
Pravin Madanrao Singru


Acoustics, Vibration


Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
  1. P. M. Singru and J.P. Modak , ” Computer Simulation of Dynamic and Vibration Response of Arm of a Belt Drive Pulley”,Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol.242, No. 2, April 2001,pp 277-293.(Impact Factor 4.87, Q1)
  2. P.M. Singru and J.P. Modak,” Dynamics Of Arm Of A Flat Belt Drive Pulley With Explanation Of Belt Flutter”,Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol.279, No.3-5, January 2005, pp 1037-1070. (Impact Factor 4.87, Q1)
  3. M.M. Raghuwanshi, P.M. Singru, U. Kale, O.G.Kakde ,” Synthesis of Modified Simulated Bi- nary Crossover with Lognormal Distribution”, Complexity International, Volume 12, Paper ID: msid01,2008, URL:
  4. Raghavendra Naik, Pravin M. Singru, , ”Establishing the Limiting Conditions of Operation of Magnetorheological Fluid Dampers in Vehicle Suspension System”, Mechanics Research Communication, Volume 36, Issue 8, December 2009, Pages 957-962. (Impact Factor 2.4)
  5. K.V.R.B. Prasad and Pravin M. Singru, , ”Identifying the Optimum Design of Turbo-Alternator Using Differential Evolution Algorithms”, International Journal of Energy Systems, Computers and Control Volume 1, No. 1, , pp. 33-56,January-June 2010.
  6. K.V.R.B. Prasad and Pravin M. Singru„ International Journal of Electrical Engineering (IJEE), Optimum Design of Turbo-Alternator using Differential Evolution Algorithms, Volume 3, Number 1, pp. 25–44,2010 (ISSN 0974-2158)
  7. R.D. Naik and P. M. Singru, ”Resonance stability and chaotic vibration of a quarter-car vehicle model with time delay feedback”, Communications in nonlinear science and numerical simulation, Volume 16, Issue 8, August 2011, Pages 3397-3410. (Impact Factor 3.9 ) 
  8. Dillip Mohanty and Pravin M. Singru,” Use of C-Factor for monitoring of fouling in a shell and tube heat exchanger”, Energy. Volume 36, Issue 5, May 2011, Pages 2899-2904 (Impact factor = 9)
  9. Kiran D. Mali and Pravin M. Singru ”Determination of The Fundamental Frequency of Perforated Plate With Rectangular Perforation Pattern of Circular Holes by Negative Mass Approach for the Perforation ” International journal of Advanced Materials Manufacturing and ,Vol 1, issue 1, March 2012,PP 105-109. (ISSN 2277-3886)
  10. Varinder Singh and Pravin M. Singru ”Analysis of Restructuring in a Manufacturing system using Graph Theoretic Model”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 24 Iss: 4, 615 – 636, 2013.(Impact Factor =8.144, Q1)
  11. Rajput , Ghosh N.N. and Singru P.M. ”Synthesis, characterization and properties of flexible magnetic nanocomposites of CoFe2O4- polybenzoxazine- LLDPE ”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Volume 128, Issue 6, 15 June 2013, Pages: 3726–3733 . (Impact factor = 3.0) 
  12. Dillip Kumar Mohanty and P M Singru” Numerical method for heat transfer and fouling anal- ysis of a shell and tube heat exchanger using statistical analysis”, Korean Chem. Eng., Springer, 29(9), 1144-1150, 2012. (Impact factor = 2.4) 
  13. Mali K.D. and Singru P.M. ”An analytical model to determine fundamental frequency of free vibration of perforated plate by using unit step functions to express non homogeneity”, Journal of Vibro-Engineering, Vol 14, Issue 3, pp 1292-1296, September 2012. (Impact factor = 4.262) 
  14. R.D. Naik and P. M. Singru ”Stability and Hopf bifurcation of a Nonlinear oscillator with multiple time-delays”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2012, Pages 1387-1396. (Impact factor = 7.8,Q1)
  15. Kiran D. Mali, Pravin M. Singru ” to Determine Fundamental Frequency of Free Vibration of Perforated Plate by Using Greatest Integer Functions to Express Non Homogeneity” Advanced Materials Research Vols. 622-623 (2013) pp 600-604, (2013) Trans Tech Publications, 
  16. Rajput A., Ghosh N.N. and Singru P.M.” Preparation of flexible magnetic nanocomposites of 3 linear low-density polyethylene-polybenzoxazine-magnetic nanoparticles 4 and their mechanical and magnetic properties”, Journal of Nanoscience Letters,2013,3:2
  17. Kiran Mali and Pravin Singru ”Determination of the fundamental frequency of perforated rectangular plates: concentrated negative mass approach for the perforation,” Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 972409, 6 pages 
  18. Garg, A., Tai, K., Vijayaraghavan, V. and Singru, P.M. ”Mathematical Modelling of Burr Height of the Drilling Process Using a Statistical Based Multi-Gene Genetic Programming Approach”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology July 2014, Vol- ume 73, Issue 1-4, pp 113-126. (Impact factor = 3.563, Q2) 
  19. Kiran Mali and Pravin Singru “Determination of modal constant for fundamental frequency of perforated plate by Rayleigh’s method using experimental values of natural frequency”, International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2015 (pp. 177-184), 2015. (Impact factor = 1.222)
  20. Raghavendra D. Naik and Pravin M. Singru,” Stability of a Nonlinear Quarter-Car System with Multiple time-Delays”, International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, 20, No. 2, 2015, pp 90-94 (Impact factor = 1.222)
  21. Garg, A., Vijayaraghavan, V. and Singru, P.M” An Integrated Computational Approach for determining the Elastic Properties of Boron Nitride Nanotubes”, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, March 2015, Volume 11,Issue 1, pp 1-14 (doi: 10.1007/s10999- 014-9262-1) (Impact Factor= 3.7, Q2) 
  22. Dillip Kumar Mohanty and P M Singru, ” Fouling analysis of a shell and tube heat exchanger using local linear wavelet neural network”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 77, October 2014, Pages 946–955 (Impact Factor= 5.2, Q1)
  23. V Vijayaraghavan, A. Garg, C.H Wong, K. Tai, Pravin M. Singru” Investigation of Mechanical Strength of 2-D Nanoscale Structures using a Molecular dynamics based computational intelligence approach”, International Journal of Modern Physics Letters 29, pp (1450242-1-18) (2015) [18 pages] (Impact factor = 2.066)
  24. Venkatesh Vijayaraghavan, Akhil Garg, Chee How Wong, Kang Tai, K Sumithra, Liang Gao, Pravin M Singru, “Combined CI-MD approach in formulation of engineering moduli of single layer graphene sheet”, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Volume 48, November 2014, Pages 93–111. (Impact factor = 4.119,Q2) 
  25. A Garg, V Vijayaraghavan, C H Wong, K Tai, K Sumithra, K Sumithra, Pravin M. Singru, Leehter Yao,” Application of artificial intelligence technique for modeling elastic properties of 2-D nanoscale material”, Molecular simulation, Volume 41, Issue 14,pp 1143-1152, 2015 , Taylor and Francis . (Impact factor = 2.1, Q2).
  26. Kiran Mali and Pravin Singru, “On The Use of Greatest Integer Function to Express Material Property Variation in Free Vibration Problem of Simply Supported Square Plates with Square Array of Circular Perforations” Procedia Material Science, 6 ( 2014 ) pp 409 –416
  27. Vijayaraghavan, A. Garg, C. H. Wong, K. Tai, K. Pravin M. Singru, and L. Gao, “On the Study of Machining Characteristics of 2-D Nanoscale Material”, Nanoscience Nanotechnology Letters. 6, 1079-1086 (2014) (IF=1.29, 2019)
  28. A Garg, V Vijayaraghavan, K Tai, Pravin Singru, L. Gao and K.S. Sangwan, “An ensemble evolutionary approach in evaluation of surface finish reduction of vibratory finishing process”, Engineering Computations, Vol. 32 and Issue 5, pp. 1214 – 1229, 2015 (IF=1.675)
  29. Kousik, Pravin M Singru and Narayan Manjrekar,” Comparing PID and H-∞ Controllers on a 2-DoF Nonlinear Quarter Car Suspension System” Journal of Vibro-Engineering, Vol 8, pp 3977-3990. (Impact factor = 4.262)
  30. Vijayaraghavan, V., Garg, A., Wong, C.H., Tai, K., Singru, M. Pravin, Gao L and Sangwan S. K. ”A Molecular Dynamics Based Artificial Intelligence Approach for Characterizing Thermal Transport in Nanoscale Material”, Thermochimica Acta. Vol. 594, 20 October 2014, pp. 39-49. (Impact factor = 3.5,Q2) 
  31. Garg , V. Vijayaraghavan ,Jasmine Siu Lee Lam , Pravin M Singru, Liang Gao, “AMolecular Simulation Based Computational Intelligence Study of a 2 Nano-machining Process with Implications on its Environmental 3 Performance”, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. Volume 21, April 2015, Pages 54–63. (Impact Factor = 10, Q1) 
  32. Nikilesh Krishnakumar, Vishal Jain , Pravin M. Singru, “Development of predictive model for vibro-acoustic condition monitoring of lathe”, Journal of Vibroengineering, 17, Issue 1, 2015, p. 229-242. (Impact factor = 4.262)
  33. AkhiL Garg, V Vijayaraghavan, Kang Tai, Pravin M Singru, Vishal Jain, Nikilesh Kumar, “Model Development based on Evolutionary framework for condition monitoring of a lathe machine”, Measurement , Vol 95 (2015), pp 95-110 (Impact Factor 5.6) 
  34. Singru Pravin, Raizada Ayush, Krishnakumar Vishnuvardhan, Varun Raj, ”Development of an Experimental Model for a Magnetorheological Damper Using Artificial Neural Networks (Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm),” Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, 2016, Article ID 7027259, 6 pages, 2016. 
  35. Akshay Sundar, Hancel V., Pravin Singru, Radhika Vathsan Acoustic analysis and characterization of Indian musical instrument: Ghumot. Journal of Measurements in Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 3, 2016, p. 122-132. (impact Factor 1.6)
  36. Pravin Singru, Akshay Sundar, Hancel V.,Radhika Vathsan , “Study of Sarasvati Veena– a South Indian musical instrument using its vibro-acoustic signatures”, Journal of Vibro Engineering, Vol. 18, Issue 5, August 2016, pp 3362-3368. (Impact factor = 4.262)
  37. Singru Pravin, Raizada Ayush, Krishnakumar Vishnuvardhan, Garg Akhil, Tai , Raj Varun Modeling of a magneto rheological (MR) damper using genetic programming. Journal of Vibroengineering, Vol. 19, Issue 5, 2017, p. 3169- 3177. (Impact factor = 4.262)
  38. Pravin Singru, Vishnuvardhan Krishnakumar, Dwarkesh Natarajan, Ayush Raizada, “Bearing failure prediction using Wigner-Ville distribution, modified Poincare mapping and fast Fourier transform”, Journal of Vibro-engineering. FEB 2018, VOL. 20, ISSUE 1, pp. 127-137 (Impact factor = 4.262)
  39. K D Mali and P M Singru,” Study on the Effect of the Impact Location and the Type of Ham- mer Tip on the Frequency Response Function (FRF) in Experimental Modal Analysis of Rectangular Plates” , IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 330 (2018) 
  40. Varinder Singh, Pravin M. Singru, (2018) ”Graph theoretic structural modeling based new measures of complexity for analysis of lean initiatives”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Volume 29, Issue 2, pp.329-349 (H index =70)( Impact Factor =7.547,Q1)
  41. Chandrshekhar Chavan, P.M. Singru, Radhika Vathsan, ”Vibro-acoustic Modeling, Numerical and Experimental Study of the Resonator and its Contribution to the Timbre of Sarasvati Veena, a South Indian Stringed Instrument,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Special Issue on Musical Acoustics -By invitation) Vol.149, Issue 1, 2021 ( Impact Factor=2.4,Q1)
  42. Chandrshekhar Chavan, P.M. Singru, Radhika Vathsan,(2021) ”The effect of the extended bridge on the Timbre of the Sarasvati Veena: a numerical and experimental study” Journal of Measurement in Engineering, Vol. 9, Issue 1, 2021, p. 23-35, (Impact Factor 1.6)
  43. Aditya Majali , Advait Mulay , Venugopalan Iyengar , Aniruddha Nayak, Pravin Singru (2022) ” Fault identification and remaining useful life prediction of bearings using Poincare maps, fast Fourier transform and convolution neural networks”, Journal of Mathematical Modelling in Engineering, Vol. 8, Issue 1, March 2022, 1-8. (SCOPUS)
  44. Chandrshekhar Chavan, M. Singru, Radhika Vathsan,(2022),”Numerical and Experimental Study of the Effect of the Bridge of Sarasvati Veena on its Timbre”, Acoustics Australia, Vol 51, Issue 1, pp 53-66, March 2023 (Impact Factor 1.7, Q2)
  45. Vivek Chandran Karaparambil (2023), Narayan Suresh Manjarekar, Pravin Madanrao Singru, ”Sieve Search Centroiding Algorithm for Star Sensors”,  Sensors under Intelligent Sensors section,  2023, 23(6), 3222 (Impact Factor 3.9, Q1 /Q2)
  46. Chandrashekhar Chavan, P.M. Singru, Radhika Vathsan, ”Sound Radiation Patterns of the Sarasvati Veena and their relation with the modal behavior of its top plate” Journal of Measurement in Engineering, published on 04/01/2024, (Impact Factor 1.6) DOI


Book Chapters
  1. Pravin Singru, Vishal Jain, Nikilesh Krishnakumar, A. Garg, K. Tai, and V. Vijayaragha- van, “ Gene Expression Programming in Nanotechnology Applications”, Evolutionary Com- putation Techniques and Applications, Editors: Ashish M. Gujarathi, B. V. Babu, Apple Aca- demic Press, Feb 2016
  2. K .V. R. B. Prasad and P. M. Singru, “Performance Improvement of NSGA-II Algorithm by Modifying Crossover Probability Distribution” , Evolutionary Computation Techniques and Applications, Editors: Ashish Gujarathi, B. V. Babu, Apple Academic Press, Feb 2016
  3. Kiran D. Mali, Pravin M. Singru. An analytical model to determine fundamental frequency of free vibration of perforated plate by using greatest integer functions to express non homo- geneity in Manufacturing Science and Technology III, Edited by R. Sivakumar, Trans Tech. Publications, Kreuzstrasse 10, 8635 Durnten-Zurich, Switzerland, December, 2012., ISBN-13: 978-3-03785-563-8
  4. Chandrshekhar Chavan, M. Singru, Radhika Vathsan,”Acoustic analysis of timbre of Saras- vati veena in comparison to simple sonometer”, Springer -Lecture Notes in Mechanical En- gineering,Recent Developments in Acoustics,pp 25-284 (2020)
  5. Aniruddha Nayak and Pravin Singru, ”Study of effect of angle of contact and angle of exten- sion of wear plate on maximum stress induced in horizontal pressure vessel.” Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering , Advances in Industrial Machines and Mechanisms (Springer) , pp 511-519.(2021)
  6. Aniruddha Nayak and Pravin Singru,”Effect of Number of Stiffening Rings, Their Position and Cross Section on Stress Concentration near Saddle Support in Horizontal Pressure Vessels.”. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering , Advances in Industrial Machines and Mechanisms (Springer) , pp 521-530. (2021)


Peer Reviewed National Conferences since 2012
  1. Kiran D. Mali and Pravin M. Singru, ”An Analytical Model to Determine Fundamental Fre- quency of Free Vibration of Perforated Plate by Using Greatest Integer Functions to Express Non Homogeneity”, 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technol- ogy - ICMST 2012, August 18 - 19, 2012, New Delhi, India
  2. Pravin M. Singru and D. Srivastava ”Design and Computational Analysis of MEMS based Direct Methanol Fuel Cell”, COMSOL Conference Bangalore , 3-4, November, 2012
  3. Kiran Mali, Parth S. Joshi, Pravin M. Singru, ”Free vibration analysis of simply supported square plates with square perforation pattern of square holes” accepted for 57th ISTAM Congress an International meet to be held in DIAT, Pune on December 17-21-2012.
  4. Kareti V.R.B. Prasad and Pravin M. Singru ”Optimum Design of Turbo-Alternator Using Modified NSGA-II Algorithm” , accepted for presentation and publication in Seventh In- ternational Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Application, December 14- 16, 2012 held at ABV IIITM, Gwalior.
  1. Pravin Singru, Ayush Raizada , Vishnuvardhan Krishnakumar, Akhil Garg, “Modeling of a Magneto-Rheological (MR) Damper using Genetic Programming” presented in XII IPRoMM NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON INDUSTRIAL PROBLEMS ON MACHINES and MECHANISMS during December 22-23, 2016 held at VNIT, (Won prize as third best paper)
  2. Chandrshekhar Chavan, M. Singru, Radhika Vathsan,”Acoustic analysis of timbre of Saras- vati veena in comparison to simple sonometer”, National Symposium on Acoustics, held at AMU, Aligarh, October 28-30, 2017.


Peer Reviewed International Conference
  1. P.M. Singru ,,2004 International Conference Complex 2004 held on Dec 09-11, 2004 at Craine , Austrelia. Synthesis of Modified Simulated Binary Crossover with Lognormal Dis- tribution.
  2. Raghavendra D. Naik, Pravin M. Singru, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Control of Vehicle Suspension System, Topical Problems in Solid Mechanics, BITS-Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus, December 2009, Pages 420-427.
  3. K.V.R.B. Prasad and Pravin M. Singru “ “Performance of Lognormal Probability Distribution in Crossover Operator of NSGA-II Algorithm” published in “8th International Conference on Simulated Evolution And Learning ” held at IIT-Kanpur, Kanpur from 1st to 4th of December, 2010,SEAL 2010 proceedings, Code: LNCS 6457, pp. 514-522, 2010.
  4. V.Singh, and Singru, P.M. (2011), “A New Methodology to Facilitate Restructuring in Man- ufacturing Systems”, Proc. of the International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing: Issues, Trends and Practices (ICSM – 2011), BITS, Pilani, India, November 10-12, 2011, pp. 163-169.
  5. Raghavendra Naik, Pravin M. Singru,” Stability of a Nonlinear 2 Degree-of-Freedom Ve- hicle System with Multiple Time-delays”, 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics Porto, 22-27 July 2012.
  6. Kiran D. Mali and Pravin M. Singru ,” Free Vibration Analysis of Perforated Plate by us- ing Unit Step Functions to Express Non homogeneity” , 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics Porto, 22-27 July 2012
  7. Raghavendra D. Naik, Pravin M. Singru, “Heteroclinic bifurcation of a nonlinear oscilla- tor with multiple time-delays”, International Conference on Automation, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICAMR’2012), August 11-12, 2012 in Phuket (Thailand).
  8. Allen Anilkumar and Pravin M Singru, ”Seat Design and Control of Passenger Vibrations in a Quarter Car Model Using h Controller”, 11th International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics, 1 – 3 July, 2012
  9. R.D. Naik and P. M. Singru, “Formulation of Squeeze Film Damping Forces on Micro Res- onator Considering Electrostatic Actuation Effects”, International Conference on Emerging Technologies-Micro to Nano 2013 Goa, 113-114.
  10. Akash Aishwarya, R. D. Naik and P. M. Singru, “Dynamics of Capacitive Dual Backplate Mems Microphone” , International Conference on Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics, TIFR- UOH, Hyderabad July 15-18, 2013
  11. P.M. Singru, V. Jain, N. Kumar, S. Habbu, ”Development Of Predictive Model Using Machine Learning Algorithm For Vibro-acoustic Condition Monitoring of Lathe”, accepted for publi- cation in 14th ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, to be held on Nov. 14-20, 2014.
  12. Ashwin P., R.D. naik and P.M. Singru,”Formulation of Squeeze Film damping Forces on Micro-Resonator Considering Electrostatic Acuation Effects” International Conference on Emerging Technologies Micro to Nano-2013, held in BITS Pilani Goa campus , 23-24 February 2013, pp 113-114
  13. Anish D. Shah, Nishant R. Chokhani, Rohit S. Lad, Kiran D. Mali and Pravin M. Singru ” Effect of thermal gradient on free vibration of rectangular plate with thickness varying exponentially in one direction” , The 5th Asia and Pasific Young Researchers and Graduates symposium in Current challenges in structural engineering, held in MNIT Jaipur on October 15-16, 2013
  14. P.M. Singru,,” Design Of MEMS Based Piezo-resistive Sensor For Measuring Pressure In Endo-tracheal Tube” ASME’s International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) held in Housten, USA, Nov-13-19,2015.
  15. Samarth Mathur, Ayush Raizada, Pravin Singru and Radhika Vathsan, “Experimental acoustic analysis of Sarasvati Veena”, paper no. 98,iNACOMM 2015, held at IIT Kanpur on December 16-19, 2015
  16. Pravin Singru, Ayush Raizada and Vishnuvardhan Krishnakumar,” A study of various meth- ods for system identification of continuous systems”, paper 59, iNACOMM 2015, held at IIT Kanpur on December 16-19, 2015.
  17. Pravin Singru, Krishnakuma Vishnuvardhan, Raizada Ayush” Bearing failure prediction us- ing fast fourier transform, wigner-ville distribution and modified Poincare mapping” accepted for publication in 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV23) held in Athens, Greece, from 10 to 14 July, 2016
  18. Singru Pravin, Vathsan Radhika, Sundar Akshay, Hancel PV, “Study of Sarasvati veena- a south indian musical instruments using its vibro-acoustic signatures” accepted for publication in 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV23) held in Athens, Greece, from 10 to 14 July, 2016
  19. Singru Pravin, Vathsan Radhika, Sundar Akshay, Hancel PV, “Vibro-Acoustic study of the Ethnic Indian Musical Instrument Ghumot and determination of number of unique tones”, accepted for publication in 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV23) held in Athens, Greece, from 10 to 14 July, 2016
  20. Paavni Shukla, Pravin M Singru and Narayan Manjrekar,” A Study of H infinity and H2 syn- thesis for Active Vibration Control”, accepted for publication in 4th International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems to be held in NIT Trichy on Feb 1-5, 2016 , published by Science direct (
  21. Deopujari S and M. Singru”MEMS-Based Sensor at the Tip of the ET Tube”,Society of Crit- ical Care Medicine Congress , San Antonio, Texas, USA,February 25-28, 2018.
  22. Himanshu Kishor, Narayan Manjrekar, Pravin Singru,”Design of nonlinear damping assign- ment controller for semi active suspension systems”,25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV25) held in Hiroshima, Japan, from 8 to 12 July, 2018
  23. Chandrashekhar Chavan, P.M. Singru, Radhika Vathsan,”Experimental basis of the concept of sruti (microtones) in indian classical music using the sarasvati veena”,25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV25) held in Hiroshima, Japan, from 8 to 12 July, 2018
  24. Aniruddha Nayak and Pravin Singru, ”Study of effect of angle of contact and angle of exten- sion of wear plate on maximum stress induced in horizontal pressure ” IPRoMM-2020, December 21-22, 2020
  25. Aniruddha Nayak and Pravin Singru,”Effect of Number of Stiffening Rings, Their Position and Cross Section on Stress Concentration near Saddle Support in Horizontal Pressure Vessels.”. IPRoMM-2020. December 21-22, 2020
  26. Aniruddha Nayak, Vivek Gupte and Pravin Singru, ” Studying the Effects of Varying Link- lengths in Double Lambda Mechanism and its Application to Rover Suspension Design” 5th International and 20th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms (iNaCoMM2021), December 9-11, 2021
  27. Vivek Chandran , Manjarekar, Narayan Suresh, Singru, Pravin, ”Visual Magnitude Based Star Identification Initiation Routine for APS Star Trackers” Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems (ACODS 2022), February 22-25,2022.
  28. Chandrashekhar Chavan, P.M. Singru, Radhika Vathsan, ” Experimental study of sound ra- diation patterns of resonator of Sarasvati Veena”, 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, July 24-28, 2022, Singapore (Abstract accepted)
  29. Chinmayee Ashkhedkar, Pravin Singru, ” PARAMETRIC STUDY OF PERIODIC PERFORA- TIONS OF A CANTILEVER PLATE FOR VIBRATION ATTENUATION ” , International Con- ference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP) February 5-9 2023, Doha
  30. Chinmayee Ashkhedkar, Pravin Singru and J.P. Modak,”NUMERICAL MODELLING OF PE- RIODIC PERFORATIONS OF A CANTILEVER PLATE FOR VIBRATION ATTENUATION”, 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV29) held in Prague, Czech Republic, from 9 to 13 July, 2023
  31. Chinmayee Ashkhedkar, Pravin Singru, " EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF PERIODIC PERFORATIONS OF A CANTILEVER PLATE FOR VIBRATION ATTENUATION" 30th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV30) to be held in Amsterdam, from 8 to 14 July, 2024 (accepted on January 4, 2024)
  32. Pravin Singru, Archit Sharma , " NEURAL NETWORK-BASED CONTROL FOR VEHICLE SUSPENSION SYSTEMS WITH ACTIVE DAMPING" is accepted in 30th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2024 to be held in Amsterdam, July 8-14, 2024.