
Dr. Rajiv Kumar Chaturvedi

Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Climate Change, Forests ecology and Public Policy
Office no. A-313/5 Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani K. K. Birla Goa Campus Zuari Nagar, Goa - 403726




Place & Institution Visited



CICERO, Oslo, Norway

Our research collaboration led to the following joint publication: “A macroeconomic analysis of adaptation to climate change impacts on forests in India” in Mitigation Adaptation Strategies to Global Change (2011)


Bristol University, UK

Our research collaboration led to the following joint publication: “Assessing the mitigation potential of forestry activities in a changing climate: A case study for Karnataka” in Forest Policy and Economics (2010)


Umea University, Sweden

Presented a paper titled “Impact of Climate Change on Indian Forests: A Short- and Medium-Term Assessment” in a conference organized by International Union of Forestry Research Organisations, FAO and the University of Umea


CICERO, Oslo, Norway

Research collaboration on development of India module for Global Responses to Anthropogenic Change in the Environment (GRACE) model


ICIMOD, Kathmandu

Offered hands on training on ‘Modeling impact of climate change’ to the participants of 2nd WCRP CORDEX Workshop


CICERO, Oslo, Norway

Our research collaboration led to the following joint publication: “Lost benefits and carbon uptake by protection of Indian plantations” in Mitigation Adaptation Strategies to Global Change (2017)


Imperial College, London & London School of Economics

Development of Global Calculator pathways (; A manuscript titled “Modelling Carbon Mitigation Pathways - An Assessment of the Global Calculator” is now accepted for publication in the internal Journal of Energy Strategy Reviews


United Nation’s University, Tokyo, Japan

First Author meeting for preparation of IPBES regional assessment report for Asia-Pacific


Imperial College,


Co-developed COP21 calculator


Thimphu, Bhutan

Attended Second Workshop on ‘Hindu Kush Himalayas Monitoring and Assessment Programme (HIMAP): Action to Sustain Global Asset’


University of Brunei, Brunei

Conducted hands-on training on climate data analysis for the faculty and students of the University


Department Environment, Canberra,

Australia & CSIRO

Attended training on FullCAM model, GHG accounting model and developed a proposal to apply FullCAM model for India’s national GHG inventory in the AFOLU sector


Department of Hydrology and Disaster Management, Nyi Pi Tow, Myanmar

Conducted hands-on training on climate data analysis to the scientist of the department and delivered a lecture titled “CMIP5 based climate change projections for India- its application for Impact assessment studies: challenges and opportunities”


Imperial College, London

Co-developed a conference paper titled “Assessing the climate impacts of Chinese dietary choices using a telecoupled global food trade and local land use framework” to be presented in National Convention Center, Beijing, Oct. 24-27, 2016 ( global-land-project)


United Nation’s University, Tokyo, Japan

Third Author meeting for preparation of IPBES regional assessment report for Asia-Pacific


Research Institute for Humanity of Nature (RIHN), Kyoto, Japan

Presented our policy brief titled “Co-benefits of power sector decarbonisation for air quality and human health in India” to the Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production Knowledge Action Network (SSSCP-KAN) meeting over 15- 16th January, 2018 in RIHN, Tokyo & Presented the Annual Report for South Asia region office to the Regional Advisory Committee of the Future Earth


Imperial College London & London School of Economics

We are working together to develop a joint research proposal between Imperial College, LSE and DCCC on Early Warning Systems. This visit was also be used to discuss a possible Policy Brief between the three institutions, i.e. IC, IISc and LSE


Boston University, USA

Worked on the paper titled: China and India lead in greening of the world through land-use management


IDDRI, France

BIICS-DDP Project titled: From NDCs to pathways and Policies: Transformative climate Action After Paris


IIASA, Vienna

A consortium project titled “Resilience of Ecosystem Services provided by Intact and Sustainably managed Terrestrial ecosystems (RESIST)” led by IIASA, Vienna, Austria, with BITS Pilan Goa campus listed as a National member Organization partner (NMO), has been sanctioned on 7th July 2022.

  1. Supported Govt. of Goa and NABARD in development of SAPCC for Goa state (
  2. Contributed to India’s National GHG Inventory in form of its most recent Third National Contribution to UNFCCC (
  3. Contributed to Chapter 11 in ISFR, 2021 published by FSI, MoEFCC, Govt of India (
  4. Member to global 'Commission on Ecosystem Management' in ‘The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)’ for the Quadrennial Period 2017-2020 and again for the period of 2021-2025
  5. Co-edited a special issue titled "Restoring Degraded Lands to Attain UN-SDGs” for the international journal "LAND"(Scopus citation index= 44): SDGs
  6. Organised a workshop titled “Data and Tool for Climate Resilience Planning in South Asia” on 13-14 August, 2018 at Future Earth South Asia Regional Office, IISc, The workshop was attended by Policy makers, Govt. officers, scientists, NGOs, Corporates and other stakeholders
  7. National Inventory Systems & International Reporting (NISIR), Department of Environment, of Australia (India-Australia collaboration on the FullCAM GHG inventory model)
  8. Ministry of Environment and Forests & Climate Change, of India Contributed to preparation of BUR-1 and BUR-2
  9. Meghalaya Basin Development Authority, of Meghalaya, India
  10. Environment and Policy Research Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka (Training and capacity building of officials)
  11. Centre for Environment Education (CEE), Ahmedabad (Visitor)
  12. State Academy of Training, Takyel, Imphal (Training and capacity building of Manipur state government officials)
  13. Myanmar Department of Hydrology and Disaster Management, Nay Pi Taw, Myanmar (Expert visitor)
  14. University of Brunei, Brunei (Academic visitor)
  15. Financial Times, London (Collaborated on preparation of climate change calculator)
  16. Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, UN (Lead Author)
  17. United Nations Environment Programme, UN (Lead Author)
  18. Global Environment Facility, UN (Author)
  19. Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, of India, Dehradun (Training of IFS officers)
  20. Forest Survey of India, Dehradun (Collaborator in preparation of India’s national GHG inventory)
  21. National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad (Collaborator in preparation of India’s national GHG inventory)
  22. Administrative Training Institute, Mysore, Karnataka (For training the officers of the Karnataka Govt. )
  23. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Nepal (Training and capacity building of scientists from South Asia in CORDEX datasets)
  1. Organized G20 University connect programme at BITS Pilani Goa campus (August 2023)
  2. Organized Y20 programme titled Climate Change and Disaster Risk in Goa at BITS Pilani Goa campus (August, 2023)
  3. Organized an international workshop titled “Role of Forestry, Agroforestry, And Land Restoration In Achieving Net Zero In The Asian Region”. Date 12 December 2023
  4. Organized an international workshop titled “‘Role of forest ecosystems in meeting SDGs in South Asia’ on May 9, 2019 in BITS Goa, The event was funded by 'Commission On Ecosystem Management', IUCN; National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development (NABARD) and Government of Goa. Official Workshop webpage:; Final Report available here: https://www.bits- ort.pdf
  5. Organized a side-even at World Conservation Congress 2020, Marseille, Sept, 2021 titled: Agro-forestry and its role in climate change mitigation and sustainable development for South Asia; Event Webpage: programme/session-59460