About the Faculty:
Ph. D. in Chemistry (Broad Area: Solid State Chemistry and Nanomaterials)(1993-1998)
Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India.
Thesis Title: Synthesis, Characterization, Magnetic and Electronic Properties of Transition Metal Nitrides
Prof. R. N. Panda joined BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla, Goa Campus in 2006. Now working as Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry. During graduation (BSc) and post-graduation (MSc), Dr. Panda succeed in occupying rank 7th and 4th of the Ten-Best positions in the Sambalpur University, India, in Chemistry, in 1990 and 1992, respectively. After completing PhD in the area of Solid State Chemistry and Nanomaterials from Dept. of Chemistry, IIT Kanpur, in 1998, Dr. Panda pursue post-doctoral research in several reputed universities and institutes for approximately six and half years. The name of the departments, Institutes and universities where the post-doctoral research were carried out include: Department of physics and Center for Laser technology, IIT Kanpur, India (DST Project), Materials Physics Division, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta, India (Institute Post-doc Fellow), Department of Materials Science and Engg., National Tsing Hua University(NTHU), Taiwan (Post-doctoral Researcher, National Science Council, NSC), Department of Heterogeneous Catalysis, Max Plank Institute, MPI KOFO (DFG and Max Plank Fellow), Institute of Nanotechnology, FZK, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (Humboldt Fellow), Department of Physics, National Taiwan University(NTU) (NSC Post Doc Researcher) and Dept. of Chemistry, IIT Kanpur, India (DST Project). Research topics are interdisciplinary in nature and are closely related to materials synthesis, processing and properties study. The key focus lies on development of novel synthesis methodology of nano-structured materials and studies on magnetic behavior. Previous notable experiences include research in the area of metal nitrides, magnetic nano-materials, thin films, bio-materials, catalyst synthesis, coated particles etc. Major emphasis lies in the development of materials for potential application in the areas of catalysis, spintronics, magnetic recording, bio-materials, electrochemical, magnetic heating and light emission (optical) etc. Dr. Panda is Life Member for several professional societies: Society for Surface Science and Technology (ISST), Indian Science Congress Association (ISC), Magnetics Society of India(MSI), Indian Institute of Metal (IIM), Goa Chapter, Society for materials chemistry(SMC), BARC. Prof. Panda has authored 53 publications, 34 referred conferences, 4 book chapters and 1 editorial to his credit (Google Scholar: # citations 1726, h-index 19, i-10 index 28). His current research focuses are on Metal/Alloys, Ferrites, Bio-materials, Nitride, Semiconductor Nanocrystal etc. He has supervised 2 PhD thesis and another 2 are under progress. Dr. Panda played Principal Investigator role in two sponsored (DST, CSIR) projects.