
Arun Venkatesh Kulkarni


Nuclear Physics, Numerical E and M, Physics Teaching, Theoretical Physics


Courses Taught :-

I have taught several courses during my academic career in BITS, some of these are listed below. Text books and reference material identified by author names (indicated in parenthesis) are provided as an aid  in gauging the level at which each course was taught. Many of these courses were taught multiple times. Year and semester wise breakup details have not been maintained.

  1. Physics I : A first course for entering freshmen Covers Mechanics, Waves & Oscillations & Optics. (Resnick Halliday &Walker, also Kleppner & Kolenkov, & also A.P. French, & by H.J. Pain)
  2. Physics II : Electricity & Magnetism     (D.J. Griffiths)
  3. Measurement Tech.-I : A 2nd yr 1st sem. Undergrad. Expt. Techniques course. 
  4. Modern Physics : A 2nd yr, undergraduate course for Physics Students.     (Beisier, Tipler, Eisberg & Resnick)    
  5. Thermodynamics : Undergraduate Engineering Science course (Text book by :- Van Wylen, Sonntag & Borgnakke)
  6. Math. Methods of Physics : Partial Diff. equations of Physics and Green functions  (C. Harper, & Habermann both published by Prentice Hall )
  7. Complex Analysis : Advanced Elective usually offered by the Maths Dept. for MSc. Maths  students. (Churchill,Fisher,Raemmert, Knopp)
  8. Classical Mechanics : A first yr MSc. level course.  (Goldstein,  Micheal Calkin)    
  9. Quantum Mechanics I : A first yr MSc. level course.  (Schwabl, Schiff, Bohm etc.)
  10. Quantum Mechanics II : An advanced course offered as an elective (Cohen Tannoudji Vol II, M.E Rose, Greiner, Sakurai, etc.)
  11. Theory of Relativity : Elective Course at the senior undergraduate level. (Richard Mould, Robert Resnick, Foster & Nightingale, Weinberg)
  12. Statistical Mechanics : MSc.-Level one- semester course (Sears & Sallinger + Kerson Huang)
  13. Electromag. Theory I : MSc.-Level  one-semester course. (Griffiths, Jackson etc)
  14. Electromag. Theory II : An advanced course offered as an elective. (Jackson, Panofsky & Phillips)
  15. Nuclear Physics : MSc.-Level course.  (Blatt & Weisskopf, Feshbach & deShalit, S.M. Wong, Ashok Das & Ferbel, Gladiola Erba etc.)
  16. Quantum Field Theory : M.Sc. level Elective for senior students. (Bjorken & Drell Vol 1, QED by Greiner)
  17. Theoretical Physics : M.Sc Level, Reading Course covering Field Quantization for Senior Students. (Ashok Das).
  18. Classical Electrodynamics Ph.D Level Course for Pre Ph.D Course work. Covers Electrostatics, Magnetostatics Electrodynamics. (J.D. Jackson, Panofsky & Phillips)
  19. Statistical Physics & Applications 
  20. Ph.D Level Course for Pre Ph.D Course work. Covers Thermodynamics, Classical & Quantum Statistical Mechanics, Bose Gas & Fermi Gas. (Kerson Huang, Patharia, Landau Lifshitz).
  21. Nuclear Engineering  ME Chemical Engg. Level Course. Co-taught (twice in Goa) with Prof. Ponnani who was IC of the course both times. Nuclear Physics part from Nuclear Reactor Engg. 4th Ed. by Samuel Glasstone & Alexander Sesonske.
  22. Modern Physics Lab Taught to 2nd year, 2nd Sem. B5 students during the Pandemic. Prepared videos of experiments and conducted viva’s of students online.
  23. Optics Course for 2nd year students (2 times) Covered Geometrical Optics, Matrix methods for paraxial optics, Interference, Interferometry, Fresnel & Fraunhofer Diffraction, and Polarization. (Ghatak, Hecht)