals, invited book chapters, and International conference proceedings His research work has been reported as a Special Report "Research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology" in Chemical Weekly, which is a leading magazine for Chemical and related industries.
As of December 2024, under Dr. Ghosh's guidance, ten students have received PhD degree.
Dr Ghosh’s research activity is sponsored by several national as well as international funding agencies such as the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, Defence Research and Development Organization, Board of Research in Nuclear Science, CSIR, DAE-UGC consortium, The Royal Academy Of Engineering (UK) and British Council (DST- UKIERI), etc.
Dr Ghosh is collaborating with national and international researchers at the University of Birmingham UK, the University of Leeds UK, Drexel University USA, the University of Tennessee Knoxville, USA, the University of Limoges France, Istanbul Technical University Turkey, USA, DRDO labs (such as Defence Lab Jodhpur, DMSRD Kanpur), CCCM- BARC Hyderabad, NIIST Tiruvantapuram, IGCAR Kalpakkam, Assam University, CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology, etc.
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