
Private: Prasad Anant Naik

Visiting Professor

Bioinformatics, Lasers, optics
D 320/12
Physics Department
New Academic Block D
BITS-Pilani, K.K. Birla Goa Campus
Near Birla Mandir.
Zuarinagar 403726


1)        Ablation and lateral energy transport in high-Z plasmas produced by lasers.

           P.D.Gupta, P.A.Naik and H.C.Pant Appl. Phys. Lett., 43, 754, 1983

2)       Effect of recombination on ion expansion velocity in laser produced plasma.

     P.D.Gupta, P.A.Naik and H.C.Pant  Appl. Phys., 55, 701, 1984

3) Effect of lateral energy transport on the momentum to targets in laser produced plasma.
     P.D.Gupta, P.A.Naik and H.C.Pant  Appl. Phys., 56, 785, 1984

4) Dependence of x-ray intensity scaling on target atomic number in laser produced plasma.
     P.D.Gupta, P.A.Naik and H.C.Pant  Appl. Phys., 56, 1371, 1984

5) Effect of lateral energy transport in ablation pressure scaling in laser irradiated planar foil targets.
    L.J.Dhareshwar, P.A.Naik and H.C.Pant Pramana: J.of Phys., 25, 63, 1985

6) Ablation pressure measurements of laser driven thin foil targets.
    L.J.Dhareshwar, P.A.Naik, S.Sharma, and H.C.pant, Phys. Teach., 28, 12, 1986

7) Enhancement of ablation smoothening in laser irradiated high-Z coated thin foil targets.
    L.J.Dhareshwar, P.A.Naik and H.C.Pant  Pramana: J. Phys., 27, 435, 1986

8) Characteristics of plasma flow from laser irradiated planar foil targets.
    L.J.Dhareshwar, P.A.Naik, P.D.Nandwana and H.C.Pant  Appl. Phys., 61, 4458, 1987

9) X-Ray Luminosity Time of Flight Spectrometer for laser produced plasmas.
    P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta and S.R.Kumbhare Rev. Sci. Instrum. 59, 1076, 1988

10) Anomalous behaviour of the intensity ratio of resonance and intercombination lines in laser produced plasmas.

   P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta and S.R.Kumbhare Phys. Rev. A 38, 6442, 1988

11) K,L, and M spectra of a laser plasma suitable for active x-ray diagnostics.
D.D.Bhawalkar, N.G.Basov, A.A.Galichii, M.P.Kalashnikov, S.R.Kumbhare, Yu.A.Mikhailov, P.A.Naik, P.D.Nandwana, H.C.Pant,
A.V.Rode, G.V.Sklizkov, S.I.Fedetov, and V.N Shlyaptsev. Sov. J. Quantum Electronics, 19, 782, 1889

12) Measurements of separation between the ablation surface and the absorption region from x-ray spectroscopic observations in laser heated plasmas.
P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta and S.R.Kumbhare Phys.Rev. A 40, 3265, 1989

13) A Plasma shutter to generate a synchronized sub nanosecond pulse for optical probing of laser produced plasmas.
    L.J.Dhareshwar, P.A.Naik and D.D.Bhawalkar. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 62, 369, 1991

14) Enhanced x-ray emission in laser produced plasma expanding in a background gas.,
    P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta and S.R.Kumbhare. Phys. Rev. A 43, 4540, 1991

15) Study of laser driven shock wave propagation in plexiglass targets.
    L.J.Dhareshwar, P.A.Naik, T.C.Kaushik, and H.C.Pant. Lasers and Particle Beams 10, 201, 1992

16) Radiative cooling instability in the low density plasma corona of laser irradiated solid targets.
    L.J.Dhareshwar, P.A.Naik, S.Sarkar, M.Khan, and B.Chakraborty. Phys. Fluids B 4, 1635, 1992

17) Laser driven shock wave studies in gold coated plexiglass targets.
    L.J.Dhareshwar, P.A.Naik, T.C.Kaushik, and H.C.Pant, High Pressure Research, 10, 695, 1992

18) Spectral distribution of x-ray yield of M-shell emission from laser produced gold plasma.
    P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta, and S.R.Kumbhare. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 22, 53, 1994

19) Gain enhancement in Nd: glass laser amplifiers using electro-polished aluminium reflectors.
    A.Chowdhury, P.A.Naik, S.R.Kumbhare, J.A.Chakera, and P.D.Gupta. Optics and Laser Technology 22, 413, 1994

20) A variable nanosecond pulse duration laser pulse slicer based on high voltage avalanche transistor switch
    J.A.Chakera, P.A.Naik, S.R.Kumbhare, and P.D.Gupta Indian Institute of Science, 76, 273, 1996

21) Physics of Laser-Matter interaction at ultra-high intensities.
    P.A.Naik Laser News, 8, 1, pp.8-16, 1997

22) A simple XUV transmission grating spectrograph with sub-angstrom resolution for laser plasma interaction studies
    S.Sailaja, V.Arora, S.R.Kumbhare, P.A.Naik,  P.D.Gupta, D.A.Fedin, A.A.Rupasov, and A.S.Shikanov Meas. Sci. and Tech., 9, 1462, 1998

23) Study of diffraction efficiency of a free-standing transmission grating in keV spectral region using laser produced plasmas
    S.Sailaja, V.Arora, S.R.Kumbhare, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta  Optics and Laser Technology, 30, 407, 1998

24) X-ray source with photon energy 5 keV pumped by laser
    Yu.V.Korobkin, I.V.Romanov, A.A.Rupasov, D.A.Fedin, A.S.Shikanov, A.Moorti, M.Raghuramaiah, J.Upadhyay, S.R.Kumbhare, S.Sailaja, V.Arora, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
Physica Scripta 60, pp.76-80, 1999

25) Investigation of a laser driven vacuum diode x-ray source of photon energy ~ 5 keV.
    Yu.V.Korobkin, I.V.Romanov, A.A.Rupasov, D.A.Fedin, A.S.Shikanov, A.Moorti, M.Raghuramaiah, J.Upadhyay, S.R.Kumbhare, S.Sailaja, V.Arora, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
Lasers and Particle Beams, 17, 3, pp.499-507, 1999

26) Development of  free-standing submicron Formvar films with multiple thickness steps for XUV-soft X-ray applications
    A.Chowdhury, P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta   Sadhana , 24, 551, 1999

27) Development of a Flat Field XUV spectrograph for laser plasma interaction studies.
    A.Chowdhury, P.A.Naik, R.A.Joshi, S.R.Kumbhare, and P.D.Gupta Sadhana, 24, 557, 1999

28) A simple high resolution on-line x-ray imaging crystal spectrograph for laser plasma interaction studies
    V.Arora, S.R.Kumbhare, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta  Rev. Sci. Instrum. 71, 2644, 2000

29) Understanding non-diagram x-ray lines through diagrams.
    P.A.Naik  Physics Education, 17, 3, pp.253-60, 2000

30) Polarization characteristics of the harmonics and reflected radiation on the  interaction of 100 GW picosecond pulses with aluminium films

   R.A.Ganeev, J.A.Chakera, M.Raghuramaiah, A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta Quantum Electronics, 30 (11), pp.970-74, 2000

31) Calculation of higher order group velocity dispersion in a grating pulse  stretcher / compressor using recursion method.
    P.A.Naik and A.K.Sharma Optics, 29, pp.105-113, 2000

32) The study of spectral, temporal and spatial characteristics of harmonics generated on the solid  surfaces.
R.A. Ganeev, J. A. Chakera, M. Raghuramaiah, A. K. Sharma, P. A. Naik, P.D.Gupta Optics and Spectroscopy, 89, pp.967-72, 2000.

33)  Occurrence of half integral diffraction orders in XUV-soft x-ray spectra using a free-standing transmission grating.
    S.Sailaja, P.A.Naik, V.Arora and P.D.Gupta X-ray Science and Technology, 8, 231, 2000
34)  Comment on Isotope enrichment in laser ablation plumes and commensurately deposited thin films
P.D.Gupta and P.A.Naik Phys. Rev. Letters, 86, 1386, 2001

35) Single shot twin x-ray microscopic imaging using simultaneously produced laser plasma x-ray sources
J.A.Chakera, V.Arora, S.R.Kumbhare, P.A.Naik, V.Ganesan, and P.D.Gupta
Review of Sci. Instrum., 72, p.1421, 2001

36)  Polarization effects in harmonic generation from solid surfaces
R.A.Ganeev, J.A.Chakera, M.Raghuramaiah, A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta J.of Optics B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 3, S112-117, 2001
37)  Laser driven high current density pulsed electron emission from lead zirconium titanate (PZT) ferroelectric ceramic. 
A.Moorti, S.Sailaja, P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta,  Yu.V.Korobkin, I.V.Romanov, A.A.Rupasov and A.S.Shikhanov
Applied Physics Letters, 79, 1163, 2001

38) An experimental study of harmonic generation from solid surfaces irradiated by multi-picosecond laser pulses.
R.A.Ganeev, J.A.Chakera, M.Raghuramaiah, A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta Physical Review E, 63, 26402, 2001

39)  Angular distribution of x-ray line radiation from laser irradiated planar targets
V.Arora, J.A.Chakera, S.R.Kumbhare, P.A.Naik, N.K.Gupta, and P.D.Gupta Laser and Particle Beams, 19, 253, 2001

40) On-line temporal characterization of an x-ray streak camera
J.A.Chakera, M.Raghuramaiah, P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta, and V.K.Chevokin Optics and Laser Technology 33, 421, 2001
41)  Absolute spectral distribution of soft x-ray emission from laser produced gold plasma, 
S. Sailaja, P.A. Naik and P.D. Gupta, IEEE Transactions in Plasma Science, 29, 960, 2001

42) A second order autocorrelator for single shot measurement of femtosecond laser pulse durations
M.Raghuramaiah, A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta and R.A.Ganeev Sadhana, 26, 603, 2001

43)  Peculiarities of harmonics generated from interaction of 27ps laser radiation with solid aluminium targets
R.A.Ganeev, J.A.Chakera, M.Raghuramaiah, A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta Physica Scripta 65, 155, 2002

44) A data acquisition and analysis system for on-line calibration and measurements of    optical density by a scanning microdensitometer
H.S.Vora, J.Upadhyay, P.A.Naik, C.P.Navathe, and P.D.Gupta IETE Technical Review ,19, 65, 2002

45)  Pressure dependence of enhanced x-ray line emission from laser produced plasmas expanding in an ambient gas
A.Chowdhury, V.Arora, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta J. Appl. Phys. 93, 3218, 2003

46)  Dependence of soft x-ray conversion on atomic composition in laser produced gold-copper mix-Z targets
J.A.Chakera, V.Arora, S.Sailaja, S.R.Kumbhare, P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta, N.K.Gupta, and B.K.Godwal Appl. Phys. Letters 83, 27, 2003

47) A new technique for obtaining uniform intensity line focus of Gaussian laser beams.
P.A.Naik, S.R.Kumbhare, V.Arora, R.A.Joshi, and P.D.Gupta Optics Communication  223, 137, 2003

48) Simultaneous measurement of pulse-front tilt and pulse duration of a femtosecond laser beam
M.Raghuramaiah, A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta Opt. Commun. 223 , 163, 2003

49) Optimization of soft x-ray line emission from laser produced carbon plasma with laser  intensity
A.Chowdhury, R.A.Joshi, G.P.Gupta, P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta Pramana  61, 1121, 2003

50) Estimation of higher order chirp in ultrashort laser pulses using modified spectrum auto-interferometric
A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta Opt. Commun. 233, 431, 2004

51) A simple and sensitive method for visual detection of temporal asymmetry of ultrashort laser pulses                                                                                           
A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta Optics Express 12, 1389, 2004

52) High current density electron emission from PZT ferroelectric disc under application of short duration voltage pulses                                                                        
A.Moorti, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta  IEEE Tr. Plasma Science 32, 256, 2004                                                                 

53) Feasibility of stabilizing vacuum diode x-ray source with a laser plasma cathode               
A.S.Kishinets, Yu.V.Korobkin, I.V.Romanov, A.A.Rupasov, A.S.Shikhanov, A.Moorti,   P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta                                                                       
Plasma Physics Report 30, 235, 2004

54) Characteristics of a multi-keV monochromatic point x-ray source based on vacuum diode  with laser produced plasma as cathode. 
A.Moorti, M.Raghuramaiah, P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta.  Pramana J. Physics 63, 1031, 2004

55) Effect of dielectronic recombination on the charge state distribution and soft-x-ray line intensity of laser produced carbon plasma.
A.Chowdhury, G.P.Gupta, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta Pramana  J. Physics 64, 141, 2005

56) Use of commercial grade light emitting diode in auto-correlation measurements of femtosecond and picosecond laser pulses at 1054 nm
A.K.Sharma, M.Raghuramaiah, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta Opt. Commun. 246, 195, 2005

57) Characteristics of moderate current vacuum discharge triggered by multi-picosecond and   nanosecond duration laser pulses.
A.Moorti, S.R.Kumbhare, P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta, I.V.Romanov, Yu.V.Korobkin, A.A.Rupasov, and A.S.Shikhanov Appl. Phys. 97, 44303, 2005
58) Characteristics of a stable injection Q-switched Nd:phosphate glass regenerative amplifier for a chirped pulse amplification based table top terawatt laser system
A.K.Sharma, M.Raghuramaiah, K.K.Mishra, P.A.Naik, S.R.Kumbhare, and P.D.Gupta Optics Commun. 252, 369, 2005

59) Efficient absorption and intense x-ray emission from gas cluster plasmas irradiated by 25ps laser pulses.
S.Sailaja, R.A.Khan, P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science 33, 1006, 2005

60) Gaseous clusters as targets for use in laser plasma interaction experiments
S.Sailaja, R.A.Khan, S.R.Kumbhare, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta Indian J. Physics 79, 623, 2005

61) Generation of multi-keV monochromatic twin x-ray point sources based on laser-driven vacuum diode
A.Moorti, P.A.Naik, P.D. Gupta Rev. Sci. Instrum 76, 106101, 2005

62) Design, fabrication and characterization of an x-ray bolometer for pulsed plasma x-ray source
S.Mahadevan, J.A.Chakera, P.P.Vaidya, D.Balasubramanian, O.P.Kaushik, P.A.Naik, L.M.Rangarajan, and P.D.Gupta
Meas. Science and Technology  16,2287, 2005

63) Generation of hard x-ray radiation in laser induced vacuum discharges
Yu. V. Korobkin, I.V. Romanov, A.A. Rupasov, A.S. Shikhanov, P.D. Gupta, R.A. Khan, S.R. Kumbhare, A. Moorti , and P.A. Naik
Laser and Particle Beams 23, 333, 2005

64) Spectral blue shifts in laser light scattered from argon gas cluster plasma
H. Singhal, Arora, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta Phys. Rev. A 72, 043201, 2005

65) Transmission grating spectrograph with on-line recording of XUV soft X-ray spectra from laser produced plasmas
S.Sailaja, V.Arora, S.R.Kumbhare, R.A.Joshi, P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta Optics and Laser Technology 38, 46, 2006

66) The effect of various errors and detector noise on sensitive detection of chirp and pulse asymmetry of ultrashort laser pulses from interferometric auto-correlation signals,
A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta, Opt. Commun. 259, 350, 2006

67) A control and analysis software for a laser scanning microdensitometer
H.R.Bundel, C.P.Navathe, P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta Sadhana 31, 61, 2006

68) Enhanced quadratic photocurrent in commercial light emitting diodes for autocorrelation measurement of ultrashort laser pulses
A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, and P.D. Gupta Appl. Phys. B,     82, 407, 2006

69) Effect of gold on keV  x-ray emission yield from laser produced plasma of gold-copper mix-Z targets
V.Arora, J.A.Chakera, P.A.Naik, N.K.Gupta, S.R.Kumbhare, and P.D.Gupta Appl. Phys. 100,033306 (2006) Also linked in Virtual J. Ultrafast Science, vol. 5, Issue 9 (Sept. 2006)

70) A simple interferometer for space and time resolved density measurements of laser produced plasmas.
Y.B.S.R.Prasad, P.A.Naik,  A.Kumar, and P.D.Gupta Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77, 093106, 2006 Also linked in Virtual J. Ultrafast Science, vol. 5, Issue 10 (Oct. 2006)

71) Cathode plasma jet pinching and intense x-ray emission in a moderate current laser-triggered vacuum discharge      
A.Moorti, P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science 43, 2419 , 2006

72) Single harmonic enhancement by controlling the chirp of the driving laser pulse during high-order harmonic generation from GaAs plasma
R.A.Ganeev, H.Singhal, P.A.Naik, V.Arora, U.Chakravarty, J.A.Chakera, R.A.Khan,      P.V.Redkin, M.Raghuramaiah, and P.D.Gupta
J.O.S.A.-B  23, 2535-40, 2006

73) Development of a single frame x-ray framing camera for pulsed plasma experiments
J.Upadhyay, J.A.Chakera, C.P.Navathe, P.A.Naik, A.S.Joshi,  and  P.D.Gupta Sadhana  31, 613, 2006

74) Harmonic generation from indium rich plasmas
R.A. Ganeev, H. Singhal,  P. A. Naik, V. Arora,  U. Chakravarty,  J. A. Chakera, R.A. Khan, I.A. Kulagin, P. V. Redkin, M. Raghuramaiah, and P. D. Gupta
Phys. Rev. A 74, 063824, 2006

75) Measuring pulse-front tilt in ultrashort pulse laser beams without ambiguity of its sign    using single-shot tilted pulse-front autocorrelator
A.K. Sharma, R.K. Patidar, M.Raghuramaiah, P.A.Naik, and P.D. Gupta Opt. Exp. 14, 26, 13131, 2006 Also linked in Virtual J. Ultrafast Science, vol. 6, Issue 3 (March 2007)

76) Real time autocorrelator with enhanced temporal scan range for measurements of ultrashort laser pulses
A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta Optics and Laser Technology 39, 465-469, 2007

77) Strong enhancement and extinction of single harmonic intensity in the mid- and end-plateau regions of the high harmonics generated in weakly-excited laser plasmas
R.A. Ganeev, P. A. Naik, H. Singhal, J. A. Chakera, and P. D. Gupta Optics Letters 32, 65, 2007 Also linked in Virtual J. Ultrafast Science, vol. 6, Issue 2 (Feb 2007)

78) Structural, optical, and nonlinear optical properties of indium nanoparticles prepared by laser ablation
R.A. Ganeev, A. I. Ryasnyansky, U. Chakravarty, P. A. Naik, H. Srivastava, V. K. Tiwari, and P. D. Gupta Appl. Phys. B  86, 337, 2007Also linked in Virtual J. Ultrafast Science, vol. 6, Issue 3 (March 2007)

79) Optimization of C5+ Balmer-α line intensity at 182A from laser produced carbon plasma
A.Chowdhury, R.A.Joshi, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta Pramana - J. Physics  68, 43, 2007

80) A simple highly stable and temporally synchronizable  Nd:glass laser oscillator delivering    laser pulses of variable pulse duration from sub-nanosecond to few nanoseconds          
A. K. Sharma, R. A. Joshi, R. K. Patidar, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta.  Opt. Commun.  272, 455, 2007

81) Pulsed laser deposition of metal films and nanoparticles in vacuum using subnanosecond laser pulses
R.A. Ganeev, U. Chakravarty, P. A. Naik, H. Srivastava, C. Mukharjee, M. K. Tiwari,  R. V. Nandedkar, and P. D. Gupta
Appl. Opt. 46, 1205, 2007

82) Narrow band x-ray emission in the water window spectral region from laser heated gold copper   mix-Z  plasma
J. A. Chakera, S. R. Kumbhare, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta Appl. Phys. B  86, 510, 2007

83) Tuning of the high-order harmonics generated from laser plasma plumes and solid surfaces by varying the laser spectrum, chirp, and focal position
R.A. Ganeev, P. A. Naik, H. Singhal, J. A. Chakera, H. Kuroda, and P. D. Gupta J.O.S.A. B 24, 1138, 2007

84) Optimization of the high-order harmonics generated from silver plasma
R. A. Ganeev, H. Singhal, P. A. Naik, U. Chakravarty, V. Arora, J. A. Chakera, R. A. Khan, M. Raghuramaiah, S. R. Kumbhare,  R. P. Kushwaha, and P. D. Gupta
Appl. Phys. B  87, 243, 2007

85) Studies planned at CAT, Indore on laser-plasma based electron acceleration
P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 21, 459, 2007

86) Simultaneous visual detection and measurement of pulse chirp and asymmetry using unbalanced fringe resolved interferometric autocorrelation envelope function difference signals
A.K. Sharma, P. A. Naik, P. D. Gupta, Appl.Phys. B  87, 655, 2007

87) A study on polarization dependence of quadratic photocurrent in commercial light emitting diodes using real time cross-polarized autocorrelation
A.K. Sharma, P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta, Appl. Phys. B 88, 67, 2007

88) Control of the intensity of the single harmonic generated in laser plasma using the chirp variation of femtosecond pulse
R.A. Ganeev, P. A. Naik, H. Singhal, U. Chakravarty, V. Arora, J. A. Chakera, M. Raghuramaiah, R. A. Khan, S. R. Kumbhare, R. P. Kushwaha, and P. D. Gupta
Optics and Spectroscopy  102, 949, 2007

89) Design and performance characteristics of an electromagnetic interference shielded enclosures for high voltage Pockels cell switching system
A. K. Sharma, K. K. Mishra, M. Raghuramaiah, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta Sadhana 32, 235, 2007

90) Angular distribution and dose measurements of hard x-ray emission  from intense laser-plasma interaction
B.S.Rao, P.A. Naik, V. Arora, R. A. Khan, P.D. Gupta Appl. Phys. 102, 063307 (2007) Also linked in Virtual J. Ultrafast Science, vol. 6, Issue 10 (Oct. 2007)

91) Generation of high-order harmonics of femtosecond radiation from surfaces of various media
R.A. Ganeev, H. Singhal, P. A. Naik, U. Chakravarty, V. Arora, J. A. Chakera, M. Raghuramaiah, R. A. Khan, S. R. Kumbhare, R. P. Kushwaha, and P. D. Gupta.
Optics and Spectroscopy  103, pp 795-99 (2007)

92) Generation of high harmonics in laser plasma formed on the surface of a silver target .
R.A. Ganeev, P. A. Naik, H. Singhal, U. Chakravarty, V. Arora, J. A. Chakera, R. A. Khan, M. Raghuramaiah, S. R. Kumbhare, R. P. Kushwaha, P. D. Gupta
Optics and Spectroscopy 103, pp 831-38 (2007)

93) Peculiarities of single harmonic amplification upon generation of high harmonics in a GaAs plasma
R. A. Ganeev, H. Singhal, P. A. Naik, P. D. Gupta Quantum Electronics 37 (9) 827 (2007)

94) Dependence of high order harmonics intensity on laser focal spot position in pre-formed plasma plumes
H.Singhal, R. Ganeev, P. A. Naik, V. Arora, U. Chakravarty, and P. D. Gupta
Appl. Phys. 103, 013107 (2008)

95) Initial Experiments on Laser Based Electron Acceleration at RRCAT, Indore,
B.S. Rao, P.A. Naik, V. Arora, H. Singhal, U. Chakravarty, R. A. Khan, P. D. Gupta, K.Nakajima and T. Kameshima.,
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 36, 1694  (2008).

96) Formation of single pinched plasma-point in the cathode plasma jet of a multi-ps laser-triggered vacuum discharge
A.Moorti, P.A. Naik, P.D. Gupta, and R.K. Bhat Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 093501 (2008)

97) Ultra-intense Laser Plasma Interaction Studies at RRCAT, Indore
P.D. Gupta, and P.A. Naik The Review of Laser Engineering 1119 (2008)

98) Dependence of high order harmonic intensity on the length of preformed plasma plumes
H.Singhal, V. Arora, B.S. Rao, P. A. Naik, U. Chakravarty, R. A. Khan, and P.D. Gupta
Phys. Rev. A 79, 023807 (Feb. 2009)

99) Efficient keV X-ray generation from irradiation of in-situ produced silver clusters by Ti:sapphire laser pulses
U.Chakravarty, P.A. Naik, S.R. Kumbhare, and P.D. Gupta Journal of Optical Society of Korea 13, 80 (March 2009)

100) Enhancement of high-order harmonic generation using two-color pump in plasma plumes
R.A. Ganeev, H. Singhal, P. A. Naik, I. A. Kulagin, P. V. Redkin, J. A. Chakera, M. Tayyab, R. A. Khan, and P. D. Gupta
Phys. Rev. A 80, 033845  (Sept. 2009)

101) Variation of harmonic spectra in laser-produced plasmas at variable phase modulation of femtosecond laser pulses of different bandwidths
R.A. Ganeev, H. Singhal, P. A. Naik, J. A. Chakera, M. Tayyab, M. Baba, H. Kuroda, and  P.D. Guptan
J.O.S.A. B  26, 2143 (Nov. 2009)

102) Influence of C60 morphology on high-order harmonic generation enhancement in fullerene-containing plasma
R.A. Ganeev, H. Singhal, P. A. Naik, J. A. Chakera, A. K. Srivastava, T. S. Dhami, M. P. Joshi, and P. D. Gupta
Appl. Phys  106, 103103 (Nov. 2009)
103) Study of high-order harmonic generation from nanoparticles
H.Singhal, R. A. Ganeev, P. A. Naik, A. K. Srivastava, A. Singh, R.Chari, R. A. Khan, J. A. Chakera, and P. D. Gupta
Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, 025603 (2010)
104) Flux of multiple charged metal ions of high energy from plasma produced by a moderate energy laser pulse.
I.V. Romanov, A.V. Brantov, A.A. Rupasov, A.S. Shikanov, V.L. Paperny, A. Moorti, R.K. Bhat, P.A. Naik, and P.D. Gupta
Phys. D : Appl. Phys. 43, 035201 (2010)

105) Fast ion generation in the cathode plasma jet of a multi-picosecond laser-triggered vacuum discharge
A.Moorti, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 33504 (2010)

106) Generation of highly collimated, mono-energetic electron beam from laser-driven plasma-based acceleration
S.R. Bobbili, A. Moorti, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta New Journal of Physics 12, 045011 (2010)

107) Particular features of higher harmonic generation in nanocluster containing plasmas using single and two-color pumps
R.A. Ganeev, H. Singhal, P. A. Naik, J. A. Chakera, M. Tayyab, A. K. Srivastava, T. S. Dhami, M. P. Joshi, A. Singh, R. Chari, S. R. Kumbhare, R. P. Kushwaha, R. A. Khan, R. K. Bhat, and P. D. Gupta
Optics and spectroscopy 108, 787 (2010)

108) Chirped pulse shadowgraphy  for single shot time resolved plasma expansion measurements
Y.B.S.R. Prasad,  S. Barnwal, P.A. Naik, J.A. Chakera, R.A. Khan, and P.D. Gupta
Appl. Phys.Lett. 96, 221503 (2010)

109) Design, fabrication and measurement of 90 degree mass-analyzing magnet
S.K.Jain, R. Malik, K.Sekar, P.A.Naik, and P.R.Hannurkar
Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys., 48, 315-320, (2010)

110) High-order harmonic generation in a plasma plume of in situ laser-produced silver nanoparticles
H.Singhal, R. A. Ganeev, P. A. Naik, J. A. Chakera, U. Chakravarty, H. S. Vora, A. K. Srivastava, C. Mukherjee, C. P. Navathe, S. K. Deb, and P. D. Gupta
Phys. Rev. A 82, 043821 (2010)

111) Fourth-order harmonic generation during parametric four-wave mixing in the filaments in ambient air
R.A. Ganeev, H. Singhal, P. A. Naik, J. A. Chakera, M. Kumar, and P. D. Gupta
Phys. Rev. A 82, 043812 (2010)

112) Design, fabrication, and characterization of a solenoid system to generate magnetic field for an ECR proton source
S.K.Jain, P.A.Naik and P.R.Hannurkar Sadhana 35, 461 (2010)

113) Energy distributions of highly charged ions escaping from a plasma via a low-voltage laser-induced discharge
I.V. Romanov, A. A. Rupasov, A. S. Shikanov, V. L. Paperny, A. Moorti, R. K. Bhat, P. A. Naik and P. D. Gupta
Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43, 465202 (2010)
114) Systematic studies of two-color pump-induced high-order harmonic generation in plasma plumes
R.A. Ganeev, H. Singhal, P. A. Naik, J. A. Chakera, H. S. Vora, R. A. Khan, and P. D. Gupta
Phys. Rev. A 82, 043831 (2010)

115) Generation of synchronized signal and pump pulses for an optical parametric chirped pulse amplification based multi-terawatt Nd:glass laser system
M.Raghuramaiah, R. K. Patidar, R. A. Joshi, P. A. Naik and P. D. Gupta Pramana J. Physics 75,  869 (2010)

116) A novel technique for measurement of self generated magnetic fields and the plasma density in laser produced plasmas from the Faraday rotation using two color probes
A.S. Joshi, P. A. Naik, S. Barnwal, Y.B.S.R. Prasad, and P.D.Gupta
Opt. Commun. 283, 4713 (2010)

117) Enhanced harmonic generation in C60-containing plasma plumes
R.A. Ganeev , H. Singhal, P. A. Naik, J. A. Chakera, A. K. Srivastava, T. S. Dhami, M. P. Joshi, and P. D. Gupta
Appl.  Phys. B 100, 581 (2010)

118) Development of Raman-shifted probe laser beam for plasma diagnosis using polaro-interferometer
M.P. Kamath A. P. Kulkarni, S. Jain, P. K. Tripathi, A. S. Joshi, P. A. Naik and P. D. Gupta
Pramana J. Physics 75, 883 (2010)

119) Formation of metal nanoparticle of various sizes in plasma plumes produced by Ti:sapphire laser pulses
U.Chakravarty, P. A. Naik, C. Mukherjee, S.R. Kumbhare, and P. D. Gupta
Appl. Phys. 108, 053107 (2010)
120) Study of 2 ω and 3/2ω harmonics in ultrashort high-intensity laser plasma interaction
V.Arora, P.A. Naik, J.A. Chakera, R.A. Khan, and P.D. Gupta Pramana J. Phys. 75, 1175 (2010)

121) High order harmonic generation in carbon nanotube-containing plasma plumes
R. A. Ganeev, P. A. Naik,  H. Singhal,  J. A. Chakera, M. Kumar,  M. P. Joshi,  A. K. Srivastava,  and P. D. Gupta
Phys. Rev. A 83, 013820 (2011)

122) Carbon aerogel plumes as an efficient medium for higher harmonic generation in 40-90 nm range
R.A. Ganeev, P. A. Naik, J. A. Chakera, H. Singhal, N. C. Pramanik, P. A. Abraham, N. Rani Panicker, M. Kumar, and P. D. Gupta
Opt. Soc. Am. B 28, 360 (2011)
123) X-ray enhancement in a nanohole target irradiated by intense ultrashort laser pulses
U. Chakravarty, V Arora, J. A. Chakera, P. A. Naik, H. Srivastava, P. Tiwari, A. Srivastava, and P.D Gupta
Appl. Phys. 109, 053301 (2011)
124) Nano-ripple formation on different band-gap semiconductor surfaces using femtosecond pulses
U. Chakravarty, R. A. Ganeev,  P. A. Naik, J. A. Chakera, M. Babu, and P. D. Gupta
Appl. Phys. 109, 084347 (2011)
125) Resonance enhancement of single even harmonic of laser radiation in tin-containing plasma using intensity variation of two-color pump
R.A. Ganeev, J. A. Chakera, P. A. Naik,  H. Singhal,  R. A. Khan, and P. D. Gupta
Opt. Soc. Am. B 28, 1055 (2011)
126) Enhanced soft x-ray emission from carbon nanofibers irradiated with ultra-short laser pulses
U. Chakravarty, P. A. Naik, B. S. Rao, V. Arora, H. Singhal, G. M. Bhalerao, A. K. Sinha, P. Tiwari, and P. D. Gupta
Appl. Phys. B 103, 571 (2011)

127) Generation of intense soft x-rays from  capillary discharge plasmas
Y.B.S.R. Prasad, S. Nigam, K. Aneesh, S. Barnwal, P.K. Tripathi, P.A. Naik, C.P. Navathe, and P.D. Gupta
Sadhana 36, 349 (2011)

128) Simple electro-optic technique to generate temporally flat-top laser pulses
A. K. Sharma, R. K. Patidar, M. Raghuramaiah, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta
Opt. Comm. 284, 4596 (June 2011)

129) Chirped pulse interferometry to study time resolved electron densities of laser produced plasmas
Y.B.S.R. Prasad, S. Barnwal, P.A. Naik, J.A. Chakera, S.R. Kumbhare, and P.D. Gupta
Appl. Phys. 110, 023305 (July 2011)
130) Laser wake-field acceleration in pre-formed plasma channel created by pre-pulse pedestal of terawatt laser pulse
B.S. Rao, J.A. Chakera, P.A. Naik, M. Kumar,  and P.D. Gupta
Physics of Plasmas 18, 093103 (Sept. 2011)

131) Spectral broadening of the K- line emitted from planar titanium targets irradiated with ultra-short laser pulses of high intensity
V.Arora, H. Singhal, P.A. Naik, and P.D. Gupta
Applied Phys. B. 110, 083305 (Oct. 2011)
132)  Study of self-generated magnetic fields in laser produced plasmas using a three-channel polaro-interferometer
Y.B.S.R. Prasad, S. Barnwal, E.A. Bolkhovitinov, P.A. Naik, M.P. Kamath, A.S. Joshi, S.R. Kumbhare, A.A. Rupasov, and P.D. Gupta
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 123506 (Dec. 2011)

133)  A comparative study of the ionic keV x-ray line emission from plasma produced by femtosecond, picosecond, and nanosecond duration laser pulses.
V.Arora, P. A. Naik, B. S. Rao, and P. D. Gupta
Pramana  J. Phys. 78, 227 (April 2012)

134) 3D simulation of laser-plasma based electron acceleration.
A. Upadhyay, K. Patel, B. S. Rao, P. A. Naik and P. D. Gupta
Pramana J. Phys. 78, 623 (April 2012)

135) Use of carbon-containing materials for efficient high-order harmonic generation of laser radiation.
R.A. Ganeev, P. A Naik, H. Singhal, J. A Chakera, M. Kumar, U. Chakravarty, and P. D Gupta
Opt. Commun. 285, 2934 (April 2012)

136) A study on wavelength dependence and dynamic range of the quadratic response of commercial grade light emitting diodes
A.K. Sharma, R. K. Patidar, M. Raghuramaiah, A. S. Joshi, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta
Opt. Commun. 285, 3300 (July 2012)

137) Laser induced shock studies at RRCAT, Indore
P.A. Naik, V. Arora, S. Bagchi, Y.B.S.R. Prasad, S. Barnwal, and P.D. Gupta
Physics 377, 012052 (Aug. 2012)
138) Electric field enhancement at multiple densities in laser irradiated nano-tube plasma
U. Chakravarty, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta,
Pramana J. Phys 79, 443 (Sept. 2012)

139) Enhancement of K-alpha emission through efficient hot electron generation in carbon nanotubes on intense laser pulse irradiation
U. Chakravarty, V. Arora, P. A. Naik, J. A. Chakera, H. Srivastava, A. Srivastava, G. D. Varma, S. R Kumbhare, and P.D Gupta
Appl. Phys. 112, 053301-5 (Sept. 2012)
140) Study of fast electron jet produced from interaction of intense laser beam with solid target at oblique incidence
S.R. Bobbili, V. Arora, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta
Physics of Plasmas 19, 113118 (Nov. 2012)

141) Dispersion-less spectrograph for absolute measurement of multi keV x-ray flux from high intensity laser produced plasmas
V.Arora, H.S. Vora, J.A. Chakera, M. Tayyab, P.A. Naik, and P.D. Gupta
Instrumentation 8, P01010 (Jan. 2013)
142) Characterization of proton beam emission from an electron cyclotron resonance ion source
S. K. Jain, M. Tayyab, S. Bagchi, J. A. Chakera, and P. A. Naik
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. A. 708, 51 (Jan. 2013)

143) Restoration of the absolute diffraction efficiency and blaze angle of carbon contaminated gratings by UV cleaning
M.Kumar, M. H. Modi, H. Singhal, S. Sendhil Raja, J. A. Chakera, R. K. Gupta, P.A. Naik, G. S. Lodha, and P. D. Gupta
Applied Optics 52, 1725  (March 2013)

144) A simple and sensitive technique for alignment of the pinhole of a spatial filter of a high energy high power laser system
A.K. Sharma, R. K. Patidar, D. Daiya, A. S. Joshi, P. A. Naik and P. D. Gupta
Applied Optics 52, 2546 (April 2013)

145) High-quality electron beam from laser wake-field acceleration in laser produced plasma plumes
B.S. Rao, A. Moorti, R. Rathore, J. A. Chakera, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta
Applied Physics Letters 102, 231108 (June 2013)

146) Study of microwave power coupling with electron cyclotron resonance plasma using Langmuir probe
S.K. Jain V.K. Senecha, P.A. Naik, P.R. Hannurkar, and S.C. Joshi
Pramana J. Phys. 81, 157 (July 2013)

147) Theoretical and experimental studies on single tiled grating pulse compressor
D. Daiya, A. K. Sharma, A. S Joshi, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta
Opt. Commun.  309, 15 (July 2013)

148) Theoretical studies on optimization of a broadband optical parametric amplifier for enhanced output stability
A. K. Sharma, R. K. Patidar, P.A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta
Opt. Commun. 309, 139 (July.2013)

149) Enhanced water window x-ray emission from in situ formed carbon clusters irradiated by intense ultra-short laser pulses
U.Chakravarty, B. S. Rao, V. Arora, A. Upadhyay, H. Singhal, P. A. Naik, J. A. Chakera, C. Mukherjee, and P.D. Gupta
Applied Phys. Letters 103, 054 107 (Aug. 2013)

­150) Study of strain propagation in laser irradiated silicon crystal by time-resolved diffraction of K-α x-ray probe of different photon energies
V. Arora, S. Bagchi, M. Gupta, J. A. Chakera, A. Gupta, P. A. Naik, P. Chaddah, and P.D. Gupta
Appl. Physics 114, 023302   (Aug. 2013)
151) Study of the spatial coherence of high order harmonic radiation generated from pre-formed plasma plumes
M. Kumar, H. Singhal, J.A. Chakera, P.A. Naik, R.A. Khan, and P.D. Gupta
Appl. Physics 114, 033112   (Aug. 2013)
152) Effect of chirp on self-modulation and laser wake-field electron acceleration in the regime of quasi-monoenergetic electron beam generation
B.S. Rao, A. Moorti, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta
Phys. Rev. Special Topics - Acc. and Beams 16, 091301 (Sept. 2013).

153) Development of a two arm, high energy, high power laser for plasma research in India
A.S. Joshi,a, M.P. Kamath, A.K. Sharma, M.R. Raghuramaiah, R.K. Patidar, M.S. Ansari, N. Sreedhar, R. Chandra, C.P. Navathe, P.A. Naik and P.D. Gupta
Europ. Phys J.:  WoC. 59, 08001 (Nov. 2013)

154) Observation of neutrons in the interaction of high intensity laser pulses with solid targets
M.Tayyab, J.A. Chakera, P.A. Naik, M. Kumar and P.D. Gupta
Europ. Phys J.:  WoC. 59, 17008 (Nov. 2013)

155) Estimation of electron density and temperature of semiconductor surfaces excited by ultra-short laser pulses
U.Chakravarty, P.A. Naik , J.A. Chakera, A. Upadhyay and P.D. Gupta
Applied Physics A : Materials Sci. and Processing 115, 1457 (Nov. 2013)  

156) High-quality stable electron beams from laser wake-field acceleration in high density plasma
B.S. Rao, A. Moorti, R. Rathore, J. A. Chakera, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta
Phys. Rev. Special Topics - Acc. and Beams 17, 011301 (Jan. 2014)

157) Enhanced coherent XUV emission through high order harmonic generation from plasma plumes containing nanoparticles.
H. Singhal, P.A. Naik, M. Kumar, J.A. Chakera, and P.D. Gupta
Appl. Phys. 115, 033104 (Jan. 2014)
158) Measurement of the figure of merit of indigenously developed Nd-doped phosphate laser glass rods for use in high power lasers
A.P. Kulkarni, S. Jain , M. P. Kamath, A. S. Joshi, P. A. Naik, P. D. Gupta, K. Annapurna, A. K. Mandal, B. Karmakar, and R. Sen
Pramana J. Phys. 82, 159 (Jan. 2014)

159) Spectral analysis of K-shell X-ray emission of magnesium plasma produced by ultrashort high-intensity laser pulse irradiation
V.Arora, U. Chakravarty, M. P. Singh, J. A. Chakera, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta
Pramana J. Phys. 82, 365 (Feb. 2014)

160) Study of 1–8 keV K-alpha  x-ray emission from high intensity fs laser produced plasma
V. Arora, P.A. Naik, J.A. Chakera, S. Bagchi, M. Tayyab, and P.D. Gupta
AIP  Advances  4, 047106 (Apr. 2014)

161) Copper K-shell x-ray emission induced by the impact of ion beam from an electron cyclotron resonance ion source
S. K. Jain, V. Arora, R. Rathore, S. Bagchi, and P. A. Naik
Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Phys. Res. A 763, 266, (June 2014)

162) Role of target material in proton acceleration from thin foils irradiated by ultrashort laser pulses
M.Tayyab, S. Bagchi, B. Ramakrishna, T. Mandal, A. Upadhyay, R. Ramis, J. A. Chakera, P.A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta
Phys. Rev. E 90, 023103 (Aug. 2014)

163) Study of microwave components for an electron cyclotron  resonance source : Simulations and performance
S. K. Jain, D. Sharma, V. K. Senecha, P. A. Naik, and P. R. Hannurkar
Sadhana 39, 901  (Aug. 2014)

164) Characterization of the 46.9 nm soft x-ray laser beam from a capillary discharge
S. Barnwal, Y.B.S.R. Prasad, S. Nigam, K. Aneesh, M.L. Sharma, R.P. Kushwaha, P.K. Tripathi, P.A. Naik, J.A. Chakera, C.P. Navathe, and P.D. Gupta
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 117, 131 (Sept. 2014)

165) A comparative study of the inner-shell and the ionic line radiation from ultra-short  laser produced magnesium plasma
V.Arora, P.A. Naik, U. Chakravarty, H. Singhal, B.S. Rao, J.A. Chakera, M.P. Singh, P.D. Gupta
Physica  Scripta 89, 115601 (Nov. 2014)

166) Study of fast electron transport in thin foil targets irradiated by ultra-short intense laser  pulses             
T. Mandal, V. Arora, M. Tayyab, S. Bagchi,  R. Rathore, B. Ramakrishna,  C. Mukharjee, J.A.Chakera, P.A. Naik, and  P.D. Gupta                        
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 119, 281 (March 2015)

167) Multi MeV quasi-mono-energetic electron beam generation from interaction of ultra-intense laser pulse with solid target at grazing incidence           
B. S. Rao, A. Moorti, G. Pathak, J. A. Chakera, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta            
Appl. Phys. B  120, 149 (May 2015)

168) Calculation of self-generated magnetic fields in laser-produced plasmas.
Y. B. S. R. Prasad, S. Barnwal, P. A. Naik, P. D. Gupta, E. A. Bolkhovitinov, and A. A.Rupasov
Russian Laser Research 36, 395 (July 2015)

169) Micrometer-sized negative-ion accelerator based on ultra-short laser pulse interaction with  transparent solids
S.Bagchi, M. Tayyab, B. Ramakrishna, A. Upadhyay, T. Mandal, J. A. Chakera, P. A. Naik, and  P. D. Gupta.
Phys. Rev. E 92, 051103 (R)  (Oct. 2015)    

170) Filamentation control and collimation of laser accelerated MeV protons
B. Ramakrishna, M. Tayyab, S. Bagchi, T. Mandal, A. Upadhyay, S-M. Weng, M.Murakami,  T.Cowan, J. Chakera, P.A. Naik, and P.D. Gupta.            
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 57,  125013 (Nov. 2015)

171) Enhancement of conversion efficiency and spatial coherence of high order harmonics generated from preformed plasma plumes using apertured laser beam
M.Kumar, U. Chakravarty, R. Rathore, J.A. Chakera, P.A. Naik, and P.D. Gupta
Phys. B : At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 49, 075601 (March 2016)  
172) Effect of the rate of rise in discharge current on the output of a 46.9 nm soft x-ray laser                        based on capillary discharge
S. Barnwal, S. Nigam, K. Aneesh, Y. B. S. R. Prasad, P. A. Naik, C. P. Navathe, P. D. Gupta.
Appl. Phys. B 122, 169 (June 2016)

173) Study of shock wave propagation in soda lime glass using optical shadowgraphy
Y. B. S. R. Prasad, S. Barnwal, P. A. Naik, Y. Yadav, R. Patidar, M. P. Kamath, A.Upadhyay, S. Bagchi, A. Kumar, A. S. Joshi, and P. D. Gupta.
Pramana J. Phys.  87, 1 (June 2016)

174) Microstructure and composition analysis of low-Z / low-Z multilayers by combining hard and resonant soft x-ray reflectivity
P.N. Rao, S.K. Rai, A.K. Srivatava, T. Ganguli, R. Dhawan, and P.A. Naik
Appl. Phys. 119, 245301 (June 2016)
175) Fabrication of soft x-ray zone plates using carbon, titanium as sacrificial layer
P. TiwariP. MondalA.K. Srivastava, and P.A. Naik
Vacuum 131, 271 (July 2016)

176) Diffraction efficiency of plasmonic gratings fabricated by electron beam lithography using a silver halide film
SudheerS. PorwalS. BhartiyaB. T. RaoP. Tiwari, H. SrivastavaT. K. SharmaV. N. RaiA. K. Srivastava, and P. A. Naik
Appl. Phys. 120, 043101 (July 2016)

177) Experimental realization of Talbot array illumination for a 2-dimensional phase grating
S. Mondal, M. Kumar, P. Tiwari, A. K. Srivastava, J. A. Chakera, and P. A. Naik
Appl. Phys. 120, 153103 (Oct. 2016)

178) Optical design and studies of a tiled single grating pulse compressor for enhanced parametric space and compensation of tiling errors
D. Daiya, R.K. Patidar,J. SharmaA.S. JoshiP.A. NaikP.D. Gupta
Optics Communications 389, 165–169 (April 2017)

179) Quasi-monoenergetic electron beams from a few-terawatt laser driven plasma acceleration using a nitrogen gas jet
B S Rao, A Moorti, J A Chakera, P A Naik and P D Gupta
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 59,  065006 (April 2017)

180) Active phase locking of a tiled two-grating assembly for high-energy laser pulse compression using simultaneous controls from far-field  profiles and interferometr
A.K. Sharma, A.S. Joshi,   P.A. Naik,  P.D. Gupta
Applied Phys. B 123, 117 (Apr. 2017)

181) Impact of discharge current profile on the lasing efficiency of 46.9 nm capillary discharge soft x-ray laser
S.Barnwal, S. Nigam,K. Aneesh, Y. B. S. R. Prasad, A. S. Joshi and P. A. Naik
Laser Physics  27, 5 (May 2017)

182) Experimental and numerical study of ultra-short laser-produced collimated Cu Kα X-ray source
R. Rathore, V. Arora, H. Singhal, T. Mandal, J.A. Chakera, and P.A. Naik
Laser and Particle Beams  35, 442–449 (May 2017)

183) Exploring X-ray lasing in nitrogen pinch plasma at very high and fast discharge current excitation
S. Barnwal, S. Nigam, K. Aneesh, Y. B. S. R. Prasad, M. L. Sharma, P. K. Tripathi, A. S. Joshi, P. A. Naik, H. S. Vora, P. D. Gupta
Applied Physics B 123:178 (June 2017)

184) Experimental and numerical study of ultra-short laser-produced collimated Cu Kα X-ray source
R.Rathore, V. Arora, H. Singhal, T. Mandal, J.A. Chakera and P.A. Naik
Laser and Particle Beams 35,  0442-0449 (2017)

185) Study of Higher Diffraction Order Contribution in a Flat Field Grating Spectrograph Using a High-Order Harmonic Source
Mukund Kumar, H. Singhal, J. A. Chakera and P. A. Naik
Applied Spectroscopy 72, 1416 (April 2018)
186) Betatron resonance electron acceleration and generation of relativistic electron beams using 200 fs Ti:sapphire laser pulses
D.Hazra, A. Moorti, B. S. Rao, A. Upadhyay, J. A. Chakera and P. A. Naik
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60, 85015 (June 2018)

187) Effect of Temporally Modified Ultra-Short Laser Pulses on Ion Acceleration from Thin Foil Targets
M.Tayyab, S. Bagchi, J. A. Chakera, R. A. Khan, and P. A. Naik
Phys. of Plasma  25, 083113 (Aug. 2018)

188) Single-shot THz time profiling using curved wavefront
S. Saxena, S. Bagchi, B. S. Rao, J. A. Chakera and P. A. Naik
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 8, 2156 (Sept 2018)

189) Mono-energetic heavy ion acceleration from laser plasma based composite nano-accelerator
M.Tayyab, S. Bagchi, J. A. Chakera, D. Avasthi, R. Ramis, A. Upadhyay, B.Ramakrishna, T. Mandal, P. A.  Naik
Physics of Plasmas 25, 123102 (Dec. 2018)

190) A Compact Pulse Power System for Capillary Discharge Plasma based EUV Laser
S.Nigam, S. Barnwal, K. Aneesh, M. L. Sharma, .Y B. S. R. Prasad, P. K. Tripathi, J. A. Chakera and P. A. Naik
IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science 47, 2696 (May 2019)