
Dr. Nilak Datta

Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

American Fiction, American Frontier Studies and Tourism Theory, International Expositions (19th Century), Literary Urban Studies, Literary and Cultural Studies, Postmodernism, Postmodernist Fiction and Commonwealth Fiction

Courses Taught in BITS Goa; PhD Guidance; Courses Taught in US Universities



Teaching as Faculty :




BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus

Associate Professor (Tenured)

w.e.f March 01, 2023 - present

BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa

Campus, India

Assistant Professor (Tenured)

10 years

University of Indianapolis, IN

Assistant Professor

04 Months

Community College of Allegheny County, West

Mifflin, PA

Adjunct Assistant Professor

10 Months

Point Park University,

Pittsburgh, PA,

Adjunct Assistant Professor

05 Months

Ramakrishna Mission

Vivekananda Centenary College, Rahara, WB, India

Lecturer (Tenured)

2 years, 09 Months

Total Teaching as Faculty


14 years, 4 months



Teaching as Graduate Student





Carnegie Mellon University

Graduate Student

7 Years, 2 ½ months

Jawaharlal Nehru University

Graduate Student

06 Months

Total Teaching as Graduate



7 years, 8 ½ months



Doctoral Students Supervised in BITS GOA


  1. Neha Yadav. 2016 PHXF0414G. Doctoral Thesis Submitted. Viva Voce Successfully Defended on 02 September 2022 (BITS Pilani, Goa). Thesis Title: “A Study of an Emerging Genre: The Indian Graphic Novel in English (1994-2015)”

         Doctoral Students Currently under Supervision

  • Parul. (2021PHXP0044G) Currently Writing PhD Thesis
  • Shona Lynn Desilva. (2023PHXP0028G) Currently engaged in coursework.
  • Athira Manoharan (2023PHX P0422G) Currently engaged in coursework.


         Co-Supervisor (Joint PhD Supervision)

  • Mekhla Salkar Anant (2023 PHXP0420G) Currently engaged in coursework.


Doctoral Thesis Committee (DAC) member:

  • Rochelle Ann Fernandez. (2020PHXP0074G) Currently in Thesis Submission stage (BITS Pilani, Goa)



RECENT COURSES TAUGHT     (Current Institutional Home)




  • BITSG539: Research Project 2: Museum Studies
  • BITSG529: Research Project 1: International Expositions, Architectural Performance and Everyday Life
  • BITSG539: Research Project 2: Nostalgia and Performance
  • BITSG529: Research Project 1: Postmodern Literary Theory
  • BITSG529: Research Project 1: Orality, Performances, Culture
  • BITS G 518: WRITING SEMINAR (compulsory course for PhD Scholars in HSS Dept.)
  • BITS G529: Research Project I: The Performances of Everyday Life, Culture, and Identity
  • BITSG513: Study In Advanced Topics: Revisionist Thought and Consumer Culture: Challenges and Alternatives
  • BITS G513- Study in Advanced Topics: Marxist Feminism: Challenges and Alternatives
    • BITSG539: Research Project 2: Critical Theory and Social Space
    • BITSG511: Advanced Project: Narratives of Slavery
    • BITSG511: Advanced Project: Theory, Culture, and Society
    • BITSG511: Advanced Project: Literary and Cultural Theory
    • BITSG529: Research project 1 : Urban Change and Urban Literature in 19th century Paris
    • BITSG513: Study in Advanced Topics: Literary and Cultural Theory
    • BITSG518: Writing Seminar (for Phil)
    • BITSG513: Study in Advanced Topics: Postmodern Theory
    • BITSG529: Research Project 1: Modern Fiction
    • BITSG529: Research Project 1: Postmodern Theory
    • BITS G513: Study in Advanced Topics: Postmodern Fiction




  • HSSF383: Introduction to Museum Studies
  • HSSF373: Shakespeare and Popular Culture
  • HSSF374: Urban Modernity and the Renewal of Paris
  • BITSF112: Technical Report Writing
  • HSSF336: Modern Fiction
  • TAZC312: (WILP): Various Sections in different semesters
  • HSSF399: Introduction to American Literature
  • HSSF226: Post Modernism


Past Teaching Experience in the US

  1. University of Indianapolis


  1. ENG 210: Introduction to Literary Criticism and Literary Theory
  2. ENG 212: British Literature II (Romantics to Modern)


  1. Community College of Allegheny County (South Campus)


  1. ENG-100-SC-31, ENG-102-SC-02, ENG-89-SC-05, ENG-100-SC-31, etc. (English Composition and Argument)


  • Point Park University
    1. ENGL-150-EB (English Composition)
    2. ENGL-250-DJ (World Literature)


Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA (Graduate Student Teaching)


  1. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh Campus


  1. 76101 (Various sections of Freshman English Composition taught from Fall 2003 – Spring 2010)
  2. 76-335: Postmodern Literature
  3. 76-245: Shakespeare’s Comedies and Romances (Teaching Assistant)
  4. 76-245B: Shakespeare’s Histories and Tragedies (Teaching Assistant)


  1. Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar Campus


  1. 76-245: Shakespearean Tragedies: Madness, Guilt, and English Renaissance Culture
  2. 76-237: Postmodern American and British Fiction and Cinema



Teaching as Junior Lecturer


  1. R.K.M.V.C. College (full time/ tenured)


  1. Literature Survey, Developmental English, English Composition courses


  1. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India (Graduate Student/adjunct)


  1. LE 448E: Literature in Indian English