Hareesh A.G & Upendra C. 2020. Ontological Indeterminism and Immanence – Some Aspects of the Metaphysics of Organism. European Journal of Science and Theology. 16 (6). pp. 1-11. (SCOPUS – Q1)
Hareesh A.G & Upendra C. 2019. Realism Through Relativism: Looking at the Possibility of Metaphysics in Species Problem. Pensamiento. 76+. (SCOPUS- Q2) (Accepted)
Hareesh A.G. 2018. A Note on ‘Two-Way’ Ontological Practice in Biology. Dialogue. 60 (2-3). pp. 164-170.
Hareesh A.G & Upendra C. 2017. On the Intractability of the Ontology of Species. Socrates. 5 (3). pp. 29-39. Doi: 10.5958/2347-6869.2017.00020.6. (Indexed in Harvard Dataverse Project)
Hareesh A.G. 2018. Relocating Philosophy’s ‘Meta’ Position – Review of D. L. Smith’s ‘How Biology Shapes Philosophy New Foundations for Naturalism’. GUJP. 2 (1). pp – 171-174.
Hareesh A.G. 2016. Review of Michael Ruse’s ‘The Gaia Hypothesis: Science on a Pagan Planet’. GUJP. 1 (1). pp.147-150.
Hareesh A.G & Upendra C. 2015. The Anthropocene: Call for an Ontological Unity in Nature. Humanities Circle. 3 (2). pp. 101-114. (Print).