
Nitin Sharma

Associate Professor

GNSS Signal Processing, Wireless Communication

Funded Projects

1. ISRO/RES/3/720/2016-17 Development of Software Defined Radio (SDR) Based GNSS (GLONASS + IRNSS) Receiver. Funded By: ISRO under RESPOND.


We designed a multi-constellation muti-frequency Software receiver in MATLAB and separately in LabView.

The developed Software Receiver is capable of providing individual and hybrid solutions for the following constellations as of now:


2)     IRNSS L5 + GPS L1 + GLONASS L1

3)     IRNSS S  +  GPS L1 + GLONASS L1

4)     GPS L1 + GLONASS L1


Salient Features:


1. LabView-based SDR allows simultaneous and parallel tracking of the acquired satellites from different constellations and/or different frequencies. It also allows using hardware accelerators such as multi-core, multi-threading (SIMD), etc. Therefore, it significantly reduces the overall execution time.

2.     Improved reliability, availability, and accuracy, especially in environments with limited satellite visibility, such as urban or mountainous areas.

3.      Interoperability provides users with a PNT solution using signals from different GNSS systems.

4. Iono-grid corrections and Tropospheric corrections are provided with a selectable option. GUI with options for the end user to select Iono-grid and/or Tropospheric corrections.

5. MENU-driven user configurability for acquisition, tracking thresholds, satellite elevation mask angle, selection of satellite channels, etc.

6.   MENU is a selectable option for the real-time display of observables such as I/Q correlation values, C/N0, GDOP, PVT solutions, XYZ coordinates of selected satellites, etc.

7.   SDR provides session-wise time-stamped logs for various observables such as C/N0, PR, Navigation message of all the channels, SV time, PVT logs, GDOP, etc. for post-processing.

8. Real-time visualization of PSD of received satellite signals.


2. Work Order No. 11/401/UWR(G)/110(P) regarding Indigenous Development of Automated Correlation System for Under Water Ranges DRDOGoa.


As Co-PI:


Cloud Based Analytical Sensor Test Kit for Advanced Process Control, funded by Melinda & Gates Foundation in collaboration with Prof Srikanth Mutnuri, Head Biological Sciences, BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus, Cranfield University UK and Ohio University USA.


My Part was to develop a plug-and-play kind of IoT-based Sensor kit capable of transmitting real-time data from different sensors to Azure and Google Cloud. The indigenous devices designed for communication are called “Cube,” a solar-powered (self-sustained) device. It used XBee 3G for communication. The end user can communicate with the cube using a developed web/mobile application. The end user can plug in any sensor and must provide the upper and lower threshold for warnings or control. The application automatically updates the system based on the inputs the end user provides.