
Ram Shanker Patel


Experimental Condensed Matter, Spintronics


  • Spin-flop phase transitions in vdW antiferromagnet MnPSe3
    Sreelakshmi M. Nair and R. S. Patel
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 092405 (2024).

  • A study of electron and thermal transport in layered Titanium Disulphide single crystals
    Dhavala Suri, S. Vantari, S. Joshi, K. Senapati, P. K. Sahoo, S. Varma and R. S. Patel
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29, 485708 (2017).

  •  Electron and thermal transport transport via variable range hopping in MoSe2 single crystals
    Dhavala Suri and R. S. Patel
    Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 233108 (2017).

  • Spin polarized tunneling through chemical vapor deposited multilayer Molybdenum disulfide
    Andre Dankert, M. Venkata Kamalakar, R. S. Patel, S. P. Dash et al
    ACS Nano 11, 6389 (2017).

  • Tunnel magnetoresistance with atomically thin two- dimensional hexagonal boron nitride barriers
    Andre Dankert, M. Venkata Kamalakar, Abdul Wajid, R. S. Patel, and Saroj P. Dash.
    Nanoresearch (Springer) 8, 1357 (2015).

  • Temperature dependence of the giant magnetoresistance in Fe–Cr multilayers - Intralayer and interlayer exchange energies.
    R. S. Patel and A. K. Majumdar.
    J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 323, 646 (2011).

  • Electrical creation of spin polarization in silicon at room temperature.
    Saroj P. Dash, Sandeep Sharma, Ram S. Patel, Michel P. de Jong, and Ron Jansen.
    Nature 462, 491 (2009).

  • Magnetic tunnel contacts to silicon with low-work-function ytterbium nanolayers.
    R. S. Patel, S. P. Dash, M. P. de Jong, and R. Jansen.
    J. App. Phys. 106, 016107 (2009).

  • Electron pair emission from a W (001) surface: photon versus electron excitation.
    M. Munoz-Navia, C. Winkler, R. S. Patel, M. Birke, F. O. Schumann, and J. Kirschner.
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 355003 (2009).

  • Relaxation of thermo-remanent magnetization in Fe-Cr GMR multilayers.
    R. S. Patel, A. K. Majumdar, and A. K. Nigam.
    J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 309, 256 (2007).

  • Role of heterostructure and multiple magnetic phases in the low-field magnetization of Fe-Cr GMR multilayers.
    R. S. Patel, A. K. Majumdar, A. K. Nigam, D. Temple, and C. Pace.
    J. Appl. Phys. 100, 123914 (2006).

  • Swift heavy ion induced mixing in Fe/Ni multilayer.
    S. K. Srivastava, R. Kumar, A. Gupta, R. S. Patel, A. K. Majumdar, and D. K. Avasthi.
    Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 243, 304 (2006).

  • Evidence of spin-wave demagnetization in Fe-Cr GMR multilayers.
    R. S. Patel, A. K. Majumdar, A. F. Hebard, and D. Temple.
    J. Appl. Phys. 97, 033910 (2005).

  • Magnetic scattering in Fe-Cr multilayers in the ferromagnetic state at low temperatures.
    R. S. Patel, A. K. Majumdar, A. F. Hebard, and D. Temple.
    J. Appl. Phys. 93, 7684 (2003).

  • Thermoremanent magnetization in Mn-rich Cu100−xMnx (x=73, 76, and 83) binary alloys
    R. S. Patel, D. Kumar, and A. K. Majumdar.
    Phys. Rev. B 66, 054408 (2002).